Hei Siyuan's attack on the werewolf tribe really worked. This duel made her famous, and the name of"Female Rakshasa" spread throughout the road leading to the Ogre King City.

"You are really too violent. The werewolf chief known for his strength was pinned to the ground and rubbed by you. You are truly worthy of the title of 'Female Rakshasa'."Xiao Rui teased Hei Siyuan's new nickname.

"Luckily I wasn't her enemy, and I'm incredibly grateful that I didn't challenge her at the time."Batu Ye said brilliantly.

"It’s you who said we should establish our prestige, it’s you who said we should make the road ahead smoother!"Hei Siyuan curled her lips in grievance.

"Uh, okay, I didn’t expect you to have improved so much in the past six months or so!"

"In order to save you, I can't fall down, I can only keep getting stronger!"

"I will never leave you alone again."Xiao Rui put his arms around Hei Siyuan's shoulders and leaned against him.

"Hey, can you please consider the feelings of single dogs? They have been eating dog food all the way!"Batu protested.

Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan looked at each other.

The rest of the journey went quite smoothly. Due to the name of"Female Rakshasa", there were basically no obstacles in the small tribes along the way, so it only took half a month to reach the Ogre King City.

The Ogre King's city is called Boulder City. Although it is not spectacular, this city built entirely of boulders still shocked a few people.

Boulder City is entirely composed of various stones, and the houses and roads are all made of stones. It is full of original flavor and has a different kind of wild style.

The entire Boulder City is composed of several rings, with commercial areas and living areas on the outside, and a giant brutal Colosseum in the center. The entire city is built around this brutal Colosseum.

Ogres and barbarians advocate violence, and fighting in the Colosseum is the best way to release the violence in their veins. Therefore, the Colosseum is overcrowded every night, and there are always bursts of violent roars.

The current ogre chief king is called Grommash, which means bloody skullbreaker in ogre language. He was the champion of the Colosseum ten years ago. For the ogres who advocate violence, he has successfully become an ogre. The king of demons.

Compared with the simple-minded and well-developed King Grommash, the chief priest of the emirate, Gemgor, is an old man full of wisdom. Gemgor is basically responsible for the sacrifices and management of the entire emirate. He has comparable skills. The king's reputation.

There is a famous saying in the emirate - the iron priest is the king of flowing water. Indeed, the kings have changed one after another for decades, but the chief priest has always been Gemu Gao. Precisely because of Gomgao, the Ogre Emirate, which has gone through several secession wars, still remains unified.

When the three of them came to Boulder City, the first thing they needed to do was to understand the history and culture of the ogres. After all, as a kingdom that had existed for thousands of years, it must have something unique about it.

For four or five days in a row, Xiao Rui and the others toured the entire royal city, visiting everything from small alley shops to high-end houses. The most unstoppable thing every day is to go to the Colosseum to watch the gladiatorial fights in the evening.

After a few days of understanding, Xiao Rui and others have a deep understanding of the customs and culture of ogres.

"What do you think? Go directly to Gemgor?"Xiao Rui asked in a pub called"Ogre House"

"Haha, I can't see anything, don't use my brain, just use my fists."Batu took a big sip of malt wine.

"Ogres respect the strong, and their fists represent the right to speak. It may not be useful to go to Gormgor directly. I think we should make a name for ourselves in the Colosseum. Since Weiss said that Gormgol is a wise man, he will definitely notice us and come to us directly."Hei Siyuan took a sip of malt wine and frowned slightly.

"Well, as I thought, the Colosseum would give us leverage in negotiations."Xiao Rui nodded and said

"Then just go directly to the Colosseum. I can defeat several of these ogres."Batu picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"We can't go directly. We have to hide our identities first. If Gromgao knows our origins from the beginning, there will be no point in fighting."Xiao Rui continued

"We needed to hit the big time in obscurity and create enough buzz to successfully attract the interest of Görmgau."Hei Siyuan added

"Three more glasses of ale."Xiao Rui snapped his fingers at the waiter holding the tray.

"The ale you asked for, my lord."A Goblin who was only three feet tall placed three glasses of ale in front of Xiao Rui.

"Do you know who the champions of the Colosseum have been in the past year?"Xiao Rui threw a gold coin to the Goblin.

"Sir, you have asked the right person. I know all the champions of the past three years."The goblin put the gold coin in his mouth and bit it.

"It doesn’t take that long. Let’s just talk about the past year."

"Okay sir, in January, the challenger is 'Big Bearded' Roma, in February, the broken spine is Gorgo... In August, the challenger is Fengyu, and in September, the challenger is Fengyu.……"

"Wait, you mean this Fengyu was beaten for two months?"

"Well, originally he could participate in the final annual gladiatorial competition at the end of the year as long as he won a monthly champion, but this Fengyu fought for three months in a row and was still his champion." Goblin explained

"Who is he?"

"Well, he looks like a human being. He has played dozens of games without losing. He is a favorite for the annual championship. I bet 100 gold coins on him to win."

"Okay, you can go"

"Thank you sir."The goblin held up the tray and left.

"This Fengyu is not simple, be careful with him in the arena"

"Their annual gladiatorial competition is just over a month away. Do we still have a chance to participate?"Hei Siyuan asked

"If there is no chance, if we win more than ten or twenty games every day, they will come to us."Xiao Rui took another sip of malt wine.

"Are you going tonight?"

"Don't you want to go for some exercise? Ha ha"

"I also need to go."Batu almost choked after taking a sip of ale.

"Anyway, we just need to successfully attract Gemgor's attention. Anything is fine."

"Everything is based on protecting yourself, I don’t want you to get hurt."Xiao Rui looked at the drunken men around him and said.

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