At this time, several people who were preparing to enter the ruins gathered at the entrance of the ogre's treasure house, and Gemgor was also ready.

The fingerprints of Grommash and Gromgor pressed into the ban on the treasure house door at the same time. As the ban emitted a soft light, a thick stone door slowly opened. Under the guidance of the two, Xiao Rui and others followed into the ogre treasure house.

Entering the treasure house, what you see is a variety of weapons and armor displayed on shelves, hanging on dozens of wooden shelves. Walking along the passage, everyone's jaws were really shocked. Every weapon here is of the highest quality, and it's the kind that even money can't buy.

"Come, time is running out, each of you can choose one item, which will also be a boost after entering the ruins."Gomgao said

"Is it a random choice?"Xiao Rui's saliva flowed to his chin.


"Just choose?"Although Tiger and others have seen the world, such a generous gesture also made them swallow their saliva.

"Why don't you hurry up and be polite?"Hei Siyuan's body was the first to move, and several others also hurriedly moved.

"You two choose one too."Grommash pointed at Gadore and the Iron Tower.

"Thanks Chief!"Gadore and Iron Tower also joined the treasure hunt.

"They are all idiots who have never seen the world! Grommash said with a smile.

Xiao Rui has never seen such a large collection of weapons, not even Hei Siyuan. Although Black Hand Wan has a large collection, it is nothing compared to the one in front of him.

"Artifacts don’t have to be dazzling, just find what suits you."Hei Siyuan warned and started searching.

Xiao Rui responded and started looking. He looked around as he walked, and his eyes were dazzled. Until Gemu Gao's urging voice sounded, he couldn't find the right one. At the last moment, He saw a pair of inconspicuous double blades in the corner, as if calling him

"Whatever, that’s it."Xiao Rui reached out and took it.

When Xiao Rui came back, everyone else had already chosen. The only weapon they chose was Hei Siyuan, which was a soft armor woven from ice silk and mithril silk. The lining is phoenix feathers, which are very thin and light, but its defense is amazing. Even high-level warriors cannot penetrate it. It also has a special effect that can keep the user calm and continuously recover. This is the uniqueness of the elves. Treasure - the Holy Spirit Soft Armor of Legendary Queen Azshara. Hei Siyuan put it on and it fit perfectly. This soft armor at least more than doubled her combat effectiveness.

Gemu looked at Hei Siyuan's choice with admiration, except A few normal people, the Iron Tower is just here to make fun of them. After searching for a long time, they found a helmet. It was more like an iron bucket than a helmet. It was quite funny!

When Xiao Rui came over with the double blades, Gemugao stared at it for a long time. Said:"Maybe it was arranged, it chose you"

"High priest, what does it mean? Xiao Rui asked

"I don’t know this pair of double blades either. They were not collected. They appeared in this treasure house on their own. In the past, no one could lift them. It’s like taking root. No matter how strong you are, you can’t lift it. Every cent"

"This time it has chosen you, cherish it and you will slowly discover its power."Gemugao instructed.

Sure enough, when Xiao Rui held the double blades in his hands, the originally rusty blades became shiny, with blue flames faintly flashing on them.

"Blue flame!" Its name appeared in Xiao Rui's mind.

Time passed quickly. With the arrival of noon, the seal covering the entire ruins changed from a white mask to a layer of light mist. Looking through the thin seal - there was nothing inside. Lifeless, desolate

"That's it now!"I saw Gemu Gao pressing his hands on the mask and chanting obscure spells in his mouth. Circles of ripples suddenly appeared on the sealing mask. As the ripples continued to expand, starting from Gemu Gao's hands, a figure appeared. white swirl

"Okay, this is a space vortex I opened. You can easily enter the interior of the ruins through it, but you may be hundreds of feet apart. There is a square in the middle of the ruins, and there is an obvious boulder tip. Monument, quickly meet here after entering"

"The space vortex can only last for half a month at most, so you must come out within half a month no matter what, otherwise you will be trapped inside. It can only be opened again next year. There are many crises inside, which is equivalent to a sentence. death penalty"

"Remember, High Priest"

"This time you go in for yourselves and for the sake of the mainland!"

Everyone bowed their hands and said goodbye. Tiger was the first to jump into the whirlpool, and disappeared with a burst of white light. Others also entered the ruins one after another.

When Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan were about to enter the whirlpool, Gemu called out to them. :"This is the Najie. It can easily fit into a house. If you find mithril, use it to bring it out. This is for you.""

Gemugao handed Xiao Rui a silver ring. Xiao Rui accepted it, thanked him, and he and Hei Siyuan officially entered the space vortex.

There was no obvious abnormality after passing through the vortex, but it felt a little strange. He was dizzy and fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Yes, passing through the vortex would cause the teleportation location to deviate. At this time, Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan had also separated, and he fell alone in the ruins of what looked like a courtyard.

He looked around, There is no life here at all. It’s no wonder. Where can life come from in an area that has been sealed for thousands of years?

There are ruins everywhere, black skeletons are everywhere, weapons and armor are also rusty, there are huge pits on the ground and traces of swords everywhere. It showed the tragedy of the beginning.

Xiao Rui carefully leaned next to a broken stone pillar and held the"Blue Flame" in his hand. There was deathly silence around him, but he felt a faint roar from the bottom of his heart!

At this time, outside It was noon, and the sun was shining brightly, but it was so cold here that it made people shiver. The sky was also gray, and the seal had blocked the sunlight outside.

Xiao Rui swallowed and carefully searched for the towering obelisk.

Through the incomplete Xiao Rui found the obelisk in the northeast direction of him. He estimated that it was about 150 feet away from here. He did not see anyone else.

To reach the meeting point, he must first pass through this courtyard. , bypassing a dry pool, and then passing through a dilapidated stone house to reach it.

Although Xiao Rui now felt that everything was full of danger, he still decided to rush to the meeting point. Only if everyone stays together will they be safe.

"I wonder where Siyuan is? Was she in danger."Xiao Rui thought to himself.

Glancing outside, Xiao Rui raised his feet.

Xiao Rui walked forward cautiously with his waist bent, and the black skeleton shattered under his feet, making a"click" sound. He was probably gone. Thirty feet later, we came to a circular pool. It turned out to be a wishing fountain. The lion head sculpture in the middle was broken into several pieces. The water had dried up long ago, and many gold or silver coins could be faintly seen among the black powder.

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