Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,351 Scared

Unfortunately, the attacks of Zhou Tiancheng and the three men were all blocked by the barrier in front of Chen Ping. Apart from the loud rumbling noise, they did not cause any harm to Chen Ping and Ji Ruxue!

At this time, the three people stared at each other, a little at a loss.

"Since you love playing magic so much, then if I use weapons, wouldn't it be bullying you? I will also use magic to defeat you..."

After Chen Ping said that, he suddenly looked into the air, muttering something in his mouth, and a white light spread from Chen Ping's hand to the surroundings!

Soon, where the white light shone, the gravel and rubble on the ground began to roll violently, and then slowly gathered together.

In the end, these masonry and rubble turned into an earth-yellow giant sword in front of Chen Ping!

The solid stone turned into a sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow. The surrounding sword energy enveloped the entire Zhou family!

"Behead me..."

With a thought in Chen Ping's mind, the giant sword more than ten meters in front of him let out a sword cry, roaring towards Zhou Tiancheng and the three of them, as if it came to life.

The monstrous sword energy swept out with unrivaled power.

Seeing this, the three people from Zhou Tiancheng hurriedly activated their spells, and earth walls rose up in front of them, trying to block Chen Ping's attack.

Bang bang bang...

Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the earth wall formed by the three people could not stop the attack of Chen Ping's giant sword at all. Under Chen Ping's vertical and horizontal sword energy, it instantly collapsed!

The sword's edge continued unabated, as if it was about to cut off the heaven and the earth!

The faces of Zhou Tiancheng and the other three people have become extremely ugly, cold sweat is pouring from their foreheads, and magic formulas are constantly coming out of their mouths.

But no matter what method they used, they couldn't stop Chen Ping's giant sword!

"Retreat, retreat quickly..."

Seeing this, Zhou Tiancheng hurriedly called on the other two people to retreat quickly.

They didn't expect that Chen Ping's spells were so powerful, and that the condensed giant sword would have such powerful energy.


The giant sword drew a deep ravine on the ground. Although Zhou Tiancheng and the others quickly retreated, the huge impact still caused the three of them to fall out heavily, in a state of embarrassment!

The surroundings were filled with dust, and all the bricks, stones and rubble were condensed and scattered again at this moment.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated. Chen Ping hugged Ji Ruxue and looked at Zhou Tiancheng and the others coldly.

At this moment, the three of them were covered in dust, and blood was flowing out from the corners of their mouths. They looked at how embarrassed they were.

Even Xiao Da, who was not far away, was affected and became dirty.

"I have no interest in playing with you anymore, go to hell..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword instantly appeared in his hand.

The dragon-slaying sword appeared, and the hot air waves instantly made everyone breathless.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Ping held Ji Ruxue in one hand and held the Dragon-Slaying Sword in the other. Then he stepped forward and slashed at Zhou Tiancheng, who was closest to him.

The hair all over Zhou Tiancheng's body exploded in an instant. The moment the Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared, Zhou Tiancheng began to regret and regretted provoking this guy Chen Ping.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no use regretting, so I can only quickly gather all the strength in my body and retreat quickly.

Zhou Tiancheng was very fast, but he found that no matter how fast he was, he still could not avoid the sharp sword energy of Chen Ping's sword.

Zhou Tiancheng's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"No, don't kill me..."

Zhou Tiancheng was scared and his legs started to tremble!

But where does Chen Ping care about this? After Zhou Tiancheng said that Ji Ruxue had become his woman, this ending was already destined.


As the sword energy passed by, Zhou Tiancheng's entire body was cut in half by the sword energy.

A trace of bright red blood fell on the sky, and the whole air was filled with the smell of blood. Unfortunately, the attacks of Zhou Tiancheng and the three men were all blocked by the barrier in front of Chen Ping. Apart from the loud rumbling noise, they did not cause any harm to Chen Ping and Ji Ruxue!

At this time, the three people stared at each other, a little at a loss.

"Since you love playing magic so much, then if I use weapons, wouldn't it be bullying you? I will also use magic to defeat you..."

After Chen Ping said that, he suddenly looked into the air, muttering something in his mouth, and a white light spread from Chen Ping's hand to the surroundings!

Soon, where the white light shone, the gravel and rubble on the ground began to roll violently, and then slowly gathered together.

In the end, these masonry and rubble turned into an earth-yellow giant sword in front of Chen Ping!

The solid stone turned into a sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow. The surrounding sword energy enveloped the entire Zhou family!

"Behead me..."

With a thought in Chen Ping's mind, the giant sword more than ten meters in front of him let out a sword cry, roaring towards Zhou Tiancheng and the three of them, as if it came to life.

The monstrous sword energy swept out with unrivaled power.

Seeing this, the three people from Zhou Tiancheng hurriedly activated their spells, and earth walls rose up in front of them, trying to block Chen Ping's attack.

Bang bang bang...

Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the earth wall formed by the three people could not stop the attack of Chen Ping's giant sword at all. Under Chen Ping's vertical and horizontal sword energy, it instantly collapsed!

The sword's edge continued unabated, as if it was about to cut off the heaven and the earth!

The faces of Zhou Tiancheng and the other three people have become extremely ugly, cold sweat is pouring from their foreheads, and magic formulas are constantly coming out of their mouths.

But no matter what method they used, they couldn't stop Chen Ping's giant sword!

"Retreat, retreat quickly..."

Seeing this, Zhou Tiancheng hurriedly called on the other two people to retreat quickly.

They didn't expect that Chen Ping's spells were so powerful, and that the condensed giant sword would have such powerful energy.


The giant sword drew a deep ravine on the ground. Although Zhou Tiancheng and the others quickly retreated, the huge impact still caused the three of them to fall out heavily, in a state of embarrassment!

The surroundings were filled with dust, and all the masonry and rubble that had been condensed were scattered back again at this moment.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated. Chen Ping hugged Ji Ruxue and looked at Zhou Tiancheng and the three of them coldly.

At this moment, the three of them were covered in dust, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, looking at how embarrassed they were.

Even Xiao Da, who was not far away, was affected and became dirty.

"I have no interest in playing with you anymore, go to hell..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword instantly appeared in his hand.

The dragon-slaying sword appeared, and the hot air waves instantly made everyone breathless.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Ping held Ji Ruxue in one hand and held the Dragon-Slaying Sword in the other. Then he stepped forward and slashed at Zhou Tiancheng, who was closest to him.

The hair all over Zhou Tiancheng's body exploded in an instant. The moment the Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared, Zhou Tiancheng began to regret and regretted provoking this guy Chen Ping.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no use regretting, so I can only quickly gather all the strength in my body and retreat quickly.

Zhou Tiancheng was very fast, but he found that no matter how fast he was, he still could not avoid the sharp sword energy of Chen Ping's sword.

Zhou Tiancheng's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"No, don't kill me..."

Zhou Tiancheng was scared and his legs started to tremble!

But where does Chen Ping care about this? After Zhou Tiancheng said that Ji Ruxue had become his woman, this ending was already destined.


As the sword energy passed by, Zhou Tiancheng's entire body was cut in half by the sword energy.

A trace of bright red blood fell on the sky, and the whole air was filled with the smell of blood.

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