Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 933 The voice of the weak!

"This is it. You can just find a place to lie down. A dragon will come over soon to help you maintain its scales, claws, etc.

If anyone wants to take care of their teeth, that is possible. "

While talking, Isco found a place to lie down.

When Witte and the others saw this, they each found a place and followed Isco's example, lying down.

Seeing the awkward looks on Werther's and others' faces, Isco smiled and said: "Relax a little, maintenance itself is a way to relax.

The dragon just now, Peg, is a professional, his eyes are very vicious, and he can judge your recent experience just by the state of his scales.

Moreover, he will give the most reasonable maintenance plan based on the condition of the scales.


It looks like you don't understand.

But 꼊, you will understand what 놖 means in a moment. "

While they were talking, a large group of purple-scaled pterosaurs flew in. It was really a large group, numbering in the thousands.

"Peg, come on with 놖 first. They have never been maintained. Let's use 놖 first to set an example for them."

Hearing Isko's words, the leader of the purple-scaled pterosaur smiled and said: "Of course!"

With that said, he flew around Isco.

"There are a lot of new dragon scales that have grown out. Although some dragon scales are damaged and have not reached the level of replacement, they are not in very good condition and need to be maintained.

What remains most is the element of light, as well as the power of the abyss.

The claws are severely worn and require intensive maintenance..."

Following a series of judgments, Witte noticed that some of the group of purple-scaled pterosaurs that came in began to move.

They took out various tools from the leg rings, brushes, files, and various potions.

Even though Witte himself was a master of medicine, he could recognize the types of medicines at a glance, and they were basically used to restore physical condition.

To be more specific, it is to promote the recovery of dragon scales, the growth of scales, etc.

However, dragons generally don't use these potions very much, because the dragon's own recovery power is very strong.

꺳 will only be used when bones, tails, wings, dragon horns, etc. are broken.

It can be seen from the use of these potions that the maintenance here is real maintenance, not some psychological comfort.

As for tools such as brushes and files, Witte was also very familiar with them. During alchemy, these things could be used to trim the edges and corners, so there was no problem in using them on dragons.

However, Werther's eyes soon became strange.

After Peg's evaluation and determination of the maintenance plan, the purple-scaled pterosaurs began to work on Isko's body in groups, using those tools and potions to repair it.

For a moment, the sound of the friction of the file and the cleaning of the brush resounded in this space.

Not to mention, these sounds really make Long want to relax.

No, Isco has closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed it.

And those purple-scale pterosaurs are also quite professional. When they are being maintained, they fly with magic and do not fall on Isko.

Moreover, they did not touch some of the more sensitive parts of the dragon's body, such as the reverse scales, such as the dragon scales on the chest and abdomen, which have lower defenses than the back.

This will not cause the dragon's dissatisfaction and disgust.

All I can say is, it’s really professional!

With Isco as an example, Vette and the others are looking forward to it even more.

Under the expectant gazes of Werther and the others, Peg began to judge the dragons.

The first one is Celine.

"It can be seen that your dragon scales have not been maintained at all, and there are many traces of battle. These traces will increase during the recovery process.

Although these increases will not affect the defense of the dragon scales, they will affect the appearance, making the dragon scales look a bit rough.

There are traces of the remaining power of the abyss.

This kind of thing will automatically dissipate over time, but if it continues to fight, it will have a subtle impact on the defense of the dragon scale.

That’s right!

Please allow me, as a dragon living in the city of ice and snow, to express my most sincere gratitude to you, thank you for helping us clean up the fallen dragon beasts outside.

We are not strong enough to participate in the battle against them, but we will use other methods to provide some trivial help to you warriors. "

Celine was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes softened a lot.

Although it was just an ordinary battle for the giant dragon, hearing such praise made him feel much better.

On the other side, Witte looked at Peg, who started to judge Kotlin again, with a daze in his eyes.

Speaking of which, with Witte's strength, what he saw and heard was generally the attitude of the strong towards the abyss. This was the first time that he could clearly hear the voices of ordinary dragons in the dragon world.

Although the dragon clan is very strong, whether it is a giant dragon, an earth dragon, or a flying dragon.

However, if there are strong people in a race, there will naturally be weak ones, and between the two, the weak always make up the majority.

But when facing an opponent of Abyss' level, the voices and efforts of the weak will always be ignored.

But are they enjoying the protection of the strong with peace of mind?

It turns out, not really!

To be honest, Werther was quite emotional when he suddenly heard such words.


Just as Witt was sighing, a cry of surprise sounded in front of him.

Coming back to his senses, Witt looked down and saw Peg staring at Witt's claws with shining eyes.

"Uh... did something happen?"

Witt asked with some confusion.

Peg shook his head.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect to see such perfect scales and claws without maintenance!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then jokingly said: "How can you tell that you haven't maintained it? Since it's in perfect condition, does it mean that you have maintained it before you came?"

"No, no, no!"

Peg shook his head and said: "Maintenance and no maintenance are different. No matter how meticulous the maintenance is, it will leave traces, and your claws and scales are all naturally grown."


Witt asked with interest: "What does this mean?"

Witt thought that the other party couldn't explain it.

But he never thought that after hearing this, Peg looked at Witt deeply.

"The length of the claws is closely related to the body. The tribe you belong to has been doing this for tens of thousands of years and has received many dragons.

According to our observations, the better the talent of the dragon, the longer the claws.

And talent is closely related to the concentration of blood.

Therefore, judging from the condition of the claws alone, your blood concentration is definitely more than 10%!"


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