Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 3410: Dragon King shot

Chapter 3412 Dragon Emperor shot

Looking at the entire Moon God Realm, who would dare to be arrogant enough to let the people of the Moon God Clan with royal blood get out?

Why do you break your hands and feet without getting out?

This is crazy home!

Everyone turned their heads and saw a handsome guy sitting leisurely at the innermost table.

His eyes were very calm, as deep as an ancient well, and the crowd stepped back involuntarily.

It seemed that there was a kind of magic in this young man that could shock people's hearts.

"Dragon Emperor?"

City Master Obiyue was shocked. He took the initiative to come forward just now, just not wanting Lin Tianyou to go out.

If Lin Tianyou is allowed to go, I am afraid that things will get worse.

Unexpectedly, the worrying thing happened.

As soon as the Dragon Emperor spoke, his words frowned frantically.

King Yuexian grinned.

He waited for so long, finally equal to the star emperor getting angry.

In this way, the contradiction between the emperor of the stars and the king of the fat can be used to make both of them lose out. In the end, the king of Yuexian can take advantage of the fisherman.

Good king?

Go to the **** good king!

Yuexian was qualified to be an alternate for the patriarch.

However, because of the suppression of people like King Bian, he finally failed to become a candidate.

The King of Fatty was so powerful that he could not confront him head-on.

In order not to let his prestige drop, he can only pretend that he is not interested in power.

And he also followed the advice of his own koo-tau military master, and added a character to himself, that is, virtuous!

He wants the entire Moon God Clan to know that he has a good name.

Fortunately, after so many years of business, his virtuous name has become famous.

When everyone mentions a virtuous king, they refer to him as Yuexian.

Relying on his virtuous name, he is also considered undiminished in the royal family.

But still not as good as Fat King.

They are of great generations, deep relationships, and luxuriant branches. Yuexian is not an opponent at all.

But I didn't expect that yesterday, the manager of City Lord Ozuki found him and told him a secret, saying that the emperor of the stars had arrived.

Moreover, this star emperor is a violent personality and an arrogant person who despises the world.

In order to avoid that the arrogance of the Dragon King tomorrow will arouse the resentment of other royals, I want to ask him to come forward and adjust.

The first reaction of the king at that time was that his chance to rise has arrived.

King Fat is also an arrogant man.

If the star emperor is really arrogant, then these two arrogant people will definitely break out a huge contradiction.

One is the emperor designated by the ancestors and the ancient gods, and the other is the respected person of the traditional royal family.

When the two are facing each other, they will lose out.

As long as King Po's strength is greatly reduced, then he can take the opportunity to become the leader of the royal family.

Yuexian was still immersed in his secret joy.

Here Yue Buxu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Tianyou with dangerous eyes.

"You said just now?"

Lin Tianyou glanced at him casually, as if looking at a trivial ant.

"Yes, it's Ben Shao, if you don't want to be disabled for life, just get out of here!"

If Yue Buxu thought he had heard it wrong before, then they all now think whether this teenager has a brain problem.

What kind of identity is Yuebuxu?

The first five sons of the royal family.

Their family raised him as an heir.

The future is limitless!

The only people who can be arrogant in front of him are King Fatty and the patriarch.

Even King Xian could not humiliate him at will.

"Dragon Emperor, you..."

City Lord Oziyue wanted to persuade the Dragon Sovereign, he was afraid that Lin Tianyou was too mad, and the entire coronation event would be messed up by then.

"Young Master Ben is already very low-key. Since the garbage came over, Young Master Ben has been silent. Does it mean you have given you face?"

Lin Tianyou asked back.

"Forget it, but..."

City Lord Obi Moon wanted to say.

"No, but Ben Shao has done what it should be. It's them who are looking for death on their own, so we can't blame Ben Shao!"

Lin Tianyou sneered.

The two friends behind Yue Buxu looked at Lin Tianyou like they were idiots.

The royal woman also kept shaking her head, "I was blinded by this good skin, but it's an idiot!"

Yue Buxu approached Lin Tianyou some distance, and said with contempt:

"Boy, haven't you heard them say who I am? Don't you dare to talk to me like this, haven't you thought about the consequences?"

"That's right, City Lord Ozuki, the people you brought are not so good. You don't even know Young Master Xu, so why are you messing around in the central city?"

The crowd behind him followed.

"It seems that you don't plan to get out. Give up a good opportunity. This young master really feels sad for you."

Lin Tianyou shook his head lightly, somewhat regretful.

Then, everyone felt a flower in front of them, and four clear sounds spread throughout the hall.

Click, click, click, click! !

Four beeps, a lot of one!

After the crisp sound, the crowd heard a scream like a pig.


Yue Buxu fell to the ground, his legs and arms twisted and deformed, and he was obviously broken.

The people present were stunned, even the queen clan who thought Lin Tianyou was blinded by a good skin, had eyes as big as copper bells, and looked at Lin Tianyou in disbelief.

No one thought that Lin Tianyou not only dared to speak to threaten Yue Buxu, but also dared to act!

King Yuexian and the people around him were completely stunned.

Especially for King Yuexian, he thought that Lin Tianyou would at most verbally scold Yue Buxu, and then draw King Fatty out.

Unexpectedly, this star emperor was so ruthless, he directly abolished Yue Buxu's hands and feet!

The level of arrogance exceeded his expectations.

But immediately, he was ecstatic again.

In this way, King Bian will continue to die with Lin Tianyou.

City Lord Ozuki patted his forehead with a helpless look, "I knew it, I knew something like this would happen!"

The thing he worried most still happened. Although he was prepared, he was still desperate.

He hadn't thought about how it would end this time.

If the patriarch came and saw this scene, he might directly refuse to crown the emperor of stars.

Lin Tianyou raised his head, looked at other people, and said disdainfully:

"Ben Shao abolished him, are you not convinced?"


Suddenly, countless exclaims came from around. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Eyes fell on Lin Tianyou.

After they were surprised, Lin Tianyou was full of all kinds of gloating at this moment.

It seems that this young man still doesn't know what disaster he has caused.

Actually dared to continue to provoke others.

Some people frowned and said to the person next to them:

"This guy is too mad, dare to destroy Young Master Xu, is he the protagonist today, Emperor Star?"

"Isn't it possible? The Star Emperor first came to the ramp, he must try his best to please these royal families.

Where will they do it?

I think this young man is a relative of the Lord of the Moon Moon City. "

(End of this chapter)

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