It was already noon when Xiao Rui woke up. Hei Siyuan and others were sitting on the rocks by the stream, swinging their feet in the water, chatting with Shandis. Here, Xiu Han was still snoring while resting his head on Long Bo's thigh, with drool hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Rui silently swore in his heart that no one can destroy all this, and I will definitely protect them.

"Hey, should we go home?"Xiao Rui's voice sounded

"Gotta get supplies, we're going to the Dominion!"

Xiu Han was sleepy-eyed, and Hei Siyuan and others also came over in response.

"Drink up!"Xiao Rui looked at Xiu Han

"I still want to sleep!"Xiu Han responded and fell down again.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Back in Boulder City, several people worked separately. Compared with Newist, the supplies were not so complete. It took a lot of effort to purchase most of the supplies, but it was okay. It was better than nothing. Be strong.

Everything was ready, and after bidding farewell to Gomugao, everyone set foot on the road to the Dominion. From Boulder City to the Dominion, it is not far, the straight-line distance is almost a thousand kilometers, but from here, you have to climb over a huge mountain. Luxue Mountain is a mountain range that stretches for three to four hundred kilometers. There are basically no towns along the way. If you want to go around, the distance will be at least twice as long. And the current situation does not give them much time.

In the past few days I hurried on the road every day, and it was close to the capital, and the road was wide, so it was not strenuous. On the fifth day, I finally entered the outskirts of the Julu Snow Mountain.

Looking from a distance, I saw white snow and the top of the mountain towering into the clouds. After walking for almost a day, I finally arrived. At the foot of the mountain, there is a tribe here that is attached to the Ogre Emirate and makes a living by raising reindeer.

Arriving at the village, houses made of reindeer fur and thatch are scattered together.

Xiao Rui knocks on the door of one of them. Door:"Hello, is anyone here?"

"With a"squeak" sound, a half-year-old child with a hungry face poked his head out.

"who are you? What are you doing at the Reindeer Tribe?"

"We are coming from Boulder City and need to cross the snow-capped mountains. We would like to find a guide here. Are there no adults at home?"

"Dad is out. He will be back in the next two days."

"Okay, thank you then"

"Do you need to drink water? Or take a rest at my house and wait for my dad to come back?"

"No thanks"

"With a"squeak" sound, the door closed again.

Then I inquired about several houses and learned that the little boy's father was the only and best guide in the tribe.

"what to do? There is no guide now, shall we just go over there?"Hei Siyuan asked

"After entering the snow-capped mountains, your eyes are filled with white snow. If you are not familiar with the road, it is easy to lose your way, and it is also easy to trigger an avalanche." Shandis said.

"So do we have to wait for the guide to come back?"

"This is a safer approach. After all, if we are lost in this snowy mountain, we will probably be trapped in it."

"Okay, let's camp here and wait until he comes back in two days before setting off."

After that, a few people started looking for a suitable location to set up camp. Now that summer is approaching, the melted snow water on the Julu Snow Mountain gathers at the bottom of the mountain to form small streams running towards the east.

They picked a small mountain beside a small stream. In a flat place, everyone started to work. When the sun just set, it was finally set up, and the bonfire was lit as usual, and everyone sat in a circle

"Hey, this Jijie can actually keep the ingredients fresh. Look, I'm here to show you my skills again."

In this way, on the afternoon of the third day, Xiao Rui and others couldn't wait any longer, so they came to the little boy's house again.

"Hello, may I ask if your father is back yet?"Xiao Rui asked

"not yet? Why did it take so long? My father told me that he would be back in a week at most!"

"What was he going to do?"

"Abba took the warriors from the tribe to find those monsters!"

"What kind of monster?"

"Snow Wind Beast!"

"Are they powerful?"

"Very powerful white giant beasts. They never came down the mountain before and lived above the snow line. But somehow in the past six months, they have often come down the mountain to attack our reindeer, causing considerable losses, so the adults have to deal with it. they"

"Can your father find them?"

"My father is the best warrior in tribal tracking."

"Okay, let's wait."

Everyone immediately returned to the camp until evening, when the little boy came over in a hurry

"Big brother, my dad and the others are in danger. At dusk, the aunt next door found Dayong at the foot of the mountain in front. She went with my dad. He was seriously injured. Before he passed out, he said that my dad and the others were trapped. At Caofeng Cave"

"Big brother, can you go and save my father and the others? I know you are all great warriors"

"Are they trapped?"

"Well, I met Xuehou there, the king of the Snow Wind Beast!"

"Then we don’t know how to get there!"

"I probably know how to get there, my dad took me there once, please!"The little boy begged.

Xiao Rui turned to look at everyone,"Let's go, otherwise how will we cross the Julu Snow Mountain?"

Everyone quickly packed their luggage and followed the little boy towards the Julu Snow Mountain.

The snow mountain on this side is relatively gentle, with only half a foot of snow, so the road is not difficult to walk. However, the altitude here is not low, and breathing is not very smooth. Everyone is on their way. The speed was not very fast.

After driving for two days in the snow-white world, we finally entered the rugged area. There was a bottomless abyss on one side and a straight cliff on the other. Everyone walked slowly along the cliff that was only a few feet wide. Moving forward, we finally arrived at the Cao Cao Wind Cave at noon on the third day.

