Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 886 An unexpected surprise?

Chapter 886 An unexpected surprise?

The gray-white metal looked more and more familiar.

The hole was in the shape of a trumpet pointing inwards. It was obviously broken by someone from the outside. There was still abyss force that had not been cleared away in time. Needless to say, it was definitely not broken by Celine.

Besides, the traces of erosion by abyss force at the broken metal also explained a lot of problems.

Looking at the big hole, Witt subconsciously drew a route map in his mind.

The first cave itself was located at the edge of the stone forest. It was winding all the way. There was no doubt that the eighth cave had deviated from the area where the stone forest was located and was located in the forest next to the stone forest.

If the treasure ruins were dug from the entrance all the way to the south, let alone, the location would really be not far away.

Witt's face became darker and darker as he thought about it.

The bad news came one after another. The only good news was that they no longer had to measure this and that from the outside, and then figure out where the entrance to the treasure ruins was.

They even didn't need to spend time going through the test left by Vergo, and were forced to speed through!

"Maybe, we should think positively. Abyss creatures shouldn't like the treasure of the dragon, so maybe they just went in to take a look!"

Kotlin came later than Witt and the others.

Seeing that everyone was silent, he hesitated for a moment and then began to comfort them.

Of course, he also hoped that it would be the best.

After all, they had already made two treasure ruins, and Witt and Celine had gained something, but his income was zero until now!

If you don't raise your head in this dragon group, you can only look at this ruin!

Hearing what Kotlin said, Witt murmured as if to comfort himself: "Yes, you are right, the creatures of the abyss will not like the treasure of the dragon.

They just went in for a walk, found nothing, and then retreated.

In their eyes, those treasures are just garbage, without any use. Normal creatures will definitely find it difficult to even look at the garbage.

Yes, yes, yes!

It must be like this!"

"Maybe, they will dislike the garbage and destroy it directly, or they can collect it and use it as bait to attract the dragon."

When he heard this, Witt's eyes instantly turned red, and he turned his head to look... Well, he is normal again.

Because the one who spoke was Boredia.

However, Witt still responded stubbornly: "That's just your guess, there is no basis, the treasure must still be inside, definitely!"

As he said, Witt glanced at Poredia, and then walked towards the hole that was forcibly broken.

As for Witt's words...

Celine believed it!

She looked at Witt with hope, and then followed closely behind Witt, drilling into the hole that Witt had enlarged a little.

Kotlin did the same.

It must be said that in the face of treasure, the dragon's self-deception is quite strong.

In fact, apart from anything else, the thick black and purple abyss force in the passage, like mud, has already shown that the situation inside will not be any better!

Of course, Poredia didn't judge like that. After all, in his opinion, there shouldn't be any treasure in this ruins.

However, seeing Long go in expectantly, Poredia followed him expectantly.

As for what he was expecting...

It definitely wouldn't be the treasure in the ruins!

Of course, Witt wasn't overwhelmed by the treasure, so when he saw Poredia following him, he was relieved.

Then, Witt focused his attention on this passage.

The passage was as wide as ever, and it was all covered with Vergo alloy. Of course, the alloy layer was not very thick because there was no mine nearby.

But this still shows how much thought Vergo put into building this ruins.

An idea that had arisen before was once again dispelled by Witt unconsciously.

Let's wait and see for the time being!

Thinking like this, Witt began to search carefully for information around him.

The passage was covered with a thick layer of abyssal power. Obviously, this place had been discovered for some time.

Some places could see the remaining mithril circuit. Obviously, this passage was originally part of the test, but now, it was basically invalid.

After all, even the mithril circuit itself was eroded.

Witt did not clean up the abyssal power here, but left it to Celine.

The light element is perfect for cleaning up the abyssal power in such a narrow space.

In this way, after cleaning all the way and spending two magic hours, Witt and his team came to a room that had been violently broken open.

The room was not very big, and the enclosed space was filled with thick abyssal power.

The black aura it exuded even obscured their vision, making it difficult for Witt and his team to see the specific situation inside.

Seeing this, Celine cast a large-scale light element magic, and most of the abyssal power in the room was instantly cleared.

Then, Celine threw another light ball in.

Under the illumination of the light ball, the scene in the room was also presented in front of Witt and his friends.

The area of ​​the room was not small, equivalent to the size of the house of Witt's store, enough for several adult dragons over 700 meters long to move around.

The room is also made of alloy. The thickness of the alloy is about the same as the passage. Many squares have been corroded and broken, and gravel has fallen from the broken holes.

This ruin obviously can't hold on much longer.

The large room was so empty that it could almost be said that there was nothing there. There were only some things piled up scatteredly in the deepest corner.

There are still some abyssal forces remaining on it, making it difficult for Witte and the others to see clearly.

However, the existence of this pile of things made Witte's eyes suddenly light up.

There is hope!

However, a figure swept in faster than Werther and the others, and then, under the astonished eyes of Werther and the others, he collected every last thing in the pile.

There were only four dragons present. Except for Witte and the others, it was self-evident who took action!


Hearing Werther's roar, Boredia stiffened, then turned to look at 꺘龙 who was still standing at the door, and then said with a serious face: "You have never seen this before, this pile of things is very dangerous. Let me keep it for you!"


After Boredia finished speaking, the entire space fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, Werther looked at Boredia with contempt.

"Where's your face?"

At this time, Boredia finally came to his senses. After hearing what Werther said, he said calmly: "No more!"


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