Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,792 Departure

Chen Ping took the opportunity and shouted for everyone to go back to the hotel!

Anna took Andrew along with her. After knowing that Chen Ping was Dawuhou, Anna was about to hug Chen Ping's thighs.

Chen Ping was worried at first that Anna would start a conflict with these girls!

But Chen Ping underestimated the communication skills of girls!

Soon Anna became involved with a group of girls and became sisters.

And when they learned what happened to Anna, they were all filled with indignation and wanted to help Anna find the King of Medicine, and also help Anna teach her brother a lesson.

the next day.

Tang Dali came to the hotel early to wait for Chen Ping!

Waiting to take Chen Ping around to see if he can find the ruins!

Originally, Chen Ping didn't plan to let the girls follow him, but Anna was going to find the King of Medicine. If Anna was the only one to follow, the other girls would definitely not be happy, so they just took them with them!

"Where's Master Hu?"

Chen Ping saw that everyone had gathered, but Hu Mazi was nowhere to be seen!

"Master Hu has not left the room since he came. Who knows what he is doing in there..."

Zhao Chuang said.

Chen Ping knew immediately what this guy was doing.

However, Hu Mazi is an expert in finding holes and tombs, so he must take action!

So Chen Ping walked to Hu Mazi's room and knocked hard on the door!

Soon, the door opened, and Hu Mazi yawned, his eyes were dull and the circles under his eyes were dark.

And on the hotel bed, two blond girls were lying down!

"Master Hu, we are going to find the ruins today."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"Ah, so fast?"

Hu Mazi was stunned.

"If you don't hurry up, you will probably become a human and die in this place in two days."

Chen Ping rolled his eyes at the flax!

Hu Mazi chuckled, "This foreign girl is amazing, wait for me and I'll put on my clothes."

r\u003e Soon, Hu Mazi got dressed and came out. Seeing Hu Mazi’s appearance, everyone knew what this guy was doing after not going out for two days.

"Damn it, Chen Ping, you are so awesome, you managed to get a foreign girl in two days?"

After Hu Mazi saw Anna, he immediately admired Chen Ping!

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's go quickly..."

Chen Ping was afraid that Hu Mazi would be talking nonsense, so he quickly urged everyone to set off!

With Tang Dali leading the way, a minibus pulled everyone towards the foot of the snow-capped mountain!

When we were still more than ten kilometers away from the snow-capped mountains, the car stopped because there was no road ahead and we needed to walk!

Tang Dali took some daily necessities and a simple tent from the car, and then said, "Mr. Chen, because the weather here changes quickly, we need to bring some supplies. Maybe we will have to spend the night here."


Chen Ping nodded, looked at the supplies, and then waved, putting them all into the storage ring!

This time, Tang Dali looked envious.

The group of people stepped on the snow and kept approaching the snow-capped mountains. They were originally going for adventure, but they were turned into a game by these girls!

These girls were all playing around, throwing snowballs, and having snowball fights...

Chen Ping was also speechless for a while!

Tang Dali was speechless because he found that each of these girls looked fragile, but they were much stronger than him.

Along the way, Chen Ping and the others could also encounter groups of people, hurriedly heading towards the snow-capped mountains. Everyone's aura was strong, and they were obviously there to explore the ruins.

However, these people didn't pay attention to Chen Ping and the others. After all, they were obviously traveling with so many girls and they were having fun, so they didn't take it to heart!

As we got closer and closer to the snow-capped mountains, the weather became worse and worse. Streams of fog rose up, spreading from the foot of the mountain, and soon covered the surrounding areas, as if they were isolated.

Chen Ping emitted his spiritual consciousness, but was surprised to find that he couldn't even penetrate