Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 718 You have overlooked a problem!

Chapter 718 You ignored a question!

"Is it useful?"

As he spoke, there was a hint of doubt in Billy's eyes. He was a professional when it came to alchemy items. Although this was a teleportation magic circle, it still had a lot of alchemy parts.

땤Judging from this part, the main purpose of this alchemy item is protection and concealment.

In addition, he also had some knowledge of the magic circle, so after observing it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "I feel like the power is an issue!"

Hearing this, Victor nodded and looked at Billy with admiration.

"Not bad. I was able to pay attention to this in a short period of time without being familiar with it at all. Yes, even if this magic circle is set up, it will not be used for the time being."


Dinnett heard the meaning of 깊Witt's words.

"So, you have other options?"

Witte nodded and said with a smile: "This magic circle lacks a source, but the source is also the best solution, but this is not for us.

뀪Our resources cannot solve this problem, only city-states.

As for city-states...

Hundreds of years ago, before I came out to look for you, the City of Freedom was interested in studying the long-distance space teleportation magic circle, and brought the City of Sky where I am together.

So, as long as I take this thing back to Sky City, then the long-distance space transmission network will be able to be laid. "

"But how can you guarantee that the top management of Sky City will incorporate Eternal Night City into this long-distance space transmission network?

It's not that I doubt your statement, but the City of Eternal Night is too far.

Although the City of Eternal Night has always been the city-state with the largest outflow of minerals, to be honest, it is difficult to maintain such a large outflow of minerals, even if it is dug and maintained at the same time.

Now, there are new policies for ore mining in the City of Evernight, which strictly prohibit in-depth development.

땤After the outflow of ore decreases, there really is nothing in the City of Evernight. "

The one who said this was out of resentment.

After hearing these words, even Billy and the others looked at each other in surprise. Obviously, they didn't think about it, and they kept showing disrespectful resentment to say such words.

Seeing Billy and the others looking at him like this, Nian Nian gave a bitter smile.

"I'm not just wandering around. I also see many things while wandering around. I see a lot and feel deeply."

After thinking for a while, Ze nodded: "What Resentment said is indeed the dilemma that the City of Eternal Night is currently facing. Of course, although I am considered a high-level person, I am only a guard.

I don’t know much about development matters, so I don’t want to give too many opinions. "

Saying that, Ze looked at 깊Witt, and so did the other dragons.

When Witte saw the dragons finished their discussion, he smiled and said: "You are ignoring a problem, or in other words, you have not thought at all that the abyss is not just here for you."


Resentment and Ze were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther with some confusion.

Dinnit thought about it, and then asked: "The abyss you are talking about is not the weird creatures that once attacked Desedro and the City of Eternal Night!"

Hearing these words, Resentment and Ze's eyes suddenly froze, especially the latter. As a night guard, he had fought head-on with that kind of thing before.

"Really those things?"

Vittor nodded, and the smile on his face gradually faded, and then told all about the battle between Sky City and the Abyss, as well as the investigation into the Abyss.

Moreover, he also took out the book "Abyssal Creatures" that Boredia had produced.

After the dragons circulated it, Ze said in a deep voice: "So, the one who attacked the City of Eternal Night was an abyss demon, leading a group of irrational bone wolves?

Unexpectedly, it turned out that not only the City of Eternal Night was attacked, but also other places.

Moreover, so much information was obtained from the intruder. "

Victor nodded.

"So, you don't have to worry that the City of Eternal Night will not be included in the long-distance space transmission network.

Having experienced the retaliatory invasion of the abyss and fighting a war with abyssal creatures that lasted for several years, Sky City knows the threat of the abyss better than anywhere else.

They will unite all the forces they can to fight against the abyss, an unprecedented enemy.

Don't tell anyone about 깊, 꿷꽭. Few dragons can accept the magical reality that the world is being invaded. "

After a pause, a smile appeared on Werther's face.

"Let's not talk about these things that make the dragon irritated. Our strength is limited. For this level of battle, only the strong ones at the legendary level can determine the outcome of the war.

It's just a small-scale war.

What we can do is just to work hard to improve our strength and protect our friends in this dangerous situation.

No matter how many more there are, we really can't do anything.

In short, as long as I go back and hand this thing to the senior officials of Sky City, they will definitely try their best to unite the city-states I have seen along the way.

누At that time..."

As he said that, Werther glanced at Billy.

"You don't have to worry about whether we will be separated or not. If you want to meet, a teleportation array is enough.

In fact, when I just came of age and left the Sky City, I have been thinking about this question.

I will definitely look for you.

And, when I left, I set a time for myself.

Two thousand years.

If I can't find you within two thousand years, I will just put Desidero first, after all, Celine and the others are still waiting for me to come back.

Now it seems that I am quite lucky. I have found you all in just over three hundred years.

But what about after finding you?

In terms of identity, Billy and the others are just companions born at the same time.

In terms of the time spent together, because I left the Dragon's Nest on purpose, the time I really spent with Billy and the others was only a short 40 years.

But you have really accompanied him for hundreds of years, and because I don't know when I can find you again, this time may even be longer.

I really have a reason. The moment I met Billy and the others, I asked Billy to let you go and go with me. I wonder when we can find Desidero.

As it turns out, I didn't think much about it.

When Billy told me about his life in the City of Eternal Night, he had already shown that he couldn't bear to leave you. You know, this kid was always chasing after me. "

Hearing this, Billy was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

"Sorry, Witt, I..."

"Billy, you don't need to apologize. This is normal. When I set out, I had already thought about this. Fortunately, I still found a solution. "

"I suddenly understand why they keep talking about you! ”

Just then, resentment suddenly spoke...

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