Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,180 Not controlled

When Chen Ping heard this, he was shocked. Immediately afterwards, his anger sank into his dantian, and he began to use the Heart Condensation Technique, and his spiritual power continued to surround his body.

After this test, Chen Ping found that he had no influence at all.

As for the Qi Control Pill Dong Liqun mentioned, Chen Ping had no idea what it was.

"Could it be that the Qi Control Pill only works on warriors and has no effect on immortal cultivators?" ??

Chen Ping thought secretly in his heart.

However, Chen Ping did not show it, but frowned and pretended that he had lost all his power.

"How about it, have you thought clearly? If you hand over the dragon crystal obediently, it will save me the trouble."

Dong Liqun looked at Chen Ping with a sneer.

"Just dream..."

Chen Ping looked at Dong Liqun with a sullen face and a murderous look on his face.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

After Dong Liqun finished speaking, he waved his hand.

A servant of the Dong family who blocked Chen Ping immediately shot at Chen Ping.

Even a servant of the Dong family is also a martial arts master!

But just when the servants of the Dong family were approaching Chen Ping, they saw Chen Ping slap him with a palm!


There was a sound of a rotten watermelon being stepped on and exploded.

All I saw was that the head of the servant of the Dong family exploded instantly, and the whole person flew directly ten meters away.

Dong Liqun was shocked to see that Chen Ping still had such strength.

His eyes were full of disbelief. He spent a lot of money to buy the Qi Control Pill, and it was absolutely 100% effective.

Why didn't it work on Chen Ping?

Is it because the time is too short?

Dong Liqun was a little confused.

But now that the relationship has broken, no matter what, he can't let Chen Ping leave.

"Get him!"

Dong Liqun ordered to the housekeeper.

The butler nodded, and then light lingered on his fists.

In a moment, two tiger heads covered the butler's fist, and they let out a tiger roar!

This is a unique skill of a housekeeper. Being able to be the chief housekeeper of the Dong family means that he has extraordinary abilities.

"Chen Ping, do you still want to resist?"

The housekeeper asked Chen Ping.

Chen Ping's eyes narrowed slightly, "Stop talking nonsense. If you have any ability, just use it. Don't try to be a bitch and build a memorial arch."

At this time, Chen Ping felt extremely disgusted with people like the Dong family.

All of them are hypocrites.

When the housekeeper saw this, he stopped talking. Instead, his whole body exploded with energy, and then he stepped towards Chen Ping.

The huge fist shadow carried the roar of a tiger, as if two tigers were rushing towards Chen Ping.

The sound of breaking through the sky resounded throughout the sky!

Chen Ping didn't move at all, and a dazzling golden light flashed on his fists!

The power of the divine dragon lingered on both fists, turning into two golden dragons circling.

Facing the butler's attack, Chen Ping also punched out with both fists!

Dragon roars rang out, and Chen Ping's fist turned into a golden dragon and rushed forward.


The two dragons and two tigers collided together, and the huge energy exploded instantly. The whole house began to tremble, and the tables and chairs in the room instantly turned into powder.

Seeing this, Dong Liqun hurriedly put his palms up, and a breath visible to the naked eye supported the house, otherwise the house would collapse.

Looking at the housekeeper, he was knocked away and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

"You...you haven't controlled the Qi Dan at all?"

The housekeeper looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth and did not answer. Instead, he jumped up and ran towards the outside of the hospital.

Although Chen Ping was not charged with the Qi Pill to control his power, facing masters like Dong Liqun and other members of the Dong family, Chen Ping was no match.

You must know that the Dong family can establish a foothold in Kyoto and has not joined the martial arts alliance, so it must have certain strength of its own. When Chen Ping heard this, he was shocked. Immediately afterwards, his anger sank into his dantian, and he began to use the Heart Condensation Technique, and his spiritual power continued to surround his body.

After this test, Chen Ping found that he had no influence at all.

As for the Qi Control Pill Dong Liqun mentioned, Chen Ping had no idea what it was.

"Could it be that the Qi Control Pill only works on warriors and has no effect on immortal cultivators?"

Chen Ping thought secretly in his heart.

However, Chen Ping did not show it, but frowned and pretended that he had lost all his power.

"How about it, have you thought clearly? If you hand over the dragon crystal obediently, it will save me the trouble."

Dong Liqun looked at Chen Ping with a sneer.

"Just dream..."

Chen Ping looked at Dong Liqun with a sullen face and a murderous look on his face.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

After Dong Liqun finished speaking, he waved his hand.

A servant of the Dong family who blocked Chen Ping immediately shot at Chen Ping.

Even a servant of the Dong family is also a martial arts master!

But just when the servants of the Dong family were approaching Chen Ping, they saw Chen Ping slap him with a palm!


There was a sound of a rotten watermelon being stepped on and exploded.

All I saw was that the head of the servant of the Dong family exploded instantly, and the whole person flew directly ten meters away.

Dong Liqun was shocked to see that Chen Ping still had such strength.

His eyes were full of disbelief. He spent a lot of money to buy the Qi Control Pill, and it was absolutely 100% effective.

Why didn't it work on Chen Ping?

Is it because the time is too short?

Dong Liqun was a little confused.

But now that they had broken up with each other, no matter what, he couldn't let Chen Ping leave.

"Get him!"

Dong Liqun ordered to the housekeeper.

The butler nodded, and then light lingered on his fists.

In a moment, two tiger heads covered the butler's fist, and they let out a tiger roar!

This is a unique skill of a housekeeper. Being able to be the chief housekeeper of the Dong family means that he has extraordinary abilities.

"Chen Ping, do you still want to resist?"

The housekeeper asked Chen Ping.

Chen Ping's eyes narrowed slightly, "Stop talking nonsense. If you have any ability, just use it. Don't try to be a bitch and build a memorial arch."

At this time, Chen Ping felt extremely disgusted with the Dong family.

All of them are hypocrites.

When the housekeeper saw this, he stopped talking. Instead, his whole body exploded with energy, and then he stepped towards Chen Ping.

The huge shadow of the fist was accompanied by roars of tigers, as if two tigers were rushing towards Chen Ping.

The sound of breaking through the sky resounded throughout the sky!

Chen Ping didn't move at all, and a dazzling golden light flashed on his fists!

The power of the divine dragon lingered on both fists, turning into two golden dragons circling.

Facing the butler's attack, Chen Ping also punched out with both fists!

Dragon roars rang out, and Chen Ping's fist turned into a golden dragon and rushed forward.


The two dragons and two tigers collided together, and the huge energy exploded instantly. The whole house began to tremble, and the tables and chairs in the room instantly turned into powder.

Seeing this, Dong Liqun hurriedly put his palms up, and a breath visible to the naked eye supported the house, otherwise the house would collapse.

Looking at the housekeeper, he was knocked away and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

"You...you haven't controlled the Qi Dan at all?"

The housekeeper looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth and did not answer. Instead, he jumped up and ran towards the outside of the hospital.

Although Chen Ping was not charged with the Qi Pill to control his power, facing masters like Dong Liqun and other members of the Dong family, Chen Ping was no match.

You must know that the Dong family can establish a foothold in Kyoto and has not joined the martial arts alliance, so it must have certain strength of its own.

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