"Are you saying that my father is the Dragon King?"Xiao Rui asked with a surprised expression.

"This is what the prophet said."Hei Siyuan replied

"Where can I find my dad?"

"Your father is traveling around the mainland, and he’s not sure either."

"So what do you think about the doomsday wasteland he mentioned?"

"From what I knew before, the Dragon Legion achieved a huge victory that year, but in the end it was disbanded due to some reasons, and there is not much information about that battle."

"I just heard from my father that the imperial royal family chose to compromise in exchange for peace. Combined with the current situation regarding evil energy, I estimate that the battle back then was most likely a battle with the void. The dragon army successfully resisted the invasion. However, due to the incompetence of the royal family, they chose to disband the legion."Hei Siyuan went on to say

"If our continent is really targeted by the void, it will definitely not give up easily. It will only be a matter of time before it comes back."Xiao Rui buttoned the table.

"Because my father has directly competed with the void, he knows that they will not give up, so he must have been making preparations over the years."

"Yes, my father also secretly opened a mecha academy in Newist, which not only trains mecha warriors, but also provides mecha manufacturing courses."Hei Siyuan answered."I'm actually a first-level mecha master."

"Are you a mecha warrior?"Xiao Rui asked

"Yes, I started studying at the Mecha Academy when I was six years old, and I got the first-level mecha master certification at the age of fourteen."

"Then why haven't I seen you use a mecha?"

"My dad said we can’t show it to others because we all have core strength reserves for one day."

"Therefore, the Mecha Academy is most likely a preparation made by Uncle Xiao."

"Maybe, then look at my bracelet?"

"No need to look, I knew it was a mecha at first sight, but it had very powerful restrictions on it."

"Well, this must be what my father left for me to save my life."Xiao Rui touched the bracelet again.

"What should we do next?"Hei Siyuan asked

"If my judgment is correct, the power of the void is ready to go out, so the mainland is now in danger. My father must be making a last-ditch effort. All we can do is help him respond."

"Didn’t the prophet say that he traveled from place to place? Since this catastrophe affects the whole continent, no one can escape. My father must want to unite the power of the entire continent, and it is time for us to contribute."Xiao Rui analyzed

"Yes, if we can unite the southern barbarians, then we will have more power to fight against the void."Hei Siyuan said

"Yes, it is now that we need to bring them news that we are still alive and are coordinating their actions. Who to let go?

"I asked the Black Panther to take the token to Phelps, and asked Phelps to go north to deliver a message to my father."

"Okay, then I will write a letter to Uncle Hei, tell him our plan, and then ask him to contact my father, and the southern barbarian land will be handed over to us."

Xiao Rui wrote a letter, explaining their current situation and inference, and also gave a simple explanation of the follow-up plan. Hei Siyuan also wrote a few words, stamped it with fire paint, and attached Phelps The gifted conch shell was placed in a waterproof cowhide bag and hung around the black panther's neck.

Hei Siyuan muttered in the black panther's ear for a while. Hei Siyuan patted its head and it licked the black panther. Siyuan's hands were like those of an obedient child, and then she reluctantly ran towards the north.

"You are really powerful, a swordsman, a mecha master, and looking at the current situation, you have become a beast tamer, which is really amazing."Xiao Rui said as he looked at the Black Panther going away.

"Well, I'm gifted. Hei Siyuan laughed.

The two joked for a while. Hei Siyuan looked at Xiao Rui and said,"Do you have a plan?""

"Nothing specific, just take it one step at a time, but one thing is, the more successful we are on the Nanman side, the less pressure my dad and Uncle Hei will have."

"Yes, after so many years, you can imagine how much pressure they are under"

"Well, in my opinion, our first step is to convince the Su'ar people. They are a well-respected tribe in the Southern Barbarians. If we get the support of the Su'ar in the future, it will be much easier to unite the Southern Barbarians."

"You have been recognized by their ancestors and you are one of them. I believe they will believe what you say."Xiao Rui went on to say

"Then let's go to Master Weiss first and tell him what we know about the situation?"

"Well, okay, he should be at the temple now."

The two came to the temple. Weiss had just finished a ritual. There was still a smell of green grass in the temple. It must have been a life spell.

Seeing the two people coming in, Weiss stood up and said:"Black girl, you are here."

"Well, Master Weiss."The two bowed to Weiss.

"Xiao Rui, are you feeling better?"Wes continued to ask

"I am completely healed, thank you Master Weiss for your life-saving grace."Xiao Rui bowed again

"You're welcome, this is your own creation, and Miss Black's sincerity impressed the ancestors and gained their approval. You should thank her."

"Yes, Master, I will keep it in mind"

"Did you come to me about the void?"

"Yes, Master, we have some thoughts on the Void Invasion."Hei Siyuan took a step forward.

"Do you already have plans?"

Hei Siyuan then told Weiss their previous inferences, analysis and later plans. Weiss listened quietly without interrupting her at all.

"So you want me to take you to convince these barbarians?"

"The master is a highly respected person. With your help, I believe that the Southern Barbarians will be able to unite soon."

"Everyone is responsible for the catastrophe on the mainland. It is rare for two people to have such a heart to save the world. It is my honor to be able to provide you with help."

"Did you agree?"

"Yes, you have obtained the ancestral mark, so you are also a member of Su'ar, so I can tell the truth from what you said. Moreover, my ancestors had already revealed the message, but I am too stupid to realize it. Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I would have failed my ancestors’ hope."

"Master is too modest. No wonder you can become Grandpa Ge Hong’s friend. You are all real masters."

"The black girl deserves a prize;"

"You go back and rest first. I will prepare some information about Nanman. I will wait for you here tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Master Navis, let’s take our leave now."

The two slowly exited the temple and walked towards the room prepared for them.

"I didn't expect that I could convince Master Weiss like this. It was much easier than I thought."

"The most important thing is that you have obtained the ancestral mark. This is why Weiss can fully trust you."

"No matter what the reason, we have successfully taken the first step and are one step closer to success."

"Well, a good start is half the battle."

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