Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 84 Follow me!

"Okay, Witt, it's been a magic hour. Let's stop and rest. Last time you left, your steps were a little weak!

Besides, I know a little about alchemy. Alchemy classes consume mental energy and element reserves.

Even if you leave early, the consumption is real!"

While speaking, Bo Ke put down the potion he was refining and looked at Witt.

Witt didn't insist.

Last time, he woke up and fell asleep, which made him understand that time is meaningful to him, but not much, anyway, it is enough!

After stopping, Witt noticed that this practice was much better than the last time.

On the one hand, it was because his dragon scale defense was stronger, and on the other hand, as his proficiency in this magic gradually improved, the power of the explosion was indeed weakened.

At this time, a large ball of light green viscous liquid completely wrapped up his tail.

Feeling the faint coolness coming from his tail, Witt looked up at Boko.

"Thank you, Boko!"

As soon as the voice fell, Witt was stunned.

Suddenly, a large piece of cooked meat appeared in front of Boko, which was almost twice the size of his body. Judging from the taste, it should be the meat of Buslong Beast.

Seeing Witt looking at this side with a puzzled face, Boko smiled.

"Prepare for you!

After seeing your determination, I know that you will practice magic here for a long time in the future.

And practicing magic consumes not only elements and mental power, but also physical strength.

You are not out of the young dragon stage yet, so you can't take potions to replenish elements and mental power, but it's easy to restore physical strength."

As he said, Boko had already put the meat in front of Witt.

Witt looked at Boko with great emotion, and then swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

Feeling the slow recovery of physical strength, Witt couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Boko's preparation was thoughtful.

After eating, Witt rested for a few minutes and started practicing again.

This time, Witt had no choice but to stop after practicing less than half a magic.

His physical strength has almost recovered. Although his mental strength has been greatly consumed, he can still persist in practicing magic for another one or two magic hours. This time, the power of the elements stored in the dragon crystal is exhausted!

Including the water element!

Speaking of the water element, Witt later realized how naive he was to hide his ability to breathe two kinds of breath when he was just born!

Not to mention that Bo Ke had checked his blood, the two elements in his blood with similar concentrations have explained everything, not to mention that his body is absorbing more than two elements all the time.

And for Winters and others, the changes in the water element cannot be hidden from their perception.

By the way!

Witt's water element breath is not a high-pressure water flow, nor is it boiling steam, but a zero-degree cold current!

These are the three types of breaths of the silver dragon. The most powerful is the high-pressure water flow, the most lethal is the boiling steam, and the most controllable is the zero-degree cold current.

The silver dragon is a rare dragon with three types of breaths!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Witte's zero-degree cold current is different from the white breath. It is not an extraordinary power, but can use the breath at will.

Having said so much, Witte's elemental power is exhausted and he has no way to continue practicing magic.

After Boko treated him, Witte left Boko's laboratory and flew to the library on the eighth floor.

In the library, Witte took down the book "One or Two Things About Magic Circles" with great effort.

The teacher has reminded him that if he really wants to learn magic circles, he can no longer fight in class. He needs a lot of explosions!

Uh... Although he didn't quite understand it, the teacher did say so to him.

Because of the word "explosion", Witt was both looking forward to and nervous about learning magic circles with the teacher tomorrow!

In order not to make some common sense mistakes, Witt decided to go to the library first and read the first part of the book "One or Two Things About Magic Circles".

Judging from the fact that Winters chose this book for him, Winters might have considered that magic circles would help him.

However, Winters did not make a decision for Witt, but like a potion, let Witt understand it first, and then choose whether to develop in this direction!

Whenever he thought of this, Witt became more grateful to Winters.

Perhaps Witt was really suitable for learning magic circles. When he read this book on the basics of magic circles, he was completely immersed in it.

When he came to his senses, he didn't know how long it had passed!

But the huge consumption of mental power made him yawn.

Witt looked at the big metal book reluctantly and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he saw Winters lying behind him at some point, his eyelids were constantly fighting, and his head was nodding, which made Witt very frightened!

If he was pressed down, it would be inevitable that his tendons would be broken and it was not impossible to die on the spot!


Hearing Witt's call, Winters opened his eyes blankly, and then realized something. After a big yawn, he raised his paws and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry Witt, I really don't like this place. It's too quiet, and I feel sleepy when I see the book. However, if I have insomnia later, this is a very suitable place to sleep!"

As he said that, Winters laughed.

"Bokko just told me about your matter. After we discussed it, we found a metal ore with a suitable dosage.

I don't think that shaping magic is dragon language magic, but I have to say that this is the most suitable magic for you.

I'm sorry, I still hold on to my stubborn thoughts and failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a teacher.

Don't explain for me, I'm wrong, I haven't lost the courage to admit my mistakes!"

Witt was about to speak, so he could only shut his mouth and looked at Winters helplessly and puzzled.

Winters naturally knew what Witt was wondering about, and then explained: "Boco knows your progress in shaping magic training, so he will determine the amount of metal ore you swallow every day.

Try to do it without affecting your subsequent learning "acceleration" and let you grow up healthily.

For metal dragons and crystal dragons, metal ore will not only act on your dragon scales, but also on your bones. It is a necessity for your healthy growth!

Your growth pattern is different from Celine and others, so I can only try my best to meet your growth needs according to your physical changes."

Witt opened his mouth, and finally could only say thank you!

Now he can do anything!

Looking at Witt's expression, Winters smiled.

"Go to bed, it's late at night, and you still have to learn how to draw magic circles with Janis tomorrow!"

Witt nodded obediently, and then flew out of the library!

Back to the dragon cave, before Witt walked in, a figure walked out of the shadow of the passage!

Witt was stunned for a moment!


"Follow me!"


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