After everyone has almost recovered, we can formally discuss the next step.

"Sure enough, this trip to the ruins was not as easy as imagined. We were given a warning when we entered. It seemed that there were hidden murderous intentions everywhere."Xiao Rui said

"Yes, I encountered such a powerful demon as soon as I entered the ruins. I wonder if there are any more powerful monsters in the core area." Shandis echoed.

"So what should we do next?"Gadore asked

"We need to re-formulate tactics, have a clear division of labor and clear goals"

"Although no one knows if there will be any gains when entering, there must be a goal."

"First, go to the Royal Library and get the book that Gemu Gao asked for. After that, you must go to the storage library!"

"Yes, all the good stuff should be in the storage room!" Shandis said

"Okay, then our goal is the library and storage hall. No matter how much we gain here, we should return here."Xiao Rui set goals for this trip.

"Now that we have a goal, let’s divide the work."

"Among us, although I am not the strongest, I am the most agile, so I am responsible for the front line and reconnaissance."

"The tower has the strongest defense, so you are responsible for protecting Gadore, she is our guarantee!"

"Batu and Tiger are responsible for protecting the flanks, and the enemies attacking on the left and right will be left to you!"

"Shandis serves as my support and support. Once we encounter a monster that we can't deal with, we would rather give up than evacuate!"Xiao Rui made arrangements for everyone

"what about me?"Hei Siyuan asked when she saw that there was no task assigned to her.

"Miss, you are so powerful, you must be in charge of the front line!"Xiao Rui said

"Oh, you just use me as a swordsman, right?"

"Who makes you the strongest? You are the main force on the battlefield!"Xiao Rui explained

"Okay, listen to you, I like fighting!"

"Do you have any better ideas or arrangements?"Xiao Rui asked

"I can also be responsible for standing in front of you. You know that we elves are natural hunters, and I can also conduct reconnaissance from a high place, so I think I am more suitable as a scout than you." Shandis added

"Well, I forgot about this. You are the natural scouts. Then you will be responsible for this area, and I will serve as on-the-spot command and support."

"What about the rest?"

Everyone nodded in approval, and the simple tactical arrangement was completed. When they were ready, they decided to find the library of the palace first.

Based on the location of the palace, everyone discussed it for a while, and they all thought that the library should be in the southeast corner of the royal court. After all, this is The biggest fear of the place is fire, so it should be located near a water source, and there is a dry river in the southeast corner of the royal court. It is the same as the Ogre King City, but obviously the ogres thousands of years ago were more artistic. The style is still primitive, but compared to the current Boulder City, the buildings here are much more delicate. In addition to the same boulders, there are more traces of other races, human pavilions, elf sculptures, etc., from the moment you enter this place It has been felt in the core area.

This Ogre King's city thousands of years ago must have been a very continental city and must have been very prosperous. Unfortunately, only this ruin is left now.

After the division of labor, Shandis had already entered the royal court to investigate first, and several others were practicing in the square and waiting. At this time, all the demon corpses on the field had basically disappeared. Dust returned to dust, earth returned to earth, and they also They all returned to the void!

Apart from the fierce battle before, nothing was left.

Almost an hour later, amidst everyone's worries, Shandis finally came back

"How about it? Have you figured out the route? Xiao Rui asked

"Sure enough, as we inferred, the library is in the southeast corner. It is a stone building with a large area. I checked outside and found nothing unusual." Shandis replied

"We won't know until we go in to see if there is any specific danger, so let's maintain our formation and prepare to enter the library."

Shandis led the way, and the other people followed her carefully.

Compared with the human palace, the structure of the Ogre King's Court is much simpler, with not so many criss-crossings. It didn't take long before they arrived at the library. The door.

This is a stone door. The writing on the plaque has been blurred, and the words"Royal Library" can be vaguely seen.

"Yes, this is our goal. I hope the collection of books inside has not turned into ashes."

Batu Taige and the two pushed open the stone door with force, and a lot of dust came down with a roar, making everyone cough. It was very majestic inside, a circular dome building, with bookshelves several people high as far as the eye could see. Although it was sealed several times After thousands of years, except for a few bookshelves that fell to the ground, it seemed that there was not much damage inside.

Several people stepped into the library and started searching immediately.

When they walked to a bookshelf, there were thick books inside. Xiao Rui He reached out to take it, but as soon as he touched the books, they immediately turned into powder and scattered on the ground.

"It's a pity that they can't withstand the erosion of time after all!"

"These are all ancient books. It's such a pity. Let's look for them again. Maybe some of them have been preserved?"Shandis looked at the books that turned into powder and said sadly.

"Okay, let's search separately in pairs. The book Gemu Gao wants is called Chronicles of Darkness."

A few people started searching in the huge library. Xiao Rui and Hei Siyuan checked along the bookshelves on the left.

Unfortunately, all the books they encountered were decayed. After looking through three or four bookshelves, I didn't get even half a scrap of paper

"After such a long time, ordinary paper books cannot be preserved unless there are special bookcases to preserve them."Hei Siyuan said

"Well, we've been looking for so long and there's nothing left."

"Hey, look there is a bookcase there, go take a look."Hei Siyuan suddenly saw a silver box placed on a shelf in the distance.

The two came to the box. It was not locked. It was estimated that there was a restriction or seal, but it seemed to have expired at this time.

"It turns out to be a mithril treasure chest. Open it and take a look."Hei Siyuan said

"You stay a little further away and I'll open it in case there's any danger."

"Tsk, it’s like you are stronger than me"

"…All right."

Xiao Rui stretched out his hand to open the box. The restrictions on it were no longer effective, but the contents were well preserved. The first thing that caught his eye was half a piece of kraft paper, with a map on it, with mountains, rivers and markers drawn on it.

"Is this a treasure map?"Xiao Rui seemed to have thought of something. He took out the same half piece of kraft paper from his backpack and put them together to reveal a complete treasure map.

"……How come you have the other half?"Hei Siyuan opened her mouth wide.

"It was at that auction that I bought it for one hundred gold coins!"

"…I didn't expect it to be a treasure map from thousands of years ago. You are so thoughtful!"Hei Siyuan said candidly

"It wasn't like I had never seen the world before. I heard it was a treasure map and bought it. I thought I only had two thousand gold coins in my bag at that time."Xiao Rui laughed at himself.

"I've missed it for you. I'll do some research after I get out and see if there's anything else?"

Take off the treasure map. There is a jade plate underneath, which seems to record a kind of martial arts, but there is no time to think about it at this time.

Below is a thick book, flicking away the dust,"Dark Chronicles" Several large characters came into view.

Hei Siyuan flipped through a few pages, most of which were about the origin of species and the history of continental disasters.

"It took no effort at all, it was so easy to find!"

"Okay, let’s install it first and then see if there’s anything else?"

I put a few things into the bag, but there was only one black bead left in the box. I couldn't tell what it was or what material it was made of.

"No matter what it is, install it first. There's nothing else. Do you want to take the box with you? It's made of mithril. It's going to be expensive to take out!"Hei Siyuan said

"Well, didn't Gromgol give us a supreme ring? Anyway, there is plenty of space."Xiao Rui put the mithril treasure box in his pocket.

Hei Siyuan pouted:"Let's go find others."

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