Xiao looked at Xiao Rui and said nothing. At this time, Xiao Rui was the one who really made the choice.

"Don't look at what I mean, go the way the man came."Xiao Rui spoke first.


"Because I feel that the invasion and retreat without warning a thousand years ago may have something to do with that man and you."

"how do I say this?"

"Seeing that the void this time is approaching so fiercely that it is almost crushing us with the force of a mountain, why did the one thousands of years ago recede directly?"

"Coincidentally, at the same time point, a seriously injured man with a dragon soul appeared here, but this door can reach anywhere."

"If you retrieve more memories, I believe more truths will emerge"

"So what do you mean is that we go for another walk?"

"Didn't my father also go there through here twenty years ago? It must be the rear of the void. It was he who saw that the void was so powerful that it made people desperate, so he needed to integrate the power of the entire continent."

"You analyze well and you make decisions"

"Siyuan has received the news that I am not dead, and she has nothing to worry about. Then the subsequent tasks will definitely be completed smoothly. Retrieving your memory may give you greater help. If you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger!"

Having made up their minds, the two of them were no longer in a hurry. Xiao Rui looked at the box in Xiao's hand and asked her opinion with his eyes.

"Open it and take a look? What is this thing from thousands of years ago?"Xiao handed the box in his hand to Xiao Rui.

It was a square box with no visible material. It was completely black and engraved with magic patterns on the surface. Although it had been a thousand years, light was still flowing in the patterns. Regardless of the material or the The craftsmanship is top-notch, this is at least an epic item

"Just this box is a good thing and priceless!"Xiao Rui, chirp, chirp!"

"Open it quickly."Xiao urged on the side.

Xiao Rui fumbled with his hand for a while, but didn't see any locks. The whole body was smooth.

"How to open this?"Xiao Rui looked at Xiao

"You are so stupid, give it to me!"Xiao looked disgusted.

Xiao also took it in her hand and fumbled it again. She put her right hand on the lid of the box. A faint light flashed and with a"click", the box opened.

Xiao looked at it with a confused look. Xiao Rui also moved his head towards the box in front of him.

He saw a round egg lying in the box. It was brown in color and had various patterns on the surface. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

"What is this? Dragon egg? Aren’t creatures like dragons extinct?"

"This is indeed a dragon egg, but not necessarily a dragon!"Xiao explained,"Like the fire-smoking dragon, it may also be a sub-dragon!"

"What's the use of that man keeping such a thing!"

"Since he is a strong man, what he leaves behind must be extraordinary, and it must be a great help to you, but how can you hatch it?"

"This thing requires a huge amount of energy to hatch, so it should need something like a magic core."

"Magic Cores, I have quite a few in my bag!!"

"Then give it to me!"Xiao stretched out her hand.

Xiao Rui then started groping in the bag. After a while, he took out five or six magic cores from the bag. There were various colors of black, yellow, and red.

"Well, that’s all!"

Xiao took the magic core, placed the box on the table, spread out his palms, and as a spell sounded softly, the magic core emitted smoke of various colors in his hand, slowly rotating and condensing into a stream of colorful smoke, which slowly rose to the dome. Then he shot at the dragon egg in the box at the speed of light.

The box in front of him was instantly shrouded in colorful smoke. As time went by, the scope of the colorful smoke became larger and larger, covering the entire Hall of Sages.

This situation lasted for about a quarter of an hour. , and then the smoke shrank suddenly, and was all absorbed by the dragon egg in the box.

Xiao Rui and Xiao walked forward, looking at the dragon egg in the box, and it seemed that nothing had changed. The two of them stared at each other without speaking.

Suddenly, the egg A crack appeared on the surface of the shell. As time went by, the cracks became more and more big. With a"bang", the eggshell cracked.

An egg with scales all over its body, a huge mouth, baleen and horns , the ugly little monster jumped out

"So ugly!"Xiao pouted.

The little monster seemed to understand Xiao's words, and made a protesting"Woo-Woo" sound.

"What is it?"Xiao Rui looked stunned.

"Taotie! It's so ugly!"

Taotie was even more dissatisfied, but he couldn't afford to offend the beautiful girl in front of him. Then he rolled on the ground and turned into the shape of a kitten with yellow hair and white flowers.

"Alas, it’s still so ugly!"

"Meow, meow"

"Call it a little flower!"Xiao Rui understood its protest and quickly changed the subject.

"Well, you like it!"Xiao looked indifferent.

Taotie looked excited and jumped into Xiao Rui's arms, stroking his face with her furry paws, very affectionately.

"You are my pet!"Xiao stretched out her hand and pinched Xiaohua's ears.

"Woo...woo……"Although Xiaohua is very dissatisfied, as a Yalong, it clearly knows Akatsuki's identity, and the suppression from the bloodline makes it dare not resist.

"Oh, you're still aggrieved. You haven't figured out who your master is. Why are you aggrieved?"Xiao increased the intensity of her hands.

"Woo...woo……"Xiaohua changed her face and looked at Xiao with a helpless and flattering expression.

"Forget it, I'll spare you, but you have to remember who is your master!"Xiao let go of her hand.

After a little fun, Xiao Rui and Xiao Rui were ready to embark on the journey. Xiao flashed back to the"Blue Flame", and Xiao Hua squatted on Xiao Rui's shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Rui Rui stepped into the portal on the right, hoping that he made the right choice.

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