This place is magical. Although it is surrounded by snow, there is a small patch of green around the cave, and the tenacious grass is fluttering in the cold wind. Cao Feng Cave It is a cave that runs through the mountain. The cold wind blows from the other side of the mountain, making a whistling sound.

"This is it. After passing through Caofeng Cave, there is a cliff on the other side. There is a path with only room for one foot. At the end is the Snow Wind Beast's lair."

"Abba and the others must be trapped over there!"

"Okay, then you lead the way, and we will definitely rescue your father."

The little boy led everyone through Caofeng Cave and came to a cliff. With his back against the cliff, he moved forward carefully. Everyone followed the little boy's footsteps and moved slowly on the path.

Just walk cautiously. After half an hour, I finally saw the figure in front of me. Seven or eight men were trapped on a small platform on the cliff. There were dozens of white beasts below, and one of them was a huge beast roaring at them.

"Sure enough, they entered the territory of the Snow Wind Beast. They originally wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, but unexpectedly they attracted the Beast King, and now they are trapped on top and unable to move."

"If they hadn't climbed high enough and the rock wall was steep enough, they would have died in the wilderness."

"How to save them?"

"I don’t know how strong the Snow Wind Beast is. This is still their home field, and the venue is too small. I don’t know what our chances of winning are."

"Let's do this. Shandris and I will lure away the snowstorm beasts, and you will take the opportunity to rescue them. Once we are out of danger, we will retreat immediately."

"That’s it!"

Coming within the shooting range, Shandis took aim with her bow, and a sharp arrow shot at one of the Snow Wind beasts with a sound of breaking through the air. It roared in pain, and Xiao Rui also roared at them. Snow Wind The beast discovered them, and then rushed towards the two of them with anger.

Others saw the Snow Wind Beast being attracted by Xiao Rui and the two, and came to the bottom of the trapped people. They shouted several times to the top and heard a weak voice in response.

"They are still alive."Hei Siyuan quickly climbed up the rock wall with the two of them, and left a few people below to support them. When they came to the platform above, the trapped people were quite weak. It was cold and hungry here, and they could not support so many people. It was already very rare.

Hei Siyuan quickly brought out water and food to help the trapped people recover a little. With food and water, their physical strength quickly recovered.

"How are you?"Hei Siyuan asked

"It's much better now. Who are you?"

"We are here to rescue you. We have to hurry up and wait until the rest is out."

"Can you still walk on your own?"

"I'm okay, but Amu and Jixiang were seriously injured and may not be able to walk."

"Okay, let's put them down first."

After confirming her eyes with the people below, Hei Siyuan took out the rope and slowly lowered the injured two people. The other people also tied ropes around their waists and returned to the ground along the cliff.

"The trail was so narrow that we couldn't carry them on our backs, so we had to hold ourselves up and walk."

In this way, ropes were tied around the waists of the injured two people, and they were supported by one hand at the front and back, and they carefully evacuated from the trail towards Caofeng Cave. During this period, Amu and Jixiang, who were injured several times, almost fell into the abyss. Fortunately, Hei Siyuan and others were cultivators and saved them alive. After walking along the trail for more than half an hour, they finally came to Caofeng Cave and finally breathed a sigh of relief. On the other side, Xiao Rui and Shan Thies was also very embarrassed. After all, the terrain of the valley was narrow and there was not much room to hide. Fortunately, the Snow Wind Beast was huge, and the two of them escaped through their legs many times. While they were irritating the Snow Wind Beast, they were observing Hesi. During the rescue operation of Yuan and others, when they successfully rescued and reached the middle of the trail, the two decided to evacuate. With a few quick jumps, Xiao Rui and the others arrived at the trail. The Snow Wind Beast could not come up and roared angrily below.. The two decided to quickly gather with the large army and leave the area.

The beast king Xuehou below watched the two figures getting further away, and let out an even more violent roar, which echoed throughout the valley. After hearing this, the other Snowwind beasts turned towards them one after another. People were rushing in the other direction of the canyon.

Xiao Rui and the others traveled lightly, and they were much faster, and soon caught up with Hei Siyuan and others.

At this time, they were resting in place. They had already passed those rugged mountain roads and arrived at On the relatively gentle slope, after nearly two hours of rest, except for the two seriously injured people, all the others have recovered to a certain extent. Even the seriously injured people are much better after being treated by Qing Ning and Gadoer. But her face was still very pale after losing too much blood. Seeing Xiao Rui and others coming back, Hei Siyuan stood up and said:"It seems that the last trip to the ruins improved you a lot, and you seem to be able to face those Snow Wind Beasts with ease.""

"Of course, am I making good progress all the time? It won't be long before I surpass you! Xiao Rui replied

"Haha, let’s have a try?"

"Come on, when you two meet, you have to show off your affection. We’ve had enough dog food this whole time!"Xiu Han cast a look of disdain.

"Have they recovered?"

"Well, Gadore's spell is really powerful, and it's almost perfect now!"

"Then let's get out of here quickly. I felt something was wrong when we came back. They won't let us go so easily."

"what have you found?"

"I saw those snow wind beasts heading towards the bottom of the valley. I was afraid they would find some shortcut to come back and outflank us."

"Well, without further ado, let’s get out of here first."

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