Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,766 Running around

If only one Martial Sect uses the Martial Saint Weapon, it won't be able to exert any power at all.

The hunchbacked old man felt the huge power of the Martial Saint, and his body obviously froze, and his speed also slowed down a lot!

But in the end, the hunchbacked old man gritted his teeth and still grabbed Chen Ping.

Chen Ping waved the vajra in his hand, and a ray of martial saint power went directly towards the hunchbacked old man! .??.


The hunchbacked old man's body directly collided with the power of the Martial Saint, and then flew backwards.

Seeing that the hunchbacked old man could not withstand the attack of the martial saint's power, Chen Ping was overjoyed, and the power of the dragon was injected into the vajra again.

The Vajra is shining with a faint light, and the breath of the power of the Martial Saint is spreading!

The hunchbacked old man's face became a little ugly. He slowly stood up and looked at Chen Ping, but he didn't take action!

"Damn it, you old guy, keep doing it?"

When Chen Ping saw that the hunchbacked old man was scared, he immediately sneered.

The hunchbacked old man looked very ugly. Even though Chen Ping was humiliating him, he did not take action!

Chen Ping didn't know it yet, but the vajra in his hand, blessed by the power of his divine dragon, had begun to crack!

Originally, the vajra would not last long, but later Nie Cheng activated the vajra and followed the blood demon into a fight.

Now Chen Ping uses the vajra again. It is obvious that this has reached the limit of the vajra.

It may break at any time!


Just as Chen Ping was confronting the hunchbacked old man, a sudden roar made both of them look over.

I saw only two heads of the three vicious dogs left at this moment. The Blood Demon was waving his iron fist and smashing hard at the heads of the vicious dogs.

With this punch, the whole space began to tremble, and the vicious dog's head was smashed away!

The two extra heads that the evil dog suddenly had were smashed by the blood demon!

When the hunchbacked old man saw this, his face instantly became extremely ugly. He had no time to express any sadness and muttered words, and saw space fluctuations starting to appear around the hunchbacked old man!

Chen Ping knew that this guy thought something was wrong and wanted to use space magic to escape!

"It's not that easy to leave..."

Chen Ping activated the vajra and smashed it directly at the hunchbacked old man.

But as soon as Chen Ping exerted force, the vajra in his hand instantly shattered and turned into pieces!

In this moment of delay, the body of the hunchbacked old man slowly disappeared!

"Chen Ping, when the time comes for your puppet corpse, I will come and take your life again..."

The hunchbacked old man's voice echoed in Chen Ping's ears!

Chen Ping snorted coldly, "I should be the one to kill you..."

But the hunchbacked old man had already left and could not be heard at all.

Chen Ping looked at the vicious dog again. At this moment, it had been smashed into pulp by the blood demon's punches!


Chen Ping hurriedly stopped the blood demon. If he smashed it like this, he might even destroy the beast elixir!

The blood demon stopped, and Chen Ping hurried forward and found the beast elixir from the pile of meat.

Feeling the coldness in the beast elixir, Chen Ping did not expect that this evil dog was indeed nourished by Yin Qi.

Fortunately, Chen Ping's Heart Condensation Technique is the same as refining Yin Qi, otherwise this beast elixir would have been wasted.

After putting away the beast elixir, Chen Ping sent people to the martial arts arena to inform everyone that the public execution of Nie Cheng had been cancelled, and that Nie Cheng had been killed.

Nie Cheng's head was gone, and there was no way Chen Ping could kill Nie Cheng again in public!

After everyone got the news, there was a lot of discussion. This incident did have a slight impact on Chen Ping in everyone's mind, but Chen Ping didn't care. His most important thing now was to rescue Su Yuqi.

Chen Ping took Blood Demon and Fan Jiang to Penglai Island to find Hu Mazi, and then went to Tianfu Sect!

In order to rescue Su Yuqi, Chen Ping can only run like this! If only one Martial Sect uses the Martial Saint Weapon, it won't be able to exert any power at all.

The hunchbacked old man felt the huge power of the Martial Saint, and his body obviously froze, and his speed also slowed down a lot!

But in the end, the hunchbacked old man gritted his teeth and still grabbed Chen Ping.

Chen Ping waved the vajra in his hand, and a ray of martial saint power went directly towards the hunchbacked old man!


The hunchbacked old man's body directly collided with the power of the Martial Saint, and then flew backwards.

Seeing that the hunchbacked old man could not withstand the attack of the martial saint's power, Chen Ping was overjoyed, and the power of the dragon was injected into the vajra again.

The Vajra is shining with a faint light, and the breath of the power of the Martial Saint is spreading!

The hunchbacked old man's face became a little ugly. He slowly stood up and looked at Chen Ping, but he didn't take action!

"Damn it, you old guy, keep doing it?"

When Chen Ping saw that the hunchbacked old man was scared, he immediately sneered.

The hunchbacked old man looked very ugly. Even though Chen Ping was humiliating him, he did not take action!

Chen Ping didn't know it yet, but the vajra in his hand, blessed by the power of his divine dragon, had begun to crack!

Originally, the vajra would not last long, but later Nie Cheng activated the vajra and followed the blood demon into a fight.

Now Chen Ping uses the vajra again. It is obvious that this has reached the limit of the vajra.

It may break at any time!


Just as Chen Ping was confronting the hunchbacked old man, a sudden roar made both of them look over.

I saw only two heads of the three vicious dogs left at this moment. The Blood Demon was waving his iron fist and smashing hard at the heads of the vicious dogs.

With this punch, the whole space began to tremble, and the vicious dog's head was smashed away!

The two extra heads that the evil dog suddenly had were smashed by the blood demon!

When the hunchbacked old man saw this, his face instantly became extremely ugly. He had no time to express any sadness and muttered words, and saw space fluctuations starting to appear around the hunchbacked old man!

Chen Ping knew that this guy thought something was wrong and wanted to use space magic to escape!

"It's not that easy to leave..."

Chen Ping activated the vajra and smashed it directly at the hunchbacked old man.

But as soon as Chen Ping exerted force, the vajra in his hand instantly shattered and turned into pieces!

In this moment of delay, the body of the hunchbacked old man slowly disappeared!

"Chen Ping, when the time comes for your puppet corpse, I will come and take your life again..."

The hunchbacked old man's voice echoed in Chen Ping's ears!

Chen Ping snorted coldly, "I should be the one to kill you..."

But the hunchbacked old man had already left and could not be heard at all.

Chen Ping looked at the vicious dog again. At this moment, it had been smashed into pulp by the blood demon's punches!


Chen Ping hurriedly stopped the blood demon. If he smashed it like this, he might even destroy the beast elixir!

The blood demon stopped, and Chen Ping hurried forward and found the beast elixir from the pile of meat.

Feeling the coldness in the beast elixir, Chen Ping did not expect that this evil dog was indeed nourished by Yin Qi.

Fortunately, Chen Ping's Heart Condensation Technique is the same as refining Yin Qi, otherwise this beast elixir would have been wasted.

After putting away the beast elixir, Chen Ping sent people to the martial arts arena to inform everyone that the public execution of Nie Cheng had been cancelled, and that Nie Cheng had been killed.

Nie Cheng's head was gone, and there was no way Chen Ping could kill Nie Cheng again in public!

After everyone got the news, there was a lot of discussion. This incident did have a slight impact on Chen Ping in everyone's mind, but Chen Ping didn't care. His most important thing now was to rescue Su Yuqi.

Chen Ping took Blood Demon and Fan Jiang to Penglai Island to find Hu Mazi, and then went to Tianfu Sect!

In order to rescue Su Yuqi, Chen Ping can only run like this!

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