Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 713: They looked at each other in silence...

Billy is a coward!

But he has indeed grown up. He can use the toughest tone and say the most cowardly words. Moreover, after being exposed by the dragon in question, he still changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"How did you find me?"

The dragon looked at each other, amazed at Billy's thick skin and helpless at the fact that the live treasure has not changed for more than a hundred years.

"Hey, why are you silent? At least give a response."

As he said that, Billy turned his head and looked over with a puzzled look.

Very good, thick skin!

Witt thought so in his heart, but said on the surface: "I came with your alchemical works. After all, it is rare to see such ugly and iconic alchemical works.

What's more, there is a mark on it that you showed me once."

While talking, Long followed Billy. To be honest, the passages in this place are really complicated. If we hadn't met Billy by chance, we might have wandered around here for a long time.

On the other side, hearing what Witt said, Billy laughed triumphantly.

"I know you insist that what I do is useless and my works will not spread far. Just kidding, I am a famous alchemist in Evernight City.

However, don't mention this matter in front of Dinnett.

You also know that she is more concerned about her face. The plan that she once opposed has actually worked. For her, it is also a big blow."

Hearing this, Witt Long immediately understood that this plan was definitely thought up by Dinnett.

To be honest, Billy is not that smart.

"Hey, did you listen to me?"

Witt heard it and said helplessly: "I heard it, I heard it. We won't tell Dinnett that we came to this place by accident and bumped into you by accident."

"It sounds full of loopholes!"

Billy hesitated.

"Then tell the truth!"

Isa said jokingly.

Billy hurriedly said, "Think about it carefully, what Witt said makes sense.

Let's not talk about this. When we get to the City of Eternal Night, I must take you to visit my laboratory. I have researched a lot of things to find you.

By the way, let me introduce you to the friends we met in the City of Eternal Night.

Iris, Ze, Yuannian, etc.

They all have good personalities. Ze is the first dragon we met when we first came to the City of Eternal Night. He is the leader of the Night Guard of the City of Eternal Night and has a gentle and serious personality.

Iris is very gentle. She always accompanies me and comforts me when I am in a bad mood.

Although Yuannian is a little unruly and disappears from time to time, I know that he has been to many places and knows a lot of knowledge. The stories he tells always attract many dragons..."

Witt and the dragon followed Billy silently, listening to his mumbling narration.

Of course, they could hear what Billy meant.

Unlike Ao and Isa, Billy, Dinnet and Moshi all have good personalities and can easily get along well with other dragons, especially Billy.

The initial relationship between Witt and others seemed fine, but it was not very good.

Witt didn't trust anyone and liked to be alone.

Celine was a very enthusiastic dragon, but she was clumsy at that time and could only use the way of being a big sister to force several dragons together.

Unfortunately, she met Witt, a thorn.

Ao was very contradictory, eager to integrate, but unwilling to give up his pride, and decorated himself with thorns all over.

Dinnett seemed gentle and had no sense of existence, but this was originally what she wanted. She seemed to be in the team, but in fact she was on the edge.

It was Billy!

His lively personality acted as a glue for several dragons, allowing them to communicate with each other and gradually understand each other.

But who knows if he did it on purpose.

Witt had never seen Billy alone, and he would always stay with other dragons.

Billy was obviously the kind of person who was afraid of loneliness.

So, when he learned from Celine that they were waved and sucked into the space cracks and might be scattered all over the place, he was least worried about Billy and most worried about Billy.

He was not worried because he had the best personality. As long as he was around the city-state, he could take care of himself even if he was alone.

He was worried because if he was really alone, Billy would have been very painful during the first period of being alone.

At this time, Billy's mumbling was telling of his reluctance. He knew that Witt and his friends were not here to see him, but to pick him up.

Dragons are indifferent, but Billy is an exception.

Witt fiddled with the long-distance space teleportation magic circle, mostly because of Billy.


Witt couldn't help sighing in his heart as he looked at Billy, who was flying in front of him and kept talking about his daily life in the City of Eternal Night.

You should give me a chance to speak!

But Billy seemed to have determined that he was going to leave, so he kept talking about every bit of his experience. He should be trying to use this method to let Witt propose a time to leave... later!

Witt, who didn't find a good time to speak, decided to wait until he met Dinnet and the others before speaking. There was really no need to say it twice.

As for now...

It's not that I don't want to say it, but Billy didn't give me a chance to say it, but I can't blame myself.


Time slipped away quietly in Billy's chatter.

When he realized something and stopped, he was already standing at the bottom of the big mine, which was also the location of the City of Eternal Night.

In fact, it didn't take too long.

Although Witt and his friends got lost in the passage for more than half a month, they were not stupid and must have kept going down.

And Billy sneaked out with Dinnett on his back, so he must be able to fly back and forth before the other party found out, and he still had time to use it to dig ore.

So, they also flew for nearly one and a half magic hours.

This was when Billy was concentrating on talking and flying very slowly. Under normal circumstances, this time would be halved, or even less.

Looking at the City of Eternal Night in the distance, Billy was stunned for a moment, then stopped, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Sorry, I was so excited to see you guys that I couldn't help but say so much. Okay, the City of Eternal Night is ahead, and we'll see Dinnett and the others soon."

"In fact, she's already here!"

As he spoke, Witt pointed in the direction of the City of Eternal Night. A green dragon was flying towards this side. When Witt finished speaking, Dinnett had already landed in front of the dragons.

Dinnett didn't speak, but just looked at the Witts quietly.

The Witts just looked at Dinnett.

Dinnett was introverted and not very good at expressing herself, but the excitement in her eyes alone expressed her inner emotions at the moment...

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