As the anti-invasion team grows larger, Xiao Ji faces increasingly heavy coordination and distribution tasks. After the emergence of the illusion technique, several good news have been sent. At this time, Xiao Ji hadn't slept for almost three days. He looked at the map in front of him with red eyes.

Due to the growth of the team and sufficient personnel, the tactics he can adopt are becoming more and more flexible. As long as the safety of the Holy Mountain is ensured, some concessions can be made in other places, so the current focus of defense is on the Holy Mountain. Smaller cities voluntarily gave up and stuck to important main cities.

"Captain, you haven't had a break for several days."Blackhand Wan came over and put down a cup of tea.

"Although some victories seem to have been achieved at present, they are all superficial and they just selectively avoid the edge. Some key cities are facing greater pressure. For example, the number of enemies attacking Stone City has tripled, and Tianxuan Tianshu Holy Mountain is only 400 miles away from Stone City."

"The portal has been built and we can provide timely support"

"We need a big victory to inspire people, and at the same time, we need to blunt their edge and stop their offensive."

"If the pressure faced by Stone City is really that great, it might also be an opportunity."

"Black Hand Wan listens to the order and orders you to find out their numbers in the Southern Barbarians, the number of participants, supply lines and other information within ten days."


"Ten days later, all the rebel leaders will be summoned to the council hall for a meeting to formulate a detailed plan for the Nanman battle."

"It must live up to expectations."

The prototype of a counterattack is about to take shape, and Stone City will usher in its first major battle since the invasion.

"Uncle Xiao."Just after Xiao Ji issued the mission, Hei Siyuan walked in and said

"Well, what happened to the black niece?"

"Do you know the secret passage into the wasteland?"

"What do you want to do?"Xiao Ji looked at Hei Siyuan with bright eyes.

"I want to go behind enemy lines, destroy their base camp, reduce the pressure on the front line, and at the same time attack their supply lines to respond to the Southern Barbarian battle."

"Your idea is not that simple!"


"The wasteland is full of dangers, and they are not just the three melons and dates you encountered."

"Then why don't you worry Xiao Rui is over there?"

"There will always be deaths and bloodshed in war, and I believe he can take care of himself"

"For the future of the Eternal Continent, why can't I shed my blood and sacrifice?"

"Well, it looks like you've grown up! I can agree to let you go, but you have to prove your strength first. I don’t want you to run over and die."

"How can I prove my strength?"

"Isn’t the Nanman Battle about to begin now? Let’s do something."

"Thank you Uncle Xiao, I will prove it"

"Go ahead and come back to me when you're ready."

After Hei Siyuan left, Xiao Ji sat down slowly, resting his head on his hands and half-closing his eyes, as if he was asleep or lost in thought. In the next few days, the intelligence machine started to work, and the investigation of the Southern Barbarian aliens began. Entering a high-intensity state, Xiao Ji, Heishou Wan and others made preliminary plans for the southern barbarian battle. At the same time, the alien offensive also weakened a lot, and it seemed that a war was brewing. It was always quiet before the storm.

Hei Siyuan was not idle either. She went to the southern barbarian land. The members of the Morning Light Team had followed the tactics and moved to Stone City.

At this time, in a tavern in Stone City. A member of the Morning Light Team, Gadolsantis Everyone is here

"Vice-captain, aren't you in Newist? Why are you here in Stone City and why are you here to support us?"Long Shun said after taking a big sip of ale.

"You just know how to drink. Where is the captain? Aren't you worried about the captain?"Hei Siyuan glared at him.

"He's gone to the wasteland now, and we can't help him. I pray for him every day."

"Siyuan, do you have any inside information?"Xiu Han is very smart.

"I have a plan, what do you think?"Hei Siyuan looked around at everyone.

"Hi, you are the vice-captain. Of course we support you now that the captain is not here."Qing Ning also said

"By the way, Siyuan, are you still recruiting members for your Morning Light team? I want to join you too"

"Adding new members requires the captain's approval, but I can promise you first."

"Well, count me in too."Shandis said calmly next to him

"Gadore, Shandris welcomes you to join the Dawn Team."Everyone raised their glasses together to celebrate the addition of new members.

"Okay, Siyuan, you can tell me your plan."

"The commander-in-chief knows a secret passage leading to the wasteland. He promised me that if he can prove himself, he will tell me where the secret passage is and allow us to enter the wasteland."

"So what do we do?"

"I believe he will agree to help defend Stone City and achieve certain results."

"What about the first step?"



"We're going to destroy their supply lines and at the same time detect their combat intentions."

"Well, yes, it is relatively not that difficult, but the value is very great."Everyone agreed with Hei Siyuan's proposal.

Once you have an idea, you must execute it. This is not the first time for them to cooperate, so everyone's role is very clear.

According to the instructions on the map, Hei Siyuan seriously doubted the supply line here. It is the Forest of Sorrow in the southwest corner. The Cult of Curse is too mysterious and has no contact with the outside world, so very little is known about it.

That area is bordered by mountains to the west and endless coast to the south. If the aliens have already secretly communicated with them, Qu, then this must be a large supply transfer station.

After making a series of inferences, it was implemented. In the past, it would have taken at least a month to get from Stone City to the Forest of Sorrow, but now almost all members of the Dawn Team are mecha masters. , so the time needed to travel was greatly reduced. But we couldn’t alert the enemy, so we tried our best to avoid enemy-occupied areas. After approaching the Forest of Sorrow, we even walked on foot. In this way, it only took less than five days to reach the target range..

Batu is very familiar with the outskirts of the Forest of Sorrow. After all, the Suar tribe is not too far away from here. So he easily found the entrance to the Forest of Sorrow. The dense woods are actually lifeless, but these weird The trees seemed to have been released by magic, automatically sealing all entrances. This strange forest stopped many adventurers who wanted to visit, so it became even more mysterious. I lurked at the approximate entrance for two days. Finally, with With a rustling sound, the originally dense woods parted, revealing a wide post road.

Then there were shouts, and a strange convoy of mules and horses drove out.

"As expected, the Cult of the Curse has colluded with foreign races."Hei Siyuan held down the impulse in her heart and said softly.

"Want to take action?"Long Shun asked

"Wouldn't it be a mistake to act in such a hasty manner? If we let them pass, we will gain greater gains by sneaking into the Forest of Sorrow."Hei Siyuan made a judgment.

The convoy lasted for almost half an hour, and finally the last carriage drove out. At the last moment when the strange woods closed, following Hei Siyuan's gesture, the Morning Light team moved with lightning speed He entered the forest of sorrow.

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