Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 737 A special path!

"Special style?"

Werther looked at Roger with some confusion.

He knows a little too well, what kind of move is considered a special move, is it a teleportation magic circle?

녦If there is such a thing, why does Liberty City need to bother researching it?

When Roger saw Werther looking at him with confusion, he smiled and said: "It seems that you have not been exposed to this kind of driving. However, this is normal. Dragons generally rarely have the opportunity to be exposed to this kind of driving." 뀘style.

After all, the dragon's goal is the treasure, and what is at stake is the process, and this rushing method will omit these.

Hmm...how to put it?

You can think of it as a special teleportation method.

However, the distance of this teleportation is relatively long, and the location of the teleportation point and the target location are fixed.

Of course, it is not a teleportation array, it just has a similar effect.

It is a space in itself, a natural space.

These spaces can take the dragon that enters them to a completely unfamiliar and distant place.

This is the first paragraph of the book "Traveling in the Dragon World" by the legendary traveler, the legendary traveler Ignatz, who proposed the concept of teleportation space.

I believe no dragon knows that the rock dragon is the only dragon among all the dragons that travels all the time.

The legendary traveler, this is a tribute to Ignatz.

Ignatz, who traveled to every inch of the Dragon World, spent five years when he lived for a thousand years, sorting out what he saw and heard, and wrote, "The most famous story in the Dragon World" A travelogue - "Travel in the Dragon World".

Really, if your goal is to travel across all the continents of the Dragon Realm, "Traveling in the Dragon Realm" is a book you must read once, no one else..."

As he spoke, Roger noticed that Werther's eyes were full of confusion.

He looked at Werther in astonishment.

"You haven't heard of "Dragon World"?"

Werther shook his head.

Seeing this, Roger looked at Werther speechlessly: "You grew up in such a closed place, uh... If you misunderstand, I don't mean any harm, I'm just sighing."

Witte was satisfied and said with a smile: "I come from the City of Sky."

Hearing this, Roger suddenly realized.

"It turns out to be the Castle in the Sky, so that would be great."

Witte asked curiously: "Why do you say that? I think Sky City is not remote and easy to find!"

Roger explained: "The City of Sky is the most closed dragon city-state on the Fast Continent, located in the northwest of the central part of the Fast Continent.

Fast Continent has many hills, plains and forests. If there are no iconic mountains or rivers, it would be quite easy to find a city-state.

For example, you can definitely find the City of Freedom if you go west along the Starry Night River.

Another example is the City of Ice and Snow. Go all the way north along the Moon Shadow River. When you reach the edge of the big ice field, go all the way east along the edge of the big ice field. You will reach the City of Ice and Snow.

However, Sky City is different. There are no iconic mountains or rivers. There are many rivers that merge into the Starry Night River, and the Morton River is just one of the more common ones.

There are many rivers of the same type and in the same direction. If you know it well, you will most likely find the wrong river.

The Evernight Forest is quite big, but it is difficult for the forest to be used as a landmark.

As for the Morton Mountains, that mountain range is a little too long. As a landmark, some of it is too qualified.

Moreover, for the Chamber of Commerce, these areas are relatively dangerous, difficult to develop, and high in maintenance costs.

Of course, these are secondary reasons.

The main reason is that there are no special magic materials or ores in Sky City, such as the space ore in Free City and the snow shadow ore in Ice and Snow City.

These are very rare ores and are worthy of the Chamber of Commerce's efforts to open trade routes.

However, there are no such ores or other unique and rare magic materials in Sky City. "

After hearing this, Werther finally understood.

No wonder 꽭空城놊 has "늌 diplomats", but they are just decorations. 꽭空城놊 is not closed, but is closed.

However, if there is a space transmission network, these will no longer be a problem.

꽭 Castle in the Sky is still very wrong, especially for Thunder Dragon and Wind Dragon.

With these thoughts in mind, Witte then asked: "Do you sell "Travel in the Dragon World" here?"


Roger nodded.

"This book is quite special, especially because it contains the distribution points of the teleportation space on a continent.

Of course, since the same place has many names, or no name at all, Ignatz's descriptions of these places in the book are somewhat easy to understand.

Therefore, deciphering "Wandering in the Dragon World" is the key task of every chamber of commerce.

Every time one more teleportation space is learned, it means one or even several more trade routes for the Chamber of Commerce.

So, you need to buy this book.

We will directly give the book to the dragons who are interested in reading this book. You dragons like adventure and often go to places that are inaccessible to dragons. You may encounter teleportation spaces.

If anyone can really come across it and is willing to share it with the Chamber of Commerce, from now on, all the products of the Chamber of Commerce will be purchased at half price, forever.

Of course, exchanging treasures is also acceptable. "

Hearing this, Witte nodded. This was a good idea and very attractive to the dragon.

At least, he now feels that if he really encounters the teleportation space that the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce knows about in the future, he will be willing to use this information to exchange for some gold coins.

Anyway, for him, this is a sure win, and it is a matter of going with the flow.

Of course, he is interested in this book because he has seen some books about other continents in the library of Desidero.

This is normal!

After all, Desidero is the only dragon nest that changes its location every once in a while.

However, the information about other continents that he can find in the library is complete. In other words, before, Witt always thought that there were only five continents in the dragon world.

But it turns out that there are three continents that have not been recorded in the library.

This information is very important to him.

Moreover, he finally understood how Si Kuo traveled between the continents separated by the Endless Sea.

If he had known this earlier, he should have asked Si Kuo for this information.

To be honest, the more he knew, the more Witt understood how likely it was to find Desidero in the Dragon Feast.

Just like he had thought, if it was really possible, he would travel across five continents to find Desidero.

But the truth is, it was not five, but three continents.

However, he was not discouraged.

A rock dragon could travel across five continents, how could he, a giant dragon, do it? As long as Desidero was still in the dragon world, he would definitely be able to find him.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt asked, "Where is the teleportation space leading to the Free City?"


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