Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 756 Return to the Free City!

Chapter 756 Return to Free City!

Ignatz is not a great writer.

But simple language can also write fascinating stories, because these stories are real enough!

Soon, Kotlin, who was reading with a task, was immersed in Ignatz's memory journey.

Of course, the follow-up state has been turned on, and he is also afraid that he will lose it.

At least, at this time, he has two companions. Before, he was reading while flying aimlessly in one direction.

As for where he can go, everything depends on fate.

It is because this lonely journey lasts too long, so he has the idea of ​​finding a place to sleep.

And now... sleep?

Sleeping is not as important as gaining knowledge!

However, Witt will suffer.

Thinking of this, Kotlin cursed himself inwardly.

How can you be distracted when reading!


Is Witt suffering?

Of course not, who hasn't experienced a long journey?

And dragons who have experienced a long journey will more or less master some ways to relieve boredom.

Kotlin read books, while Witt practiced.

Although he looked straight ahead and flew steadily, in fact, part of his attention was on the front of Seros.

That's right, he also hung up.

At this time, most of Witt's attention was focused on upgrading the shaping magic circle.

As an important means of attack for Witt, he must upgrade it in advance when he is about to be promoted to the platinum level.

In fact, Witt has spent nearly half of his time on this journey in these years.

As for the reason...

It was not the sleep in his youth that made the shaping magic circle lag behind his strength by several versions.

And the upgrading of the shaping magic circle is also a very difficult process.

How difficult is it?

It is equivalent to Witt's teacher, studying and creating those low-level magic circles.

The difficulty of these two things is that no dragon has been studied in this way before. Witt and his teachers were all bravely entering the dragon-free zone.

There are too many things to consider.

It was only decades ago that Witt finally caught up with the progress he had missed.

And this time, it was developed in advance.

As for how much this magic circle should be upgraded... I'm afraid to scare you if I tell you, Witt wants to upgrade it to a point infinitely close to the forbidden spell!

The forbidden spell is the standard configuration of the purple crystal level.

Dragons are different. They have far more elemental reserves than other dragons, and the strength of dragon souls (mental strength), which makes them eligible to contact forbidden spells after entering the platinum level.

Shaping magic is different from elemental magic. It is a low-level magic in itself. With the improvement of proficiency and the improvement of the user himself, it has no upper limit, and the way to measure its power is actually the user's own realm.

In general, it is beyond the scope of play for platinum-level dragons to use forbidden spells, so the standard configuration of platinum level is actually high-level magic.

If shaping magic is to be matched, platinum-level shaping magic should actually correspond to high-level magic.

However, based on shaping magic, Witte created a shaping magic array.

As we all know, magic arrays are not restricted by users. As long as your elements can hold up, you can activate a forbidden spell magic array even at the gold level.

But most dragons do not have such conditions.

However, platinum level can.

Platinum-level dragons can really activate a forbidden spell magic, but the consumption will be greater.

And shaping magic is a continuous element output.

Needless to say, Witte is cautious. He will not sacrifice endurance to increase damage without thinking.

Therefore, the strength of this shaping magic array is set by Witte to be infinitely close to the forbidden spell level, but it is not a forbidden spell. The element consumption between the two is very different.

Of course, the most important thing is that when his realm is upgraded to the platinum level, he himself has a forbidden spell level attack, that is, the two breaths with extreme power.

For a regular battle, there is no need for a forbidden spell-level shaping magic circle.

According to Witt's estimation, the forbidden spell-level shaping magic circle can only be used smoothly after he breaks through to the middle platinum level.

Of course, the premise of the above is that Witt does not turn on the "big night light" for super endurance.

And Witt is more cautious. His opponents in battles are dragons in a few cases, and abyssal creatures in most cases.

Facing abyssal creatures, this "big night light" cannot be turned on easily.

The two guys in his body have been fed by him into monsters that he himself does not want to use easily.

In short, in order to upgrade the shaping magic circle, Witt officially started the idle journey.

Only Cyrus was left, looking at the two bodies with a confused face, and they automatically followed him wherever he flew.

If I remember correctly, the purpose of his looking for companions is not to chat!

But he had chosen these two dragons himself, and he had to fly them to the end even if he had to cry and kneel down.

Facing two dragons that were idle, Seros had to use his last resort.

Whether you listen or not, I'm going to tell you!

Moreover, he had an audience, and they wouldn't refute him. Even if he was less active, it wouldn't matter much.

Ten years have passed by in a hurry...

Of course, Seiros didn't keep talking for ten years. With three heads and a worn-out tongue, he couldn't do it!

However, Witte Kotlin has been hung up for ten years, during which time he rarely woke up.


Finally done! "

After taking a long breath, Werther murmured consciously, and his eyes moved accordingly.

Just when his brain began to receive signals from the outside world, a voice full of resentment, as if it had experienced injustice like snow in June, sounded faintly next to him.

"You finally woke up!"

Werther looked in the direction of the sound...


Why are you looking at me like this? What's wrong? What happened?


I have a headache. I have used up so much mental energy. Is this too much? "

"ten years!"

Seiros was unmoved, and still looked at Werther with a resentful look. Since he had so many heads, it was not a big deal to stare at Werther with one of his heads.

He must let the other party know how difficult it has been for him in the past ten years!

There was obviously a fellow traveler by his side, but in the past ten years, he had not felt half the fun of walking with the dragon.

This is equivalent to if you have been guarding the safe for ten years, knowing that there is a lot of gold in it, but you just can't open it, you just say it's uncomfortable or not!

"ten years?"

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked forward.

Maybe because there was still some distance, he couldn't see the buildings of Liberty City, but he had already seen the highest peak. The white color was not snow, but the bones of the challenger!

The ruler of Free City, Libby!

When I saw where the other party lived, Liberty City was not far away...

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