Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 730 It’s time to confess!

Chapter 730: Confessed!

After drinking the last mouthful of "hot soup", the last piece of ice that fixed his body also thawed, and Witt couldn't help but roared excitedly.

Then the wings behind him shook, and his huge body grew about ten meters long and rushed straight into the sky!

Looking down at the pit that was nearly a thousand meters deep and occupied a radius of dozens of miles, Witt couldn't help but smack his lips.

Sure enough, the extreme force is still too dangerous.

Even if the two forces are taken back, there is still high temperature on one side and extreme cold on the other side in this pit.

Witt thought about it and used the force of elements to balance the temperature in the pit.

When the hot air rises and the cold air descends, the two phenomena will appear in a big pit, forming a violent air flow, that is, wind.

If you are not careful, this place will become the place where sandstorms are made!

It is not easy for dragons to live in the desert, and Witt does not want to make it more difficult for them.

Moreover, balancing the temperature is a piece of cake for him.

Very simple!

After easily solving the hidden dangers left by himself, Witt looked towards the west, hesitated for a moment, and turned his head to continue flying towards the east.

The situation on that battlefield is very bad. The abyss of purple crystal level can not be purified by the world itself.

And except for the caravans that come once every few years, there are basically few dragons passing by.

It can be said that the abyss left on the battlefield will soon infect that area and turn it into a paradise for abyss creatures, and it will be difficult to clean up the passing caravans.

Unless the City of Eternal Night is willing to send dragons over, but because the area over there does not belong to the power range of the City of Eternal Night, it will be attacked.

According to the habit of the dragon race, if there is no abyss invasion, the infected area will basically be ignored.

Just like the sky city at the beginning.

But it is not as good as the sky city. After all, there is at least one Boredia that is greatly affected by Witte.

However, it is really not suitable to go there now.

It has been ten years, and the infected area is likely to have been formed, and the infected area is the springboard for the abyss invasion. In that area, the abyss creatures can play their full strength.

Moreover, as I just said, that area is not within the power range of the Eternal Night City.

Refer to the previous lesson of the cruel sand sea.

As long as Witte dares to approach that area, Kli will definitely not open a space crack to jump over.

Let alone ten years, the amount of time law that was restored was only enough for two or three times of time acceleration. Even if I was given a thousand or a hundred times of time acceleration, I would not dare to jump in front of the legend!

What is a rule? Only those that must be followed are called rules. Once they appear, they will be imposed on you. Unless you are strong, you will resist the rules, or even make rules, and the rules will counter.

This is the legend!

Facing a strong man of this level, I have no resistance at all.

And if I go over, I will inevitably attract Kli.

So, Witt fled without hesitation!

Of course, this does not mean that Witt will not care. After all, the situation there was caused by me. This responsibility, not to mention Witt, even if the head dragon comes, will not treat it as if it has not happened.

This is the pride of the dragon.

As for how to deal with it...

Witt has left space anchors around the City of Eternal Night.

Of course, the space anchor and teleportation magic circle given to Billy before have been taken back, and the benefits and disadvantages have been explained to the dragons present at that time.

The establishment of the space teleportation network is not something we can intervene in. Later, the high-level officials of the Sky City will come here to discuss with the high-level officials of the Evernight City.

This is a dialogue between cities. Ordinary dragons, unless you are a legend, don’t even have the qualifications to speak.

As for whether the high-level officials of the Evernight City will be dissatisfied...

What if they are dissatisfied? The high-level officials of the Evernight City are at most dissatisfied with the establishment of the Evernight City’s small piece of land. Then, if the teleportation magic circle is built outside the power range of the Evernight City, then we can’t control it.

In short, this teleportation array must be built.

At that time, Witt will take Poredia with him and clean up that area on the way.

In short, there are many ways. Witt doesn't want to deal with some abyss problems by the way, but when there is obviously insufficient energy, Witt will not be stupid enough to fight!


The time of rushing is always very slow, but this is for Witt. For us, sixty years is just a blink of an eye!

This year, Witt is 686 years old and his body length is more than 100 meters!

At this moment, he is drinking soup!

To ​​be precise, it should be said that he is drinking bath water.

With a big mouth, the surrounding lava melted by his body temperature rushed into Witt's mouth like a flood that opened the gate.

The process is so smooth!

After drinking the lava "lake" with a radius of hundreds of meters, Witt burped with satisfaction, and then looked down at the exposed shabby ruins below.

The ruins in the desert are always buried under the yellow sand.

It is hard to imagine how much history and secrets are buried in such a vast expanse of sand!

To be honest, Witt is quite interested in these.

After all, history, secrets, relics, etc. are always linked to treasures, and treasures, in Witt's view, are basically equal to countless gold coins.

As for why it is gold coins and not other things...

Nonsense, it must be gold coins. The Creator Dragon is here, and the treasure must also be gold coins!

But unfortunately, now I can't live that kind of freedom.

With a sigh, Witt put aside the yearning for freedom in his heart, and then began to face reality. I will soon be in Hemerland.

And, I will soon explode!

As for why Witt dared to explode to Meier...

It's not because of trust, nor because I am my teacher...

How many years have I taught him? I can't even compare to a fraction of Meier's age.

The reason for daring to self-destruct is that he knows that no dragon would be so crazy as to link the law of time with a gold-level dragon.


Do you think it's cabbage, just eat it when you pick it up?

Without enough energy, even if you have the law, you can only watch it, and the value is not even as good as a magic crystal coin in your hand.

Meyer must have guessed that Witt is a time traveler, but this "traveler" is definitely irregular.

In short, in Meyer's view, Witt's return to the past is just an accident.

And he is old and his life is almost over. Even if he is really given a law, can he break through to the legend before his life is over?

Don't be funny!

That's impossible.

Therefore, Witt knows very well that for Meyer, it may be very important, but it may not be important, but it will definitely not be disadvantageous to him!

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