Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,182 If you have the ability, do it yourself

Six identical Chen Pings stood together, surprising everyone!

Only Dong Liqun looked calm.

"It's just a cover-up, but you're showing off in front of me?"

Dong Liqun didn't care at all about Chen Ping's Nine Shadows Sword Technique.

Chen Ping didn't speak. It felt like a waste of energy for him to say another word now.


Chen Ping jumped up.

In mid-air, only six identical Chen Pings were seen, staying there like gods.

Then, two bright sword energies were swung out!

Finally, they merged into one place and slashed directly at Dong Liqun. ??

This sword energy cut through the sky, as if tearing a gap in time and space.

Above the sword energy, there is also a blazing spiritual fire.

If the terrifying sword energy caused many people in the Dong family to flee, the spiritual fire above the sword energy alone would make everyone unbearable.

But such terrifying sword energy struck Dong Liqun's aura fiercely.

The same scene appeared. After the terrifying sword energy touched the aura, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never existed at all.

If it weren't for the residual heat remaining in the air, no one would have believed that Chen Ping had just wielded such terrifying sword energy.

"You are a mere martial arts master, no matter how many magic weapons you have, it will be in vain in front of me."

Dong Liqun said calmly.

After saying that, Dong Liqun used his hand as a sword and swung it towards Chen Ping in an instant.

In the aura, a ray of light instantly flashed across.

The same terrifying sword energy struck Chen Ping.

Chen Ping had just learned the lesson, so he was already on guard.

His body quickly dodged and avoided the sword energy, but his back was still scratched by the sword energy.

A golden light flashed, and a deep wound instantly appeared on Chen Ping's back.

Pieces of golden scales fell off and finally disappeared!

Chen Ping's body fell from mid-air, and his face became very sad.

Look, although he barely managed to escape the sword energy just now, it still left Chen Ping in a state of embarrassment.

Chen Ping stared at Dong Liqun, not daring to attack easily.

Because every attack is equivalent to hitting yourself!

Seeing that Chen Ping stopped attacking, Dong Liqun looked at him with a sneer, "What? Just these two moments? I really don't know where you got the confidence just now."

"It seems that I also overestimated you and caused me to waste a Qi Control Pill. However, this Qi Control Pill turned out to be fake. I will have to settle the score with them sooner or later."

"Hand over the dragon crystal yourself now, and I can make it easier for you."

"If you have the ability, just come and get it yourself."

Chen Ping had a cold face, anger rising in his eyes.


After Dong Liqun finished speaking, his body suddenly flashed and he was directly in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping didn't realize how Dong Liqun came to him, but he was slapped in the chest by Dong Liqun.

Chen Ping's body was knocked out and hit a stone wall hard before he stopped.

Chen Ping's chest was sunken and his ribs were obviously broken.

The indestructible golden body was actually vulnerable to Dong Liqun.

This is the difference between Wu Zong and Wuhou.

A small level gap, or an equal level, may be able to be bridged by talent and skill.

But the gap between great realms is like a chasm, insurmountable!

Only when you reach the realm of Wuhou can you experience and comprehend new techniques.

Chen Ping has not yet reached the rank of Half-Step Wuhou. If he had reached the rank of Half-step Wuhou, he would not be in such a panic when facing Dong Liqun.

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Although he was injured, Chen Ping still had a resolute look on his face.

As long as he doesn't die, he will never give in!

Seeing Chen Ping stand up again, Dong Liqun couldn't help but sigh, "What a wonderful seedling. It's a pity that you are a tiger and cannot be used by others, so you have no choice but to die."

After saying that, Dong Liqun flew up, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, slashing towards Chen Ping's chest. Six identical Chen Pings stood together, surprising everyone!

Only Dong Liqun looked calm.

"It's just a cover-up, but you're showing off in front of me?"

Dong Liqun didn't care at all about Chen Ping's Nine Shadows Sword Technique.

Chen Ping didn't speak. It felt like a waste of energy for him to say another word now.

"break……" .??.

Chen Ping jumped up.

In mid-air, only six identical Chen Pings were seen, staying there like gods.

Then, two bright sword energies were swung out!

Finally, they merged into one place and slashed directly at Dong Liqun.

This sword energy cut through the sky, as if tearing a gap in time and space.

Above the sword energy, there is still a blazing spiritual fire.

If the terrifying sword energy caused many people in the Dong family to flee, the spiritual fire above the sword energy alone would make everyone unbearable.

But such terrifying sword energy struck Dong Liqun's aura fiercely.

The same scene appeared. After the terrifying sword energy touched the aura, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never existed at all.

If it weren't for the residual heat remaining in the air, no one would have believed that Chen Ping had just wielded such terrifying sword energy.

"You are a mere martial arts sect, no matter how many magic weapons you have, it will be in vain in front of me."

Dong Liqun said calmly.

After saying that, Dong Liqun used his hand as a sword and instantly swung it towards Chen Ping.

In the aura, a ray of light instantly flashed across.

The same terrifying sword energy struck Chen Ping.

Chen Ping had just learned the lesson, so he was already on guard.

His body quickly dodged and avoided the sword energy, but his back was still scratched by the sword energy.

There was a flash of golden light, and a deep wound instantly appeared on Chen Ping's back.

Pieces of golden scales fell off and finally disappeared!

Chen Ping's body fell from mid-air, and his face became very sad.

Look, although he barely escaped the sword energy just now, it still made Chen Ping miserable.

Chen Ping stared at Dong Liqun, not daring to attack easily.

Because every attack is equivalent to hitting yourself!

Seeing that Chen Ping stopped attacking, Dong Liqun looked at him with a sneer, "What? Just these two moments? I really don't know where you got the confidence just now."

"It seems that I also overestimated you and caused me to waste a Qi Control Pill. However, this Qi Control Pill turned out to be fake. I will have to settle the score with them sooner or later."

"Hand over the dragon crystal yourself now, and I can make it easier for you."

"If you have the ability, just come and get it yourself."

Chen Ping had a cold face, anger rising in his eyes.


After Dong Liqun finished speaking, his body suddenly flashed and he was directly in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping didn't realize how Dong Liqun came to him, but he was slapped in the chest by Dong Liqun.

Chen Ping's body was knocked out and hit a stone wall hard before he stopped.

Chen Ping's chest was sunken and his ribs were obviously broken.

The indestructible golden body was actually vulnerable to Dong Liqun.

This is the difference between Wu Zong and Wuhou.

A small level gap, or an equal level, may be able to be bridged by talent and skill.

But the gap between great realms is like a chasm, insurmountable!

Only when you reach the realm of Wuhou can you experience and comprehend new techniques.

Chen Ping has not yet reached the rank of Half-Step Wuhou. If he had reached the rank of Half-step Wuhou, he would not be in such a panic when facing Dong Liqun.

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Although he was injured, Chen Ping still had a resolute look on his face.

As long as he doesn't die, he will never give in!

Seeing Chen Ping stand up again, Dong Liqun couldn't help but sigh, "What a wonderful seedling. It's a pity that you are a tiger and cannot be used by others, so you have no choice but to die."

After saying that, Dong Liqun flew up, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, slashing towards Chen Ping's chest.

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