Now the only way to cross the river is through this wooden bridge. It is unrealistic to repair it by yourself. She needs to watch Xiao Rui, and it will definitely not take a day or two to repair the wooden bridge alone. It is too unrealistic.

The only way is to ask the Bayao tribe for help, but the Bayao tribe is also a type of barbarians. It is still a matter of debate whether they can ask for help. Under normal circumstances, they are considered friendly if they don't actively attack you.

After much thought, Hei Siyuan decided to give it a try. Even if the negotiations failed, with her current combat power, it was still possible to escape with Xiao Rui!

After making the decision, Hei Siyuan drove towards Bayao village. She knew something about the Bayao people. Compared with ordinary barbarians, the Bayao people were peace-loving. This was also the reason why Hei Siyuan made the decision.

The carriage arrived at the entrance of the village, where a Bayao child was playing. Hei Siyuan got off the carriage, walked over and asked,"Little warrior, why are you here alone? Do you know where the patriarch's home is?"

The child timidly stood aside and pointed to a comparison house in front of him. Tall wooden house. Hei Siyuan took out a few candies from her pocket and handed them to the child. He grabbed them and ran away.

Hei Siyuan returned to the carriage and drove towards the largest wooden house in the village. After she entered the village, some Bayao men and women came out one after another and followed the carriage curiously.

After stopping in the yard of the wooden house, Hei Siyuan got off the carriage and looked at the crowd around her. Their clothes were ragged and their faces looked like vegetables. In Hei Siyuan's opinion, the Bayao people should be regarded as a very wealthy barbarian tribe.

She shook her head, walked towards the cabin, and gently knocked on the door.

When no one responded to her, Hei Siyuan opened the door and was greeted by a damp and moldy smell. She covered her nose and walked inside

"Hello, chief, I am an adventurer from the north. I need to cross the river now and would like to ask for help from the Bayao tribe."

"Heaven destroys Bayao, and there is no way to restore it."The other party did not answer, but repeated these two confusing words.

After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Hei Siyuan saw a skinny old man sitting on a wooden chair against the wall, with sunken eye sockets and dirty eyes. His hair covered most of his face.

After seeing Hei Siyuan come in, his head suddenly poked forward:"The sky has destroyed Bayao, and there is no way to save it!"

Hei Siyuan stepped back, bowed again and said:"Master Patriarch, I would like to ask you to help repair the wooden bridge. I can give you a generous reward."

"Bayao is finished, we are all finished!"The old man didn't answer her.

Hei Siyuan didn't hesitate anymore and walked out of the room. She stood in the open space and thought about it before preparing to drive away.

"Sister, please save us!"A half-grown man suddenly said to Hei Siyuan

"What's going on here? What happened to your clan leader?"Hei Siyuan asked.

The child came over, led Hei Siyuan outside, and continued:"A year ago, we were attacked by something when we were fishing in the river. We broke off dozens of times several times. Individual people. The clan leader came over to check and said that it was the river god who came. As long as we sacrificed something, everything would be fine."

"From then on, we would sacrifice a big salmon every ten days. One big salmon was enough to feed the people in our village for three days. As long as we sacrificed it, we would not be attacked. But there are fewer and fewer marlin, and they were no longer caught half a year ago. This has never happened before. So later the patriarch said he could only sacrifice children, but now there are not many children in the village!"

"The tribesmen dare not go into the water to fish, and now they can only wait for death."

"I went to see it with some friends before. It was a monster. It attacked us and I was the only one who escaped."

"I told everyone it was a monster, but they didn't believe it. They were all frightened.

"May I have your name?"Hei Siyuan asked

"My name is Phelps"

"Okay, I'll go take a look at it for you. If it can be solved, you can help me repair the wooden bridge."

"Okay, sister. But you have to be careful, that monster is very powerful"

"What does the monster look like?"

"I didn't see it clearly, but it was very long anyway, with a long tail!" Phelps said

"Okay, help me take care of my brother in the carriage. I'll go and see what's going on."


Hei Siyuan thought about it in her mind. This thing is definitely not a river god. It is most likely a giant beast in the water. As long as it is killed, the Bayao people's problem will be solved.

She is offering sacrifices. He walked along the shore and observed the surrounding terrain. Then he plunged into the jungle. After a while, Hei Siyuan came back with a fawn.

She put the fawn in the water while she lurked in the water. In the grass next to it.

Sure enough, a huge black shadow appeared from the water not long after, swimming towards the deer. After getting close to the deer, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the deer.

At this moment, Hei Siyuan Jumping out of the grass, holding the giant sword and slashing towards the black shadow! The black shadow flicked, causing a large splash of water, and then swam towards the bottom of the river.

Hei Siyuan took a sharp breath and dived down with the black shadow.

Hei Siyuan The shadow dived very quickly and disappeared in a flash! Hei Siyuan surfaced, took another breath, and dived underwater again. After diving in the water for a while, Hei Siyuan found a cave under the water. She observed After looking around for a moment, she got in. After swimming about ten or twenty meters along the cave, she saw a bright light above and swam towards the bright light.

"call."Hei Siyuan came out of the water. This is an underwater cave. The light just now was emitted by the pearls in the cave. There was a beach in front. Hei Siyuan came up from the water and searched along the beach. Sure enough, she found the beach. There were shallow crawling marks on it, and she followed the marks to find a corner behind.

A huge crocodile was coiled there, with two eyes radiating light.

Hei Siyuan took the giant sword from behind and said:"A monster that does many evil things. Today is your day to die!"

Then he charged towards the giant crocodile. The giant crocodile opened its mouth, swung its long tail and rushed towards Hei Siyuan.

Hei Siyuan's large knife slashed on the giant crocodile's scales, and several sparks burst out! Hei Siyuan Yuan drew her sword and slashed again. The giant crocodile bit the giant sword and used a death flip!

Hei Siyuan's blade was wrenched away by the giant crocodile's death flip. She jumped, rode on the giant crocodile, and punched one after another. He hit it on the neck!

I don’t know how many punches he hit until the giant crocodile under him stopped moving!

Hei Siyuan turned the giant crocodile over and found that it was finally dead! This giant crocodile is not a monster, so its size No matter how big it was, it was no match for her. He was killed by her rain-like fists.

She grabbed the tail of the giant crocodile, then put the giant sword on her back, took a deep breath, and pulled the giant crocodile. The crocodile swam out.

After dragging the crocodile to the shore, Phelps ran towards this side, circled around the giant crocodile, and shouted:"The monster has been destroyed!""

The other Bayao people heard this and slowly came around. This giant crocodile was ten meters long, and I don't know where it came from. After attacking the Bayao people who were fishing, the chief misjudged the sacrifice. , it made it full of fat, but it couldn't die anymore!

Seeing that the giant crocodile was eliminated, the onlookers cheered together!

"Heaven destroys Bayao, and there is no way to restore it."The patriarch yelled like crazy and stumbled towards this side.

"He's crazy!"

The patriarch continued to shout around the giant crocodile, crying and jumping. He accidentally kicked the giant crocodile and fell into the water. No one came to pull him. After a few flops, he gradually sank!

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