Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 898 A long-awaited battle! (I)

Chapter 898 꼋놅Fight! (one)

Today is a unique day!

The dragon that has been hanging around in the free arena all year round can be regarded as a blessing. On a nearby battlefield, the battle between two giant dragons of more than 500 meters is not over yet.

Here came two giant dragons over 600 meters long.

For a time, the roar was overwhelming, as if some large-scale celebration was being held, and it was a lively event.

However, Witte didn't care how lively it was on the court.

Because 놛 suddenly thought of a question.

The king's dragon in front of him may also be a dragon from a certain dragon's nest.

However, just like the other party, it also has a relatively deep secret. To put it simply, familiar dragons know it, but unfamiliar dragons cannot see it at all.

The reason why Witte was so suspicious was because of the other party's attitude towards his own racial name.

I didn't change my name because I really didn't think the name was so handsome. A name with a home address and an ethnic group didn't sound good anyway.

It's because Winters has already included this racial name in the "Dragon Encyclopedia" and put it in the library.

Even though 놛 has changed his name, it doesn’t matter. The image of 놛놅 is still in the book!

Although he doesn’t have the appearance of an adult...but to a certain extent, the appearance of an adult is not normal. Instead, his appearance has changed due to the amount of food in his body.

Therefore, after reading the revised version of "Dragon Encyclopedia", you will have this understanding of the star dragon. When the young dragon is a silver dragon, it is stronger than the silver dragon and has both water and fire elements. Dear, powerful and so on.

This does not involve what an adult dragon looks like.

Therefore, as long as you have read the book "놅龙", after seeing "놛", you will definitely recognize "놛" as the dragon in the starry sky.

Because its characteristics may change, but the Silver Dragon has a close relationship with water and fire. These two aspects will not change with growth.

However, this also has an advantage. If you are completely unfamiliar with the dragon and suddenly call him his racial name, you will be so happy that he will fly.

After all, being able to call him a strange dragon means that Cedro has not escaped!

Don't mention these.

Werther did not change his racial name for this reason, so... what about Caesar?

If it is a lone dragon, you can completely change its name. Anyway, you choose it yourself, and you only know that there are only a few dragons.

If it is a dragon living in a city-state, it can also be changed, and the memory is not static. As long as you don't mention your racial name for a long time, and then suddenly change your name, it will be fine.

If there is still a dragon who remembers it, then just say that the other party has remembered it wrong. It is not an important matter anyway, and the other party will most likely not stick to his own point of view.

After all, it is normal to remember one or two names incorrectly after a long period of time.

Don't forget, according to his body shape, Caesar's age is about 1,800 years old, so he can definitely do this.

In this case, there is a high probability that the other party is the same as 놌놛, the Dragon's Nest 놅龙, and it has already been recorded in the book!

Thinking of this, Witte grinned.

Unexpectedly, I encountered two dragons coming from the dragon's nest in a row. Moreover, they should not belong to the same dragon's nest.

This is really interesting!

Just when Witte had finished thinking about this, all the dragons who were originally fighting on this field finally evacuated.

When the last dragon left, Caesar suddenly felt a surge of tyrannical pressure.


The entire dragon clan has inherent talents.

But basically it is not used internally. After all, everyone knows it. When the level is similar, it can be completely ignored.

However, this battle is different.

Looking at Werther across from him, Caesar felt a bit of disdain in his heart.

With a body size of more than 600 meters, but a low level of platinum level, there is no doubt that this is a "bad" dragon.

For more than a thousand years, I have not been able to reach a state. This is not a failure.

And when there is a gap in realm, Long Wei will definitely make arrangements.

Dragon power... In essence, it is the pressure of the dragon soul, which means the realm. After all, the realm represents the realm of the dragon soul of most dragons.

The realm of some dragons' dragon souls may exceed their own realm, but they will never be lower than their own realm.

Why can he still raise his own strength to the legendary level after destroying the dragon?

It's not because the dragon soul realm will become stronger with age.

Under the legend, the dragon soul realm can pull its own realm.

And because the dragon's talent is already strong, even if it fails, as the strength increases, at least he will be able to understand one of the rules of his own.

The realm of dragon soul is enough, the realm of oneself is enough, and the rules of 꽮prime are enough, it is no longer a legend!

It's just that this legendary battle... well, in the same realm, compared to other creatures other than dragons, it really can't be considered weak. Dragons are born warriors, no matter how bad they are!

However, most giant dragons, although they don't say it openly, are a little disdainful of dragons growing up like this, unless they are good friends.

It was just the first time we met Caesar Werther, so it was natural for him to have such feelings about Werther.

However, is Werther playing tricks on the dragon?

Of course not!

Although his spiritual realm is not as good as Caesar's, he is also in the middle of platinum. The difference of one realm, this dragon's might... is useless!

But when Vitt fights, he rarely takes the initiative to attack.

This leads to a deeper misunderstanding.

Looking at Vitt standing still, Caesar grinned, and was shocked!

Then say hello first!

Thinking of this in his heart, Caesar stepped hard on the ground with his right foot, and thick and sharp ground spikes quickly spread from Caesar's feet to Vitt.

The closer this large area of ​​ground spikes is to Vitt, the thicker and taller they are.

However, this is not magic.

It is Caesar's luck with the earth element.

The name of the King's Dragon sounds a bit second-year, but it actually has another meaning, that is, stepping on the ground, you are the king!

Although after the mutation, he no longer has the fire element of the golden dragon, but his earth element is directly maxed out.

When he steps on the ground, endless energy will flow into his body.

These thick earth spikes are just a simple response of the earth element to him!

But even so, the power has exceeded the five-node high-level magic, the earth spike.

On the other side, looking at the earth spikes rushing towards him, a hint of meaning flashed in Witt's eyes.

It's not magic, but it's better than magic.

This is the price of losing the fire element in exchange for the ability of the earth element.

It's really interesting.

But, by doing this, are you looking at me a little bit?

Thinking this in his heart, Witt's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes turned sharp when he looked at Di Ci, and then...

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