Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 987 Hunting!

A heavy rainstorm came in an instant, and big raindrops fell. For a moment, the rocks shattered and the earth trembled...

Well, that doesn’t sound like 뇾 to describe raining 놅.

But this is the fact. After all, the heavy rain has consumed 80% of Witte's annual water element reserves. The power of the large forbidden spell, let alone ordinary rocks and vegetation, even the dragon of the same level cannot withstand it.

But this is necessary!

This time, the power of the abyss is not spread by those low-level abyssal beasts. It can be cleared away with just a medium or above magic spell.

In other words, the world's suppression is only about their realm and cannot change their physical strength attributes.

Amethyst-level power of the abyss, even high-level magic needs to be cleared at targeted locations.

Witte was going to continue hunting the two Abyss believers, so naturally he couldn't waste time cleaning up the power of the Abyss.

Therefore, I simply cast a forbidden spell!

Under the forbidden curse, all living beings are equal!

Whether it was the devastated battlefield or the power of the abyss clinging to every corner, they were all washed away by the heavy rain.

Next year, maybe this place will be a lush grassland again!

Not to mention these, after the heavy rain, Werther hurriedly chased after her. Although Celine was strong, she could only cope with one of the two abyss believers at most.

When the two talk together, Celine is no match.

Fortunately, a forbidden spell didn't last long. Flying at full speed, Werther quickly caught up with Celine.

And those two guys were not bold enough to turn around and attack Celine while Werther didn't catch up.

After catching up with Celine, the two dragons took off unhurriedly.

The so-called hunting is not about clinging to death. The real hunting has been carried out by Werther once before, that is, hunting the abyss dragon with Ao and Isa.

녈hurts the opponent 뀘, and then relies on the sensitivity to the abyss breath, and follows the opponent 뀘놅 unhurriedly, weakening the opponent again and again, and finally hunts down the opponent 뀘.

In fact, this hunting style was not invented by 꾫龙놅. It is a bit ironic to say that, just like the 놌dragon nest, in the beginning, this was also the style of flying dragons coming to hunt 꾫龙놅뀘.

Therefore, Werther and the others were not anxious at all, they chased and killed slowly!

Anyway, it was revealed before that they are now exiled here by Sabina. Since they are exiled, it means that they cannot easily return to the abyss.

Moreover, these two guys happened to be escaping to the south, and happened to go to the Bloody Rainforest along the way.

However, after the fighting stopped, Witte began to think about the news brought by these two abyss believers.

The first is Sabina's exile!

Of course, there is no difference between the original sentence of 뀘놅 and 놌exile.

I remember that the one-eyed man named Jino clearly mentioned the words "distributed to the battlefield" when he said this.

There is a lot of hidden information here.

First of all, it is called a battlefield, which means that the invasion of the abyss on the Sykes continent has been made public.

Of course, Witt was not surprised.

Although he has a special channel to obtain information and thus learns some secrets of the abyss invasion, this does not mean that other dragons cannot obtain information.

Boredia can get information from the Abyss believers, and other dragons can do the same, as long as there is a chance.

In addition, although the abyss invasion is obvious here, the dragon clan clearly has the upper hand on the Sykes continent. Otherwise, there would be no such adjective as "matching".

In addition, it can be seen from the reaction of Jino and others that when they escaped, they subconsciously chose the south. It is not difficult to guess that the real fierce battlefield should be in the north.

I just don’t know whether that’s the dragon’s lair or the flying dragon’s lair over there.

However, when thinking about this, Werther stopped thinking about it in detail. Anyway, he would not get involved now.

There must be a legend of the abyss over there, otherwise, the abyss cannot stop the dragon clan from cleaning up, and naturally there will be no battlefield.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not build dangerous walls!

Although he doesn't know what a gentleman is, it's easy to understand why he doesn't build dangerous walls.

It's just that he has platinum strength and doesn't think that he can change the situation of the battle by just passing by. On the contrary, he is more dangerous.

On the other side of the abyss, there are many legends staring at him.

Even if he was on the Ice Fog Valley and left a spatial anchor for Boredia, it would still take a long time for him to reach here with the help of the Ice Fog Valley.

When he faced the legendary strongman, he could only use emergency teleportation.

If this were a head-on encounter, Boredia might not be able to collect the body even if he rushed over to collect it.

Therefore, Werther will never go to the north of Sykes Continent.

Before he became a legend, that place was a forbidden area for him!

Werther's thoughts were running wild. From Celine's perspective, Werther was a little distracted after catching up.

"What's wrong?"

Celine's words brought Werther back from his thoughts, and Werther chuckled.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about whether the one-eyed man named Jino has metal armor on him. If not...

Next time we meet, maybe we can ignore the fallen angel for the time being and attack Jino with all our strength.

Injure him first and then talk about it. "

Hearing this, Celine thought for a moment, then nodded.

"You can try it!"


A violent cough sounded in an inconspicuous tree hole, which made Hades on the side couldn't help but look over.

At this time, Jino looked extremely miserable.

There was a big hole in his chest, and the hot energy attached to the wound made the hole recover extremely slowly.

The armor on his body was also damaged in many places. Although it was not enough to cover his body, it was not much different.

In addition, at this time, Jinuo's body shape was almost the same, both were over two meters tall.

Looking at such Jino, a strange light flashed in Hades's eyes.

They were attacked, and the two dragons didn't let them go just because they fled. Instead, they chased them.

While they were resting, as soon as the two dragons appeared, they attacked Jino with all their strength. When they launched a counterattack, Jino suffered serious injuries.

Helpless, they could only escape again.

"You don't want to kill 놖, improve your own strength, and at the same time get rid of the injured 놖!"

The sudden sound interrupted Hades' thoughts.

Hades had a habitual smile on his face.

"How is it possible? You don't know what kind of place this is. We have cooperated once. We chose to continue to cooperate in this place. Isn't it just to be able to live forever and wait to return to the abyss? !

If I kill you, a person will not have the confidence to survive on this battlefield.

놖This is just my first time seeing 누, a smaller version of 놅one-eyed 꾫人! "


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