Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 842 Dragon Nest Hunter!

He chased, it fled, it couldn't fly even if it had wings!

Well, Abeyi Dragon Beast itself has wings.

But this still changed, they escaped from Witt's pursuit.

However, Witt did not attack those dragon guards, but just let them slip away, and the dragon soldiers covered the dragon guards, just like the discrimination magic circle engraved in his mind, the dragon soldiers only knew to execute unconditionally.

This led to that, facing the death distance around Witt, they would not only flee, but also commit suicide crazily to cover the dragon guards shrouded in the death range!

Looking at this scene, Witt's eyes flashed with a sense of emotion.

Speaking of which, this survival and attack mode of Abeyi Dragon Beast is really like those low-level abyss beasts, without their own intelligence, and only know unconditional obedience.

As for the dragon mother, it is like the abyss mother of the abyss. As long as there is flesh and blood, it can reproduce dragon soldiers infinitely.

However, there are still differences between the two.

The Abyss Mother is just a war weapon without any intelligence. In their cognition, they only know "eating" and "birth", and they don't care about anything else.

Moreover, the Abyss Beasts they produce have no difference in strength, and they are all the lowest level Abyss Beasts.

The Dragon Mother is different. Although the Dragon Mother has no intelligence, it is much higher than other dragon beasts. Moreover, the Abeyi dragon beasts born by the Dragon Mother have differences in strength.

In particular, the growth of the Dragon Guard is much higher than that of the Abyss Beast.

Thinking of this, Witt's heart was filled with worry.

The danger of the Abyss lies not only in their strong strength, but also in the super strong infection of the power of the Abyss.

In the Dragon Realm, there are many dangerous dragon beasts. If these dragon beasts are infected, the harm caused is even comparable to losing a war against the Abyss.

Especially the clustered dragon beasts like Abeidramon.

Just as Witt was thinking about this, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and Witt glanced subconsciously, and then he saw two other battlefields.

One was filled with dark green poisonous gas, and dragon beasts fell like raindrops, and even the desert below was dyed green.

Needless to say, it would be a long project to deal with the battlefield later.

The other one was also seriously polluted, but what was more, Celine's side was completely light polluted. Witt only took a look and tears flowed.

He saw the Abeidra beast group in the corner of his eye, and it turned into ashes.

However, he only saw these two battlefields for a moment, and the next moment, the light in front of him was replaced by darkness again.

Noticing this, Witt frowned.


In the excitement of killing, he almost forgot their goal.

If he really wanted to fight here, he would definitely be able to outlast the Abeyi dragon beast's nest. After all, the high temperature around his body was his passive. Even if he died, this thing would still be there.

In addition, even if the elements were consumed differently, he could directly use the "night light".

However, Celine and Kotlin did not have a strong means of replenishing elements.

Can't continue to drag it on!

Thinking of this, Witt directly gave up the dragon guards that he had been chasing for a long time, and began to rush left and right, flying irregularly.

The current situation is that he can still distinguish up and down, but the east, west, south and north are completely blurred.

The dragon beasts are just not intelligent, and they are fools. They naturally know that the nest can definitely be discovered.

Therefore, in addition to hiding their killer moves, their fighting style also affects the perception of the dragons in the encirclement, so that they can find the direction.

In this way, it is naturally impossible to find the dragon beast's nest.

The evidence is that in Witt's opinion, the battlefield of Celine and Kotlin should be in the direction he just saw.

After more than ten minutes of left and right advances, after countless dragon beasts turned gray, Witt broke through the encirclement and saw the situation outside.

After a few seconds, Witt was surrounded by the dragon beasts again and saw a little light.

But those few seconds were enough.

Witt stopped where he was, just flapping his wings, recalling the scene he just glanced at.

Soon, the directions of the dragon beast's nest in the southeast, northwest, and northeast were imprinted in Witt's mind.

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air came.

Witt's pupils shrank slightly, and his body subconsciously moved sideways for a distance.

Then, he saw a small green wind cone, almost brushing his head, flying diagonally downward, and all the Abeyi dragon beasts were stirred into a ball of blood and mud wherever they passed.

Looking at the small wind cone, Witt's eyes flashed with fear.

The power of this wind cone is less than that of a forbidden spell!

After realizing this, Witt hurriedly shouted loudly: "Be careful, there is a purple crystal dragon guard with innate magic coming!"

As he said that, Witt's face was also a little ugly.

The dragon guard he had just chased was just a platinum dragon guard, and it was a type without innate magic.

The wind cone just now was actually a purple crystal dragon guard with innate magic.

This type of purple crystal dragon guard is the strongest dragon guard under the Dragon Mother in the Type 1 Abeyi dragon beast's nest, and the power of the innate magic of the purple crystal-level dragon beast has reached the level of the Type 1 forbidden spell.

Before, Witt was a little confused about how the other party could get rid of a purple crystal-level wind and thunder pterosaur so quickly.

Both wind and thunder magic are extremely aggressive, and the purple crystal-level wind and thunder pterosaurs can use forbidden spell-level magic at will.

Now he understands that there are elemental purple crystal dragon guards in this dragon nest, the absolute attackers in the Abeyi dragon beast nest, and the most difficult dragon guards to be born.

The reason is that the elemental dragon guards are Abeyi dragon beasts that are born when the dragon mother absorbs the elemental power from the dragon eggs or dragon crystals.

Moreover, the gestation time of elemental dragon guards is very long, much longer than that of ordinary dragon guards.

This also shows that these elemental dragon guards are not bred by the previous wind and thunder pterosaur nest.

This Abeyi dragon beast nest is not a new nest, but a dragon nest hunter that has existed for a long time and has attacked countless dragon nests.

It is really unlucky for that dragon nest to encounter such an opponent.

Of course, it is meaningless to say this now. Although the dragon scales of Witt and his men have strong elemental defense, they are still quite dangerous when facing forbidden spell-level attacks.

Of course, it is only relatively dangerous.

The small size of the Abeyi dragon beasts means that their innate magic is destined to be difficult to break through in one go, even if it has reached the power of forbidden spells. It takes at least two hits!

But even so, it is already very dangerous. If it breaks through the defense twice, another hit will break the dragon skin of Witt and his men, and the first hit will cause serious damage to Witt and his men...

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