Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 98 Challenges from other dragons!

Chapter 98 A challenge from another dragon!

Looking at the magic circuit on the dragon scale, which was glowing blue, Witt calmly grabbed it and threw it into the corner of the laboratory, then rolled himself into a ball.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the magic circuit exploded!

Witt was not hurt at all.

He walked to the corner calmly again, found the scales, and then carefully observed the remaining marks on it.

"The marks are evenly deep and shallow. When drawing before, he did not pause at all. It seems that the reason for the explosion this time was that when injecting the magic power into the magic circle on the enchantment pen, it was not stable enough!"

While muttering, Witt walked to the laboratory table and took out the enchantment pen again!

Although the teacher was not there today, Witt did not choose to go back, but stayed to continue drawing the magic circle.

Since only half of the test tube of magic solution was prepared last time, and nearly one-tenth of it was consumed when drawing the magic circuit later, after arriving at the laboratory, I could only prepare the magic solution first.

Before leaving last time, the teacher had told me the storage location of the materials.

The preparation of magic solution is a matter of practice.

Although the preparation was slow at the beginning and there were mistakes, soon, Witt's success rate in preparing magic solution gradually increased.

Moreover, in this process, Witt's speed of preparing the solution was getting faster and faster.

Therefore, I discovered another problem.

That is, the faster the preparation, the darker the color of the prepared magic solution. Even by the last tube, the color of the magic solution was almost reaching the level of the second-level magic solution.

This level of magic solution can be called the second-level magic solution!

Afterwards, Witt did an experiment on purpose, and then he noticed that since he dripped a drop of the root juice of Domia grass into the blood of Kaslongmon, the content of vitamin C in Kaslongmon's blood began to decline.

The longer the time is, the less vitamin C in the blood will be. Although it will not drop to the level where the solution is automatically configured successfully, when the vitamin C content in the blood stabilizes, the color of the magic solution prepared again has faded to the point that there is a clear gap between the first-level solution and the second-level solution.

Witt tried to draw a magic circuit with this magic solution, but there was no reaction at all.

Obviously, this can no longer be called a magic solution.

At this point in the experiment, Witt basically understood that the can of Kaslongmon's blood prepared by the teacher was not originally used to prepare the first-level magic solution, but was used to prepare the second-level magic solution.

However, due to my own ability, I was able to prepare a first-level magic solution.

No wonder the teacher prepared so many crystal jars for me to hold the prepared magic solution.

After that, it was time for Witt to practice drawing magic circuits!

From the skillful and calm attitude of dealing with the explosion of the magic circuit just now, we can see what I have just experienced!

Of course, there are results.

At this time, I can draw a magic circuit with consistent depth without any pause. Next, I just need to continue to steadily inject the power of the element into the magic circle of the enchantment pen while doing the above two steps.

Keeping these points in mind, Witt started to operate again.

This is the last time today.

It's getting late. If it doesn't work, I can only wait until tomorrow to continue.

Anyway, I prepared a lot of magic solution today, which is enough for me to squander for a long time.

Most of today's time was spent on preparing magic solution. Drawing magic circuits took less than one magic hour to practice.

Tomorrow, you can focus on practicing drawing magic circuits.

As for the teacher asking you to prepare a jar of magic solution with half the volume of you, Witt chose the second-level magic solution. The first-level magic solution was no longer a challenge for you.

Suddenly, Witt paused!

Then you put away the enchantment pen and stared at the circular magic circuit on the scales.

At this time, a light blue light lit up, but it did not get brighter and brighter like before, but maintained a stable brightness.


After Witt took a breath, he calmly put the dragon scales into the dragon scale space.

Is it open?

It is indeed open, but it is not open to the point that makes you happy.

It's just a simplest magic circuit.

If it was a completed magic circle, he might jump up, but not now.

After putting away the dragon scales, Witt cleaned up everything he had used before, and then returned to the original position, and then cleaned up the corner that had been ravaged by the explosion several times, and then he left the laboratory!

Coming to the stone corridor outside, listening to the movement from below, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the square below with some surprise.

"These guys are so excited today, and they haven't returned to the dragon cave yet!"

Muttering in a low voice, Witt flew towards the sixth floor where the dragon cave was located.

However, halfway, a snow-white figure blocked the way forward!

"I remember you were one of the young dragons born two years ago, and you were the largest among them. Even many young dragons born earlier than you were not as big as you!

I have seen a few of them before, but I have never seen you in the battle square.

There are rumors that you can't use magic, um...

It seems to be true now, even when flying, you use physical strength.

However, you don't seem to be too troubled by this.

By the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself.

Hello, my name is Miles!

What about you?

What's your name?"

Witt stopped and began to measure the dragon in front of him.

Like Winters, it moves on two feet, with two horns bent upwards, and each horn has a small fork, and the wingspan is 1.6 times the body length. It is snow-white, with diamond-shaped scales, small and dense, and a slender tail.

The other party is the white dragon among the five-color dragons!

After a quick glance, Witt looked at the opponent's arms.

The "Dragon Encyclopedia" mentioned that the white dragon has the thinnest arms among the five-color dragons.

Judging from the body proportions, Winters' arms are almost twice as thick as Miles in front of him.

However, even if the arms are the thinnest, the white dragon, which moves upright and releases its arms, is still more flexible and powerful than the metal dragon in close combat!

Of course, in addition to these, the most noteworthy thing is that the opponent's body size is about the same as Witt's.

Looking at Miles, who looked curious on the opposite side, Witt nodded slightly to him after judging that the other party was not looking for trouble.

"Hello, just call me Witt!"

"Witt... Then, Witt, please accept my challenge!"


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