Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 716 Billy's Friend!

"That...Dinnet, here I come!"

Looking at the three strange dragons in the store, Iris subconsciously lowered her voice. She was still relatively timid and would always be nervous when facing strange dragons.

So, when Witt and the others heard the sound and turned around, Iris even subconsciously took a step back.

Witt couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Why does this dragon look a little timid!

As for the opposite race, Witt still knows the Cloud Dragon, which is the only dragon that can compete with the Silver Dragon in appearance.

It has a slender body, and on the white dragon scales, there are three colors of light blue, cyan and bright white, like cloud-like patterns, which look very beautiful.

And these three patterns also indicate its own elemental affinity.

Affinity with the three elements of water, wind and light.

When this information emerged in his mind, Witt looked at the other party with a little more strangeness in his eyes.

Water and wind are fine, but the affinity of light elements with places like the City of Eternal Night is really rare.

So far, since Witt entered the City of Eternal Night, he has only felt the existence of light elements on the dragon in front of him, but the elements are quite weak.


When Witt was thinking about this, Dinnett looked at Iris who suddenly appeared, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Why are you in the mood to come out today?

Strange, there are still several months before the annual sunbathing day, and you didn't sleep?"

Hearing this, Iris looked at Witt with some fear (her eyes were too sharp), and then whispered: "Billy woke me up. He knocked on the door for a long time. After I woke up, he just asked me to come to the store, and then flew away."

Dinnett frowned.

"This guy..."

As she said, she subconsciously glanced at Witt.

With her intelligence, she quickly figured out Billy's intention.

On the one hand, she wanted Witt and the others to meet their new friends in the City of Eternal Night, and on the other hand...

Of course, she also knew that the most likely person who would be brought over by Billy was the three-headed dragon.

Not to say that there were only these three friends, but there were only these three who were quite close.

Thinking about this in her heart, on the surface, Dinnet walked away from Iris. She naturally noticed that Iris was wary of Witt and the others.

Iris has a gentle personality, but in her opinion, she is a little too gentle, and can even be called timid.

However, you can't underestimate Iris because of this.

Iris is the only one in the store at this time. At the same age, her own realm is similar to Witt, and she is also a high-level gold dragon.

This is also normal. Iris, who has an affinity with light elements, has been in a dormant state most of the time in the City of Eternal Night, and has been like this since she left the young dragon stage.

And sleeping itself is a training method for giant dragons.

Even if Witt didn't have the forced sleep during his youth, his single element reserves might not necessarily be higher than Iris.

Not to mention the total element reserves, Iris has affinity with three elements.

Even if the light element accumulates slowly, for someone like Iris, who sleeps most of the time and is only awake a few times, the reserves are not as good as the other two elements.

Of course, if they really fight, Iris may not be able to beat Ao and the others.

After all, if they sleep for a long time, their magic and combat skills will definitely be worse.

"Let me introduce you, she is Iris. Don't look at her like this, she is very powerful. Iris, they are the same dragons as us.

They are the dragons that Billy and I often mention.

He is Isa, he is Witt, and he is also the strongest among us."

"Hello... Hello!"

After listening to Dinnet's introduction, Iris suddenly realized why Billy brought her here.

After saying hello to Witt and the others, she looked at Dinnet on the side reluctantly.

Seeing this, Dinnet just smiled helplessly and said nothing.

They must leave.

Not to mention that Celine didn't come, just in terms of their goal, they can't stay in the City of Eternal Night.

Now that all the dragons have been found, their common target is Desidero.

The most likely place to find information about Desidero may not be Fast Continent, but it will definitely not be Saikent Continent.

Returning to Fast Continent is inevitable.

Just when the atmosphere suddenly became a little dull, a hearty and somewhat indecent laugh came in.

"I was wondering why Billy suddenly came to me. It turns out that the companion you have been talking about has come. I am glad to meet you. I am sorry!"

As soon as the voice fell, a black dragon flew in from outside. It was about the same size as Dinnett, and Dinnett was about the same size as Isa.

This dragon was very familiar. After coming in, he looked at Witt and the others with interest, and kept muttering interesting, really interesting and other inexplicable words.

Witt looked at the black dragon in front of him, and his eyes could not help but show a little more interest.

There was nothing wrong with the appearance, it was a black dragon, but the size, strength, and power were not right.

Facing this black dragon, Witt could only feel the deep darkness, and could not tell the depth of the dragon. The strength was not simple, and it was at the level of purple crystal or above.

With such strength, the body must not be so small. It should be able to maintain this body size. From this, it can be judged that this is a more casual dragon.

Although it looks like a black dragon, black dragons are affinities with water and earth elements, not dark elements. The dragon in front of him is obviously affinities with dark elements.

Therefore, this is not a black dragon, but a new alien dragon.

In the dragon species classification of the dragon world, metal dragons, five-color dragons, crystal dragons and elemental dragons all have fixed attributes. No matter whether you look exactly the same, as long as the elemental affinity is not the same, they are all alien dragons.

Just like Witt, Winters and others admitted that Witt was a starry sky dragon because Witt had elemental affinity, so he could be any kind of dragon, but not a silver dragon.

Of course, this is the standard of dragon world.

According to the standard of starry sky, Witt is a silver dragon, and no matter the resentment in front of him or Ollidolf, he is a black dragon.

Just when Witt was thinking about this, Billy's voice came from outside.

"You are all here, now the dragons are all here!"

At this time, another voice sounded, with a helpless tone.

"Billy, I finally took a day off today and was going to find a partner who was compatible with me, and then you pulled me here. If you don't tell me a reason today, I will definitely let you know what darkness is!"

As he spoke, two dragons flew in from outside.

One was Billy, and the other was a flying dragon that was all black and could only recognize a pair of eyes...

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