Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 846 Anyway, I gave the reward!

"Legendary Dragon Beast!"

A slightly deep voice sounded, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

Then, another dragon came out from the crack, and then pulled it fiercely to the side, and the space was torn open like a piece of cloth.

Then, a huge body of more than 700 meters came out of the rift in space.

As for the thunder pillar, it was crushed directly.

Needless to say, the one who appears is Boredia.

Glancing around, he instantly understood the current situation, and the dissatisfaction that had arisen in his heart about Werther calling him here at a critical moment also dissipated slightly.

"I won't take such risks next time. Now, let's go!"

As he said that, Boredia glanced at Werther, then, his wings behind him shook, and he flew towards the Mother of Dragons like lightning.

He's not a dragon who doesn't pay attention to anything.

Naturally, he knew what kind of disgusting dragons these dragon beasts were in front of him.

Therefore, not only did he not talk nonsense, but during the flight, his body also began to expand, and the originally dark blue dragon body began to turn towards purple.

Obviously Boredia didn't hold back at all. Not only did he let go of the limitations of his body shape, but he also directly used the elemental dragon body.

A large amount of thunder elements surged from Boredia's body, condensed into the liquid form of thunder slurry, and surged in all directions.

There is no doubt that Boredia wants to deal with not only the Dragon Mother, but also the Abeydramons around her.

Feeling the tingling sensation coming from every part of his body, and even the wings on his back were a bit unruly, Werther did not dare to stay for a long time, and hurriedly followed Boredia's instructions and flew outside.

Although the surrounding dragon beasts have gotten rid of the influence of several forbidden spells, at this time, they don't care about Witte at all, but like moths fluttering, they all move towards Boredi. Asia rushes away.

With his body flashing with lightning, Werther's retrograde look is so cool and handsome!

But unfortunately, it is not an attack, but an escape!

However, in this case, 놚 was accidentally injured because he stayed where he was, and he would definitely be teased by Boredia for hundreds of years afterwards.

In contrast, the behavior of running away is not a loss at all.

Soon, Witte flew out of the encirclement of the Abeyi dragon beast group, and at the same time, he also escaped from the influence of Boredia's power.

Seeing that Celine and Kotlin were not injured and flying towards him, Witte was just about to say something when a strong aura came from behind.

Witte hurriedly looked back, only to see that at some point, the entire sky was covered by thick thunderclouds, and purple lightning with a terrifying aura wandered freely among the thunderclouds.

The next second, thousands of lightnings poured down like a waterfall, and the whole world was dyed purple.

Werther, who was on the edge, felt his body go numb instantly, unable to feel the presence of his wings, and the entire dragon fell freely downwards.

Fortunately, Celine and Kotlin reacted immediately.

One right and one right, one dragon and one hind leg, while holding on to Werther, they quickly retreated towards the rear.

However, the eyes of the two dragons were not on Witte, but focused on the scene in front of them where thousands of thunders were falling.

Just the aftermath left Witte unable to fly. It is self-evident what the fate of the Abeyi dragon herd in the thunderstorm range would be.

"Hey, you two, can you change positions?"

Witte's words brought the two dragons back from their thoughts, and then they looked down, only to see Witte with his wings drooped, lightning flashing on his face, and his tail covering a certain part of the back, being pulled back and hung in the air by them.

Celine grinned.

"Can you fly?"

Werther rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Looking at the state of my wings, you can tell that I can't fly for the time being, so I hope you can grab my front 꿮 instead of my back!"

As he said that, seeing the two dragons looking at him with strange expressions, Witte moved his tail, trying to cover his face more tightly. At the same time, a hint of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the two dragons looked at each other, and then directly let go of Witte's hind legs. After he fell freely for a certain distance, they pulled Witte's front legs and pulled him up.

"You definitely did it on purpose!"

Werther raised his head, looked at Celine, and complained loudly.

Celine rolled her eyes.

"Don't make trouble. What's going on inside? Why hasn't Boredea come yet? The thunderstorm hasn't stopped either."

Hearing this, Witte's eyes narrowed, and then he said in a deep voice: "It's not a large dragon nest hunter, but a giant dragon nest hunter, with legendary level dragon guards inside!"

Upon hearing this, the two dragons' expressions froze, but they didn't look too surprised.

In fact, like Werther, they had already begun to doubt the scale of this dragon beast's lair, but now they have only confirmed it.

Celine sighed.

"We can't help with this kind of thing anymore. Fortunately, we discovered it this time, otherwise..."

At this point, Celine did not continue, but Werther and Kotlin understood what she meant.

The giant dragon nest hunters dare to attack the giant dragon's nest. If they are allowed to develop here for a period of time, the Sky City will inevitably be attacked.


Abeidramon doesn't have much wisdom, so they won't be frightened by a sleeping legend.

Thinking of this, Sanlong looked at the thunderstorm ahead with a solemn expression.

Time passed little by little. After 5 minutes, with Witt's full effort to clean up, the thunder elemental power of Boredia that was accidentally contaminated on his body was finally cleaned up by him, and the flying ability was restored.

However, Boredia's side was not over yet!

But this is normal. Legends are still difficult to kill. Even if Boredia is strong, it is difficult to kill a legend in 5 minutes.

Soon, another half magic hour passed, and the thunderstorm in front showed a weakening trend.

After noticing this, the three dragons focused their eyes and looked in the direction of the thunderstorm with a little expectation.

However, before the thunderstorm dissipated, Boredia, who had turned back to a body of more than 700 meters, flew out of the thunderstorm and flew towards Witt and his team.

Before Witt asked anything, Boredia threw something towards Witt.

Witt caught it subconsciously, and then he saw clearly that the corpse of an Abeyi dragon beast with no head and a body size of only about one meter was lying in the box.

However, the powerful aura emanating from the corpse showed that it was a legendary dragon guard.

However, it was not the legendary thunder dragon guard that almost killed Witt before.

"This is..."

Witt looked at Poredia with some surprise.

"As a reward for discovering this matter and pulling me here, I didn't take the dragon crystal on its body, which contains a speed rule.

If you can solidify it, it will be a good legendary alchemy item.

If you can't... it's fine for you.

Anyway, I gave the reward!"


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