Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,361 The man in black takes action


Zhou Tianyin snorted coldly and activated the energy in his body!

Where the sword energy of the two people met, a bright light suddenly exploded!

boom! ??

The terrifying sword fell, and the shocking explosion was deafening!

The ground even started to beat violently, endless smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the horrific aftermath spread violently around!

For a moment, sand and rocks were flying, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world was coming!

Even a magnitude 10 earthquake might not be so scary!

The entire mountaintop was cut off by one meter under this blow.

"Sister, will something happen to Brother Chen?"

Xiao Min looked at the terrifying scene in front of her and asked Ji Ruxue nervously.

Ji Ruxue was gritting her teeth and clenching her fists so hard that her nails were embedded in her flesh.

She didn't know if Chen Ping could resist it, or if something would happen to Chen Ping.

If something happened to Chen Ping, she probably wouldn't want to live anymore. After all, Chen Ping offended the Zhou family just to save her.

The man in black hiding behind the boulder frowned tightly and held several talismans in his hand.

He also seemed to be worried about Chen Ping, if it was him who followed Zhou Tianyin to fight.

Facing this powerful attack, it is impossible to resist, and I am afraid that it has already been shattered to pieces.

But at this time, Zhou Tianyin frowned and stared at where Chen Ping was in surprise!

The moment Jian Gang exploded, he actually felt an indestructible aura!

"What is that? Is that kid not dead?"

Zhou Tianyin waved his hand with an ugly expression, and a strong wind suddenly appeared, blowing away all the smoke and dust. The scene in the field gradually emerged in front of everyone.

I saw a big pit with a radius of three meters there!

The big pit is very strange. It is generally bowl-shaped and the surrounding area is extremely smooth. It looks like a huge iron ball that was forced into the ground and left traces.

At the bottom of the pit, Chen Ping was standing in the center, covered in blood.

"He's really not dead?!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tianyin was shocked!

So scary

Even the attack couldn't kill Chen Ping?

"Today, one of us must die!"

Chen Ping lowered his head, and Zhou Tianyin couldn't see his expression.

But his voice was extremely cold, without any emotion at all!

Zhou Tianyin couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Chen Ping wiped the blood on his face with his hands, and then slowly walked up from the bottom of the pit.

Every step left a bloody footprint.

He just walked towards Zhou Tianyin step by step.

Zhou Tianyin's heart was full of uneasiness, and he couldn't help shouting, "What are you going to do? Stop! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Ping took two more steps forward before stopping.

At this time, the two were no more than five meters apart!

Then, Chen Ping suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Tianyin!


Zhou Tianyin’s heart was shocked!

I saw Chen Ping's eyes were blood red, full of murderous intent, hatred, deathly silence, and madness!

"You must die today!"

Chen Ping roared word by word!

At the moment when Zhou Tianyin was stunned, Chen Ping rushed towards Zhou Tianyin.

"not good!"

Zhou Tianyin's heart was beating wildly and he had to dodge without even thinking.

However, it's too late!

This is Chen Ping's long-planned blow!

Use all your spiritual power to rush directly towards Zhou Tianyin!

There were no fancy moves, he just rushed over like this.

Chen Ping was planning to die with Zhou Tianyin.

But Chen Ping himself knew that he was betting that his Nascent Soul would not be damaged and that his physical body would recover.

But others were surprised when they saw that Chen Ping was going to die with Zhou Tianyin.

"Chen Ping..."

"Brother Chen..."

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Min exclaimed.

When Zhou Tianyin saw Chen Ping rushing towards him in such a desperate manner, he was also slightly stunned.

The man in black behind the boulder was startled, and then jumped up. "snort!"

Zhou Tianyin snorted coldly, and the energy in his body activated!

Where the sword energy of the two people met, a bright light suddenly exploded!


The terrifying sword fell, and the shocking explosion was deafening!

The ground even started to beat violently, endless smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the horrific aftermath spread violently around!

For a moment, sand and rocks were flying, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world was coming!

Even a magnitude 10 earthquake might not be so scary! ??

The entire mountaintop was cut off by one meter under this blow.

"Sister, will something happen to Brother Chen?"

Xiao Min looked at the terrifying scene in front of her and asked Ji Ruxue nervously.

Ji Ruxue was gritting her teeth and clenching her fists so hard that her nails were embedded in her flesh.

She didn't know if Chen Ping could resist it, or if something would happen to Chen Ping.

If something happened to Chen Ping, she probably wouldn't want to live anymore. After all, Chen Ping offended the Zhou family just to save her.

The man in black hiding behind the boulder frowned tightly and held several talismans in his hand.

He also seemed to be worried about Chen Ping, if it was him who followed Zhou Tianyin to fight.

Facing this powerful attack, it is impossible to resist, and I am afraid that it has already been shattered to pieces.

But at this time, Zhou Tianyin frowned and stared at where Chen Ping was in surprise!

The moment Jian Gang exploded, he actually felt an indestructible aura!

"What is that? Is that kid not dead?"

Zhou Tianyin waved his hand with an ugly expression, and a strong wind suddenly appeared, blowing away all the smoke and dust. The scene in the field gradually emerged in front of everyone.

I saw a big pit with a radius of three meters there!

The big pit is very strange. It is generally bowl-shaped and the surrounding area is extremely smooth. It looks like a huge iron ball that was forced into the ground and left traces.

At the bottom of the pit, Chen Ping was standing in the center, covered in blood.

"He's really not dead?!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tianyin was shocked!

So scary

Even the attack couldn't kill Chen Ping?

"Today, one of us must die!"

Chen Ping lowered his head, and Zhou Tianyin couldn't see his expression.

But his voice was extremely cold, without any emotion at all!

Zhou Tianyin couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Chen Ping wiped the blood on his face with his hands, and then slowly walked up from the bottom of the pit.

Every step left a bloody footprint.

He just walked towards Zhou Tianyin step by step.

Zhou Tianyin's heart was full of uneasiness, and he couldn't help shouting, "What are you going to do? Stop! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Ping took two more steps forward before stopping.

At this time, the two were no more than five meters apart!

Then, Chen Ping suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Tianyin!


Zhou Tianyin’s heart was shocked!

I saw Chen Ping's eyes were blood red, full of murderous intent, hatred, deathly silence, and madness!

"You must die today!"

Chen Ping roared word by word!

At the moment when Zhou Tianyin was stunned, Chen Ping rushed towards Zhou Tianyin.

"not good!"

Zhou Tianyin's heart was beating wildly and he had to dodge without even thinking.

However, it's too late!

This is Chen Ping's long-planned blow!

Use all your spiritual power to rush directly towards Zhou Tianyin!

There were no fancy moves, he just rushed over like this.

Chen Ping was planning to die with Zhou Tianyin.

But Chen Ping himself knew that he was betting that his Nascent Soul would not be damaged and that his physical body would recover.

But others were surprised when they saw that Chen Ping was going to die with Zhou Tianyin.

"Chen Ping..."

"Brother Chen..."

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Min exclaimed.

When Zhou Tianyin saw Chen Ping rushing towards him in such a desperate manner, he was also slightly stunned.

The man in black behind the boulder was startled, and then jumped up.

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