Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 78 Witt’s Stomach!

"Alchemy class now officially begins!"

As soon as Luofa's voice fell, a large pile of ore and a metal pot as big as a head appeared in front of Werther and the others!

"Remember what I said about the meaning of alchemy?

Turning something that is originally useless to us into something else that is useful to us is alchemy!

Most of the stones in front of you are iron ore!

Iron ore is useless to us, but the metallic iron extracted through alchemy is a material with a wide range of effects.

Especially when it is mixed with other things, some relatively hard mixed metals can be obtained. In addition to being hard in texture, these mixed metals are also very good carriers of magic arrays.

The magic circle is an important component of the alchemy puppet!

Therefore, your next task is to refine these ores into mixed metals.

How to mix it is up to you.

Again, the operation of alchemy does not need to be as precise as that of potions and magic circles.

Alchemy is based on imagination and discovery!

The interesting thing about alchemy is that you never know what will be born from your hands!

Of course, alchemy is not without standards, and the functions and ingredients of various mixed metals are not without optimal proportions, but those are all things recorded in books.

By referring to the contents of the book and making corresponding alchemy products, you can indeed become a qualified alchemist, but you cannot become an excellent alchemist!

I prefer excellence to being qualified, and I prefer unknowns and surprises!

In addition, the pot is the container! "


At this moment, a crisp cracking sound attracted the attention of all the dragons, including Luofa!

Billy smiled awkwardly while holding the iron ore he had already taken a bite of.

“Looks delicious!”

Witte sighed helplessly and was about to say something when he saw that the other dragons turned their heads as if nothing had happened, as if they hadn't seen it!

Seeing this, Werther swallowed his words as soon as they came to his lips, and then he turned to look at Celine in a daze.

Well, Celine knew about Werther's situation and explained in a loud voice: "In addition to meat, ores are also food for crystal dragons and metal dragons, and they are the heavier ones!

The metal element of the ore can make the scales of crystal dragons and metal dragons harder.

By the way, after seeing the ore, don’t you have the urge to eat it? "

As she spoke, Celine moved her body, revealing Ao behind her.

The other person's mouth was opening and closing, chewing carefully, but he made more noises while eating than Billy. He, who was listening carefully just now, didn't even notice it!

Isa, who was sitting next to Celine, didn't eat, but her eyes were staring at the ore in front of her, and a ray of crystal even flowed from the corner of her mouth!

Seeing this scene, Witte silently turned his gaze to the pile of ore in front of him.

Well, no urge to eat at all!

At this time, Luofa suddenly said: "Although the absorption effect will be better if you eat it after you are out of the young dragon stage, it is still good as a snack.

You are Werther, I heard Winters tell you about you.

놚No 놚Try it?

Although your race is now a starry sky dragon, it still contains the blood of the silver dragon, and you may be able to absorb the metal elements of the ore! "

Hearing this, Werther hesitated for a moment, then grabbed a piece of iron ore and stuffed it into his mouth!

The sharp and hard teeth chew the iron ore carefully. Well... it doesn't have any taste, it feels like eating dirt, but the texture is surprisingly good.

땤And, as he chewed, a sense of pleasure originating from the depths of his blood made Werther's eyes light up!

"Witt, your body!"

Hearing Celine's slightly startled voice from behind, Werther subconsciously looked down.

"My body... eh... why do I feel like my scales are much brighter!"

After being stunned for a moment, Werther swallowed all the ores left in his mouth, and then looked up at Luofa.

"My body is..."

"Don't be impatient. I'll take a look at it for you first!"

Listening to Lofa's gentle voice as always, Werther felt relieved and waited quietly.

땤Luofa released his mental power and began to investigate carefully.

After a moment, Luofa chuckled.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing!

Although I don’t know what the reason is, your dragon stomach has left the young dragon stage early.

Therefore, you can absorb the metal elements of iron ore very well, which will make your dragon scales harder than other dragons of the same age!

I suggest you talk to Winters about this and she will make the best arrangement for you! "

Hearing this, except for Witte, the expressions of all the other dragons changed!

Friends are friends, but the dragon's pride does not allow them to be willing to lag behind the dragon!

Werther's much larger size than them has always stimulated Celine's sensitive hearts, so they have been practicing hard and trying to catch up with Werther!

Now, Witte's dragon scales can actually be strengthened by swallowing ores in advance, which makes it even more difficult for them to catch up!

But this is also a physical advantage. No matter how unwilling they are, they can only watch, not imitate!

Especially Celine and Dinnit.

They are not metal dragons or crystal dragons, eating ore will only cause them indigestion!

The dragon scales of other dragons are strengthened by other means.

Witt didn't know what other dragons were thinking. After hearing what Lofa said, he made up his mind to go to Winters to explain the situation after class.

Witt's matter was just an episode!

Next, what Witt and the others had to do was to smelt the iron ore on the test bench!

Of course, the process would not be so smooth!

Lofa only gave them the use of three magic arrays on the test bench, and then left all the time to Witt and the others!

The constant temperature array must be used to smelt the ore, there is absolutely no mistake about this!

But what about the temperature?

Witt didn't know, he could only try it a little bit!

Witt, who was serious, automatically blocked the surrounding movements.

He first classified several obviously different ores. Before, Lofa had said that the most was iron ore!

He selected a few pieces of iron ore and put them in the metal pot, then placed it in the constant temperature array. Then, Witt carefully controlled the magic array and gradually raised the temperature.

Soon, the ore in the metal pot reached a red-hot state and melted little by little.

Seeing this, Witt stabilized the input of elements, let the magic array maintain this constant temperature, and then he began to wait...

Lofa looked at Witt and nodded.

It was a very cautious approach, but it could only be said to be a rule. Most other dragons were also like this. Only Billy next to Witt made his eyes light up!

Billy casually grabbed a handful of ore, threw it into the metal pot, and then smelted it, just like a joke!


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