Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 76 Alchemy!

"What is alchemy?"

Lofa's voice was slow and gentle, sounding very comfortable, but the content was something that Witt and the others had never considered!

Speaking of which, the knowledge related to alchemy was not mentioned at all in the books that Winters recommended to Witt.

Fortunately, Lofa did not expect Witt and the others to be able to answer this question, and chuckled.

"Haha, I guess you don't know!

It's normal!

Because in the eyes of most dragons, alchemy is not a way to enhance their own strength. In this regard, magic circles are better than alchemy.

And the fact is that it is so.

Alchemy does not make you stronger.

Of course, there are exceptions. You all know the bone dragons!

Even among the alien dragons, bone dragons are extremely special.

But in fact, the first bone dragon in the world was not naturally generated, but the result of dragon body alchemy!

Its name is Os!

And the unlucky guy who performed dragon body alchemy was killed by Os who woke up.

Also destroyed were his alchemy laboratory and all the data of that dragon body alchemy.

That was the distance between bone dragons and becoming a real dragon race. The most recent one.

Of course, it is not a good idea to create a bone dragon clan through dragon body alchemy.

That means countless dragon species will lose the freedom to die!

Therefore, dragon body alchemy is expressly prohibited!

Of course, there must be some dragon nests in secret trying to obtain a large number of bone dragon warriors through dragon body alchemy!

However, I have never heard of any dragon nest succeeding.

The birth of Os was actually a coincidence. If you want to replicate another Os, there is only one way, that is to let the unlucky guy come back to life.

Of course, this is not possible!

Therefore, Os became the only one in the world who became a bone dragon through dragon body alchemy.

And the second bone dragon in the world was created by him.

When his appearance , when he was out of tune with all the creatures in the world, he would feel lonely in his heart, driving him to find creatures with the same appearance as himself.

So, for a long time after Oss was born, he traveled around the world, trying to find the second skull dragon!

Unfortunately, he never found it!

And he began to seek another way without finding his kind.

That's right!

Back to dragon body alchemy.

Of course, Oss's character is not cruel, so his source of materials is not hunting, but attacking. This is very important, you must remember it!

However, Oss is a loner, so his understanding of alchemy is only that he himself is a product of alchemy, but that is only what he thinks of alchemy, not in fact!

So, the second skull he created The bone dragon was also an accident, and it was not an alchemical accident.

He just found a place to bury the dragon's body. This behavior lasted for an unknown period of time. By chance, the second skull dragon was born.

However, Oss discovered that the second skull dragon was different from him. The second skull dragon had a lifespan limit, and his lifespan was the same as that of the giant dragon species.

That's right!

Oss's lifespan is not limited, or in other words, his lifespan is very long, so long that he is still alive today!

And now, more than 20,000 years have passed since Oss first became active!

The normal lifespan of the giant dragon species is 24,000 years. Of course, if its own strength breaks through to the legend, it can break through the lifespan limit. Such a dragon is called an ancient dragon!

This is why I asked you to remember that Oss's character is not cruel. If you have the opportunity to meet Oss, you can try to communicate with him.

More than 20,000 years of experience, just revealing some of it, is enough for you to suffer for a lifetime!

Of course, dragon body alchemy is not without sequelae.

Here, we have to mention an eternal principle related to alchemy.

Equivalent exchange!

Os's long life is not without price. One price is that his strength will always stay at the level of legend, and there will be no further progress.

And another price is that he lives in sobriety all his life!

The soul fire fueled by dark elements will never go out! "

Although Lofa stopped talking, Witt and the others were still immersed in Os's story.

Lonely wanderer!

This is the impression that Os left in Witt's mind!

At the same time, alchemy left a deep impression in Witt's heart!


Not only Witt, but Celine and the others as well.

Perhaps, this was the purpose of Lofa telling this story.

"So, what exactly is alchemy?"

Witt had to admit that Lofa successfully aroused his interest in alchemy!

Lofa looked at Witt and said with a smile: "Alchemy is to turn something that was originally useless to us into something else that is useful to us!

Does it sound familiar?

Think about it carefully, the refining of potions is to refine herbs and materials that were originally useless to us into potions that are extremely helpful to us!

So, the potions in the past were all called alchemy potions!

The same is true for magic circles!

The materials that are of little use to us are processed and drawn into a magic circle that can help us fight.

Therefore, the previous magic circle was also called the alchemy magic circle!

After hearing this, I believe you have a preliminary understanding of alchemy. Yes, alchemy is actually a very broad concept!

This concept has been followed for a long time. After the development of potions and magic circles, these two parts broke away from the concept of alchemy.

Until now, alchemy refers specifically to alchemy items!

Alchemy items are divided into three categories: life, experiment and combat!

Daily alchemy items are actually very common in the academy. In other words, you have all seen that the luminous beads in the dragon's lair are actually alchemy items.

It does not naturally emit light, but has a special luminous magic array engraved inside.

As for the experimental alchemy items, when you refine the potions later, you can see them in the experimental classroom on the second floor.

And fighting..."

Having said this, Luofa paused, and then continued: "As I said at the beginning, alchemy is not enough to enhance one's own strength.

That's because combat and alchemy items are all external forces.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you rely on external force, but in all cases, you need to rely on your own strength!

Just like the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons!

In that event, there will be a Dragon King Challenge!

Of course, the Dragon King here does not refer to the king of the dragon clan, but an honorary title for the strongest among the strong dragons.

In this challenge, no external force is needed! "

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