Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 924 Another warmonger!

Listening to Witt's words, Kotlin nodded. He noticed this during the cleaning process.

So, he was not surprised by Witt's decision.


Thinking about the abyss gathering places they encountered along the way, and finding that the fallen dragon beasts had appeared on the ground blatantly, he understood more and more the importance of what the Sky City was doing.

The abyss is really too dangerous.

Thinking about this in his heart, Kotlin looked around and then frowned.

"Karin hasn't come back yet?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Kotlin with a strange look.

Although it was not very obvious, he felt that Kotlin's behavior was a little abnormal.

Knowing clearly that there was no treasure ruins behind, Kotlin did not hang up to read books. On this way, he rarely even took out books.

Kotlin noticed Witte's strange look and his heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong?"

Witte shook his head and looked away.

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered that I haven't seen you holding a book for a long time."

Hearing this, Kotlin's eyes twitched, but he said, "I do want to read a book, but the recent experiences have not given me the opportunity to read a book."

Witte nodded.

"That's right!"

After saying that, Witte paused, and then continued, "Kaelin did not come back, but there should be no problem. There doesn't seem to be any powerful dragon beasts around.

With her strength, she will basically not encounter danger."

Although the fallen dragon beasts have integrated into the ecology of this area, they are basically some weak dragon beasts.

The truly powerful dragon beasts are still relatively difficult to be infected.

Like the fallen dragon beasts that Witte had encountered before, the powerful ones are basically infected only after being injured.

This powerful range is still very large, and those above gold are considered powerful.

Moreover, dragon beasts are widely distributed.

In an area, the number of powerful dragon beasts is generally limited.

The dragon beasts also have the blood of the dragon clan in their bodies. They have inherited the aggressive characteristics of the dragon clan very well. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone dragon beasts that are more powerful and more domineering.

Therefore, it is impossible to be besieged, and it is highly unlikely to encounter other dragons. Let alone a platinum-level dragon, even a gold-level dragon is unlikely to encounter danger.

This is also why, whether it is a dragon nest or a city-state, the dragon will run out after a year.

After listening to Witte's comfort, Kotlin nodded and said nothing more.

When the dragons were ready to continue waiting, a strong breath fluctuation suddenly came from a distance.

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed slightly.

"It's Kailin!"

After saying that, Witt stood up and flew in the direction of the breath, followed by Celine and Kotlin.

This is definitely a powerful enemy!

Otherwise, a dragon would not burst out all its breath.

Especially a dragon like Kailin, who was born in a dragon nest.

Because, bursting out all its breath means going all out. Of course, this also has another meaning, that is, a warning!

The former is most likely when encountering a dangerous counterattack, and the latter...

A hint of curiosity flashed in Witt's eyes.

Just now, he told Kotlin that there should be no too powerful dragon beasts around, and Witt still agreed with this view.

If it is the second possibility, which is also a warning...

The only dragon that can make a dragon issue a warning is another dragon, and the other dragon is not friendly!

Whitt thought about this while flying in the direction of Kailin.

In order to be on the safe side, when Witt and his team separated, they just barely left the sight of other dragons. In this way, as long as one of them gave a warning, the other dragons could catch up as soon as possible.

So, it didn't take long, just half a magic hour, and Kailin appeared in the field of vision of Witt and his team.

Of course, this is also due to the terrain of Yimachuan here.

Witt and his team's vision can be fully utilized here.

When Witt and his team looked at Kailin, Kailin naturally looked at Witt and his team, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her expression was slightly relaxed.

Then, her eyes were fixed on the dragon in the distance.

Although the other party did not move forward after receiving her warning, it did not retreat either, but wandered in the distance.

This behavior clearly showed that she had no ill intentions.

But Kailin still did not feel at ease to let the other party come.

Although she was a simple and easy-to-deceive type in the eyes of Witt and others, if that was the case, how could the Dragon Nest let her out.

She was quite clear about the common sense of not approaching strange dragons in the wild.

As for Witt and others...

Witt and others saved her life when she was the weakest.

In that situation, they did not have any ill intentions, so it was basically certain that the other party would not do anything to her.

Do you really think she is a whiteie who knows nothing?

Soon, Kailin frowned again, and the other party's reaction was a little wrong.

Under normal circumstances, she did not restrain her own breath, which meant refusing to communicate. In this case, most dragons would choose to leave.

However, the other party still did not choose to leave at this time.

This means that the other party still has some thoughts about her!

Sure enough, when she realized this, a strong momentum emerged from the other party.

Kailin's brows frowned even deeper.

Invitation to fight?

But the other party obviously didn't mean to give Kailin too much time to think. After issuing the invitation to fight, he rushed directly towards Kailin.

Seeing this, Kailin's eyes turned cold.

As a dragon, you can be unwarlike, but you will never be afraid of fighting!

The other party has already bullied you, so Kailin will naturally not be indifferent.

With a flap of his wings, Kailin also flew towards the other party.

As mentioned before, the dragon's field of vision is very wide. From the perspective of seeing and reaching, it normally takes half a day, but if you fly at full speed, it will take at most six magic hours.

This time, Kailin and the strange dragon on the opposite side were running in both directions, but it still took three spells for the two sides to officially meet.


As the strange dragon approached, it roared excitedly, and then exhaled a very fast breath.

Obviously, this is another battle maniac.

But unfortunately, although the opponent's breath was fast, Kailin's was faster, and a beam of white light suddenly spurted out of Kailin's mouth.

Although her movements were a little slower, the breaths of both sides exploded in the middle.

As the Holy Light Dragon, which was once considered whether to share the same race name with the Holy Dragon, their breath was naturally the breath of the Holy Dragon, the light atom breath.

The opponent's breath was only slightly slower than the light atom breath. There was only one breath of this speed in the dragon world, and that was the Aurora Roar.

It was this breath that allowed Kailin to recognize the origin of this strange dragon...

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