Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 760: Crush from the Academic Master!

"What if there is a treasure inside?"

As soon as Kotlin finished speaking, Seros grinned.

"I can't pretend I didn't hear that. If there is a treasure, it should be diamonds, right?"

Witt shook his tail and said firmly: "It must be gold coins!"


For a moment, the three dragons looked at each other with a little anger.

But soon, they calmed down.

After all, they didn't like the same kind of things, and their dispute was just verbal.

If they liked the same kind of things, they would have been ready to fight and decide who would get the treasure after opening it.

Uh...this is still the case when they like each other.

"Let's find the treasure first!"



Seeing this, Witt turned his eyes to Kotlin.

The latter didn't waste any words and led the dragons to the head of the mountain range, that is, the head of the dead dragon.

Witt and Seros hurriedly followed.

Two days later, Witt and his team reached the head of the mountain range.

Witt took a look at the scenery in front of him.

Inside the huge "dragon's mouth" is a complex grove. Due to the existence of the "upper jaw", the forest is not very tall, only about four or five hundred meters. The tangled trees, weeds, and shrubs block the entire forest tightly.

It looks like there is no claws anywhere.

"It's this area. We need to find a collapsed cave and reach it."

After hearing what Kotlin said, Witt and Seros all looked at each other.

Sairos couldn't help asking, "Are you serious?"

The trees here are not as tall as theirs, not to mention the distance between trees. Sairos even doubted whether there was a space inside that could hold his claws.

Kotlin sighed helplessly.

"This is what the book says. What can I do? Just look for it. By the way, do you have any magic to detect it? To be honest, I don't want to go in."

If you go in, you may face being poked in the eyes, poked in the nostrils, and forced to eat vegetarian food at any time.

Although it doesn't hurt much, it's uncomfortable!

After hearing this, Witt's eyes lit up.

"Don't say it, it's true!"

As he said this, Witt's lips moved, and a small water-blue magic circle appeared in front of him, and then a large ball of water flew out of the magic circle.

After squirming for a while, the water ball turned into dozens of heads, which looked similar to Witt, but were only the size of a newly hatched dragon, that is, a water dragon about one meter long.

Witt thought about it, and the water dragons flew towards the forest.

"This is..."

Seeing this scene, Seiros' eyes flashed with doubt. It seems that there is no such water element magic in his inherited memory.

Witt smiled and said: "Water phantom dragon, a 35-node magic of water element, a relatively unconventional exploration magic. Those water dragons can carry my mental power, and I can see what they can see.

I accidentally found it from a magic book.

If you hadn't mentioned it just now, I wouldn't have remembered this magic. After all, I know too much magic."

All categories, first-level, second-level, high-level and forbidden spells, all common and uncommon, he has them in his head, except for some commonly used combat magic. To be honest, most of the magic needs to be reminded, and he can remember it.

Of course, this is not a memory problem, but a mental problem.

This situation will occur when the mental strength is not enough to carry the amount of knowledge.

Fortunately, this situation will not affect Witt's combat effectiveness.

"However, this magic has a disadvantage."

Witt continued.

"The more water dragons there are, the more perspectives there are, the more information they need to process, and the greater the pressure on dragons using magic.

This forest is very small for us, and it is even difficult to enter.

But for water dragons, it is quite large.


Kotlin looked at Witt in confusion.

"So what?"

Witt rolled his eyes.

"So, don't just stand there, wait a minute, I'll think about it... think about it...Okay, Dark Dragon, Natural Dragon, Kotlin, you choose one!

Also, Seros, you choose one, Thunder Dragon, White Dragon, and White Dragon!"

Kotlin and Seros were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that Witt was going to teach them this series of magic.

Although I don't mind learning one more useful magic, but...

"This thing is actually a set of magic!"

Hearing the sigh of Seiros (right) who had not had a chance to speak for a long time, Witt smiled and shook his head.

"It's not a set. Originally there was only the Water Magic Dragon, but I just slightly modified the spell of the Water Magic Dragon, so there are other elements."


Looking at Witt who said the modified spell so easily, Kotlin and Seiros looked at each other. They just felt that the breath of a magic master was blowing in their faces.

Kotlin grinned.

"Is it so simple to modify the magic spell?"

Witt nodded as a matter of course.

"That's for sure. Just replace some of the ancient dragons in the spell 꿗 with one 떘, and then change some of the tones to make the 꽮 element nodes constructed by the recombined ancient dragons tend to a stable state. This will be improved. , not difficult.”

It's not difficult... these three words kept echoing in the minds of Seros and Kotlin.

Isn't this difficult?

Just the first step is already difficult, okay!

Forget it about Seros, Kotlin is almost doubting Long Sheng. He has been reading magic books for hundreds of years, and has read all kinds of them, but it seems that he doesn’t teach this!

Could it be that he read the wrong book?

Seeing the two dragons frozen in place, Witte raised the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

You dare to say in front of me that you like other junk but not gold coins. If I don’t give you something powerful, you don’t know what respect is!

Of course, it can't be shown on the face.

"Tell me which one you choose. Are you going to let me explore the entire forest alone?"

Hearing this, Seiros came back to his senses.

"Learn everything!"*3

They don't want to be compared with other heads.

Kotlin thought for a while, and then said: "In Lin's case, let's go with the natural magic dragon!"

No matter what kind of magic dragon it is, this magic is just a bit of magic. For Seiros and Kotlin, if they just learn it, it is nothing at all.

Soon, the two dragons each chose a direction and left.

If you want to investigate, you must open the investigation, the effect will be the best.

After the two dragons left, Witte began to carefully sift through the information sent back by the water dragons...

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