Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 81 Gift!

"Okay, now that you're all done, get out of class can be over now!"

Hearing this, all the little dragons couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then they simultaneously turned to look in the direction of the classroom door.

The sunlight shines in from the mountain 껙 above the college, passes through the classroom door, and falls on the area near the classroom door. It looks bright and warm!

Speaking of which, it must be 뀙山껙꺶, otherwise, the college located in 뀙山껙꺶 would be so depressing.

Of course, even so, in the academy, whether it is a classroom or a laboratory, whether it is a cafeteria or a dragon's lair, no matter day or night, the beads embedded in the walls are emitting a faint light, illuminating the interior space.

Well, these are not the main point now, the main point is, it is still bright, why did Luofa mention the word "end of get out of class".

Looking at the actions of Werther and the others, how could Luofa not know what these little dragons were thinking.

“꿷天’s mission is completed, then the remaining time will naturally be left to your own disposal.

However, before get out of class ends, I have one thing for you! "

As he spoke, six scales corresponding to the colors of Werther and the others floated in front of Werther and the others out of thin air.

Looking at Jilong's confused look, Luofa said with a smile: "The reverse scales will not grow until you are out of your infancy, and in the next few decades, you will need to use all kinds of things in class. There will only be more materials, not less.

Some common things are fine if we put them here, but some things you made yourself will be a little inconvenient if you mix them together.

The scale in front of you is the space storage device I made after imitating the reverse scale space.

The space is not very big, only one-third of the size of this laboratory, but it is enough for you to use before the reverse scale grows! "

Not a lot of space?

All the dragons looked around blankly at the laboratory they were in.

Not to mention anything else, the hundred-meter-high Luofa only occupies less than one-tenth of the area, which is enough to show how large the space of this laboratory is.

눁One-third 꺶 small... Thinking of this, Werther's eyes lit up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How much stuff should be packed in this!

Seeing Werther and the others looking at the scale in the sky, their eyes gradually became hotter, and the corners of Luofa's mouth couldn't help but grin.

"Okay, lift your neck and don't move!"

Having prepared such a good gift for them, at this time, Lofa's image was extremely high in the hearts of Werther and the others. Naturally, they would do whatever Lofa said!

He raised his head high and straightened his neck, while his eyes continued to stare at the scale floating in front of him, full of warmth and curiosity.

Then they saw the scale flying towards their collarbone.

"The reverse scale is located at the connection between the neck and the chest. Normally, it is not visible, but whenever you straighten your neck, you can clearly see that a scale is missing here.

The missing scale is the reverse scale, and it is also the weakest point in your young dragon stage compared to other positions!

Do you still remember the war with Abeidramon two years ago?

A very important reason why Abeyi dragon beasts are called baby dragon killers is that they can easily find the location of your reverse scales and pierce it with their sharp tail needles!

Therefore, this time is an exception. In the future, no matter what, do not expose this location easily. Do you understand? "

Luofa's tone was still slow and gentle, but this time, they heard it beyond doubt!

Werther nodded subconsciously, and then they felt a cold feeling coming from the position Lofa mentioned.

"Okay, this scale has been installed. Take a look for yourselves!"

Hearing this, Witte and the others hurriedly looked down, only to see a scale that was obviously taller than the other dragon scales, embedded in their collarbones.

Looking at this dragon scale, Witte and the others liked it more and more, and then they were ready to test the function of this scale.

But at this moment, Luofa looked at Werther, and then said: "Werter, although saying this may make you a little disappointed, this scale is more of a magic than an alchemical creation. Array!"

What Luofa said was incomprehensible, but Werther understood it, and then the happy look on his face suddenly became nervous.

His body is constantly devouring the two elements of 뀙 and water floating in the surrounding air!

Then other magic elements will not be swallowed up?

Of course not!

However, the concentration of other magic elements does not meet the conditions for devouring, or in other words, for other magic elements, it is not devouring, but possessing and then discarding!

Other magical elements are just strengthening tools for Werther's body, and they will not stay in the body after they are used up.

Werther discovered this himself and told Winters.

Therefore, when he saw the dense magic arrays on his teacher's body, while he was envious, he bluntly said that he couldn't learn this move!

Because of this, the teacher was not surprised when he said he couldn't learn it!

No way, the magic core and magic solution used in the magic circle are all high-concentration magic element polymers. When these things come into contact with his body, the magic elements inside will be borrowed by his body to strengthen the body.

When it is returned, of course it cannot be returned to the magic circle, but it is sent to the outside world.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at Lofa nervously.

"Then this scale..."

The excitement on the faces of other dragons gradually faded, including Isa. Although there were conflicts and frictions, they were more of a joke than a real confrontation.

Looking at the expressions of the dragons, Luo Fa said helplessly: "Okay, I admit that I spoke a little slowly, but you guys should put your mind at ease first, and so should you, Witte!

What I just meant was not that you can't use this scale.

What I meant was that the essence of this scale is a magic array. We all know that you have a special physique, so your scale has been specially treated!

However, it is difficult to really control things like physique!

So, you need to pay attention to the color of the scale from time to time in the future. When it changes from silver-white to gray-white, you need to find your teacher!

Otherwise, once the array on this scale collapses, the space inside the scale will collapse as well.

As for the things inside, they may fall beside you or far away. Of course, the worst possibility is that they will be annihilated by the collapsed space!"

Only when he heard that he could still use this scale did Witte feel relieved.

Then, he glanced at Luo Fa with resentment.

Winters, who teaches magic, is a poor student who gets sleepy when he sees a book; Boko, who teaches herbal medicine, is a "mad scientist" whose laboratory is full of dragon organs; the teacher who teaches formations is a "military arsenal" with magic formations painted all over his wings!

I thought Luofa was more normal, but he was talking and panting!

Uh... okay, now that I think about it, Luofa is really normal!


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