Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 982 Her luck may have run out!

Chapter 982 Her luck may run out 깊!

"Don't worry, they should be fine!"

After hearing Werther's words, although Celine still frowned, her mood became slightly calmer.

Her eyes fell on 깊Witt, and she knew that in this situation, he would talk nonsense.

Witte, after glancing around, then explained: "The battlefield has affected such a large area, which shows that the strength of the abyss believers in this abyss gathering point is almost the same as that of Kotlin and the others.

In such a long time, have you ever seen a platinum-level abyss? "

Celine was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it for a moment, there was a bit of surprise on her face.

"It's true. The abyss believers we have seen seem to be at least as strong as Amethyst. There are no platinum-level ones at all. Can you come in?"

Werther shook his head.

"놖thinks that 놆 is not qualified!"

After a pause, Witte continued: "But, I have seen platinum-level abyss believers. In an environment without the influence of the abyss power, the strength of the abyss believers who directly enter the Dragon Realm will eventually drop to the platinum level.

And if you look around...

In a battle of this scale, Kotlin and the others have no chance to clean up the abyss.

The remaining abyssal power in this battlefield was basically formed during the attack. In other words, the abyss believers gathered here did not infect this area.

They came in directly, and it seemed that they were... avoiding something..."

"You see, although they are all platinum, the strength of the Abyss Believers is definitely more than platinum, so Kotlin and the others will definitely not be able to compete with their opponents.

But when the level gap is quite different, the abyss believers can dare to hold back.

Therefore, the outcome of the battle is either a total defeat or Kotlin and the others fleeing.

And look at the battlefield..."

As he spoke, Werther flew up high, and Celine followed, glancing in the direction pointed by Werther's tail...

"Except for this battlefield, there seems to be no trace of other battles... They did not keep fighting."

Victor nodded.

"So, from this battlefield, we can at least analyze that Kotlin and the others were hostile. After they chose to retreat, the abyss believers did not choose to pursue them.

And here they are, they can only leave from another direction.

This is the same as what people know about the Abyss believers. They have always been chasing after them as long as they have an advantage.

So, these guys must be avoiding something.

Only in this case will they act according to their past habits. "

After a pause, Werther looked around with emotion at the endless forest sea.

Sykes, a continent with endless forests, at least judging from what we have seen so far, the situation here is somewhat different from that of Fast Continent.

There are no Abyss believers walking openly and openly on the Fast Continent, at least he hasn't seen them yet.

And here...

"Witt, tell me, who will be chasing them?"

Celine's words brought Witte back from his thoughts. Witte said with a smile: "Who else? The dragon's nest on this continent may be a giant dragon's lair, or it may be a flying dragon hunting team."

놊Look at the flying dragon hunting team. The power of individual flying dragons is limited, but they can hunt giant dragons in the dark time of the dragon world. How can their strength be weak?

The earth dragon is also 놆!

To be accepted by the arrogant dragon and become a member of the dragon clan, it only needs to be intelligent and eloquent. It is all won with strength.

Others said that if Trenier had not stood up back then, the number of dragons in the dragon world might be even lower now.

Given the pitiful fertility of giant dragons, the death of a 60-year-old dragon... even one just 50 years old would be considered a serious injury.

Two giant dragons that are two years old must have a dragon egg after working hard for hundreds of thousands of years. Under the right environment, a dragon egg needs several years of gestation. If the baby dragon is conceived, it will die in infancy. , it will take three hundred years.

For such a long time, the flying dragon has bred several 눑깊.

Therefore, although today's giant dragons still look at flying dragons, no giant dragon really dares to look at flying dragons, unless they were born without any brains!

With these thoughts in his mind, Witte said on his face: "Okay, things on this continent have a lot to do with us. If you encounter abyss believers, kill them if you can, and hide if you can kill them. Far away, left to the dragons of this continent.

Finding Kotlin and Kailin became the most urgent task.


I hope they were both seriously injured.

Fortunately, I threw a lot of healing potions to Kotlin, which was enough to clean up the remaining abyss on his body.

Besides, you still have Kailin's dragon scales on your body, and they also have their dragon scales on their bodies. They can confirm whether they have come over, and you can crush Kailin's dragon scales in a while.

Once we tell them to come over here, even if they can come over temporarily, we can still tell them that they have come over. "

After saying that, Witte glanced at the forest sea in the distance again, and then flew down.

No matter what, this battlefield needs to be cleaned up.

In the process of preventing the forces of the abyss from being cleared by nature, a dragon beast passed by, and then evolved into an ice and snow city.

On the other hand, Witt also wanted to find the clues left by Kotlin and the others.

For the matter of escaping, the size of the dragon is not important, in order to prevent the enemy from tracking and clearing the traces.

With a size of 500 to 600 meters, as long as you are blind, a fool will know which direction to run.

On the other side, Celine was stunned for a moment after hearing Witt's words, and then followed Witt and asked, "What do you mean you can't come here temporarily?"

Witt rolled his eyes.

"You can always count on that when there is only one way to stray into the Ice Mist Valley, you can stray into the two dragons there, and you can be lucky enough to meet other Abyss believers.

Do you believe me when I say I will meet them?

Tsk tsk!

To be honest, Kailin has been lost in the Great Ice Field for three hundred years, and she has not encountered any other dangers except the blizzard, which has already used up all her luck.

Next, I am afraid that all kinds of bad luck will continue.

To be honest, I dare not imagine how miserable Kotlin, who followed her, will be."

Hearing this, Celine gave Witt a blank look.

"How can you curse your companions like this? How can you be so..."

Seeing that Witt kept staring at her, Celine couldn't say the words that were already on her lips.

Well, since she had already landed in the abyss, she was too embarrassed to say that Kailin's luck was that bad.

"Hurry up and clean up these abyss forces, and then go find them!"

After saying that, Celine accelerated, surpassed Kovite, and fell towards the battlefield below...

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