“How did you fulfill your promise?!”

Ao Guang’s deafening questioning voice was heard.

The Divine Heavenly Beast understood that everything could not be concealed from Ao Guang in the end.

Meet Ao Guang’s sharp and amazing gaze…

The Divine Heavenly Female Beast pushed away the Heavenly Female Beasts who were blocking in front of him, and bravely walked in front of Ao Guang! Look directly into Ao Guang’s eyes.

Take a deep breath…

Then, in an extremely slow tone, he slowly said: “I’m sorry, I… Failed to protect them..”

‘Boom! ’

Ao Guang only felt that his brain, as if struck by thunder, was blank in an instant.


Ao Guang never thought that he would get such an answer!

Not long ago, he was still using his promise with the Divine Heavenly Female Beast to comfort himself that Long Yuan would definitely be safe.

But in an instant, the Divine Heavenly Female Beast told him that she had failed to protect the Digimon of Long Yuan?!

The unbelievable grief and anger burst into flames in Ao Guang’s heart.

The entire digital world, in Ao Guang’s eyes at this moment, has lost almost all color!

For him, a selfish guy with no sense of belonging, in this digital world composed of data, the only thing that supports him to survive and find the meaning of existence is Long Yuan!

He doesn’t have any desires of his own!

To rights? Strength? These things, which make almost all the lives in the world willing to give everything for, are not worth mentioning in Ao Guang’s eyes!

His biggest wish is to simply find a place to live peacefully in this world with the Digimon in the dragon abyss, that’s all!

But why, why is it so difficult to fulfill even such a simple wish?!

‘Whew~~! ’

The sound of heavy breathing came from Ao Guang’s throat.

Under the terrified gazes of the Heavenly Female Beasts, Ao Guang suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth, and asked the relieved Holy Heavenly Female Beasts in a deep voice: “What do you mean by not protecting them?!” ”

“That’s the answer you thought!”

The Divine Heavenly Female Beast who said these words suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Her heart was suddenly calm, facing obvious anger, but she tried her best to suppress her Ao Guang, who was already a little self-defeating, and slowly told everything that Ao Guang did not know….

Three hundred years ago, with the joint efforts of Ao Guang and the Ten Fighters, in the end, at the cost of the Ten Fighters’ own lives, the God of Light, who ruled the entire Digital Continent, was finally sealed.

But the demise of the Ten Fighters also led to the collapse of the entire digital world! After the fall of the Ten Fighters, who represented the ten attributes that made up the Digital World, the Digital Continent, which had lost its balance, began to undergo unprecedented changes!

First, the originally incomparably huge continent shattered into countless pieces and was swept into the endless sea, and Ao Guang was swept away in the chaos at that time. As a result, the landscape of the digital world has changed dramatically. Later, the data information in the digital world also changed dramatically. A large number of ancient Digimon cannot adapt to the change of data and simply disappear completely! But there are also some Digimon that have successfully adapted to this new world and evolved a completely new form that is completely different from the ancient Digimon!

More and more novel Digimon appear in this world.

All the faces of the ancient digital world soon became a thing of the past, and while this countless new evolutions brought a new look and vitality to the new digital world, it also brought disaster to this world!!

For example, the seven demon kings, such as the —– Destroy the Demon Dragon Beast!

Destroy the Demon Dragon Beast!

The most vicious and evil Digimon of all time among dragon-type Digimon!

It is a huge attack system in itself! Just that there is a crisis in the entire digital world!

Although it successfully relied on an unknown force to seal its uncontrolled power.

But in the face of such a time bomb, the safest way is only one…

That is – kill it!!

Although the Divine Celestial Beast felt that it was too reckless to destroy a living Digimon just because of a possibility.

But the cherubi beast, which has an extreme temperament, is bent on nipping everything in the bud.

So in the end, the battle took place.

Until the Demon Dragon Beast was suppressed, the Divine Heavenly Female Beast did not notice any abnormality.

Until one day, thousands of dragon-type Digimon stormed the place where the Demon Dragon Beast was suppressed, trying to rescue the Broken Demon Dragon Beast, and the Holy Heavenly Female Beast suddenly realized that there were thousands of dragon-type Digimon, and almost all of them were rare and pure-blood dragon types

In this world, only Long Yuan has such extreme characteristics!

The Divine Heavenly Female Beast that reflected it remembered its promise to Ao Guang.

But she woke up too late!

Facing the onslaught of many dragon-type Digimon.

The Cherubim Beast, who arrived one step ahead of the Divine Celestial Beast, blatantly ordered to kill all Digimon who tried to storm the seal!

Then, a thousand dragon-type Digimon are at most mature Digimon, which is the opponent of the battle-hardened angels?

In just an instant, all the dragon-type Digimon fell before breaking the seal of the Demon Dragon Beast!

On that day, the entire New Digital Continent heard the grief-stricken cry of the Broken Demon Dragon Beast…

That is, from that day on, the Broken Demon Dragon Beast, which had no resistance even if it was sealed, began a crazy struggle that lasted for three hundred years! The terrifying resentment and darkness could not be stopped even by the seals of the three angels, forming a terrifying black fog, shrouding the entire sealed land forever…


PS: hail, lightning.

I really can only turn off the computer (do not believe in searching Shandong hail. )

It will definitely be made up, there is no need for personal attacks.

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 25th to June 27th)

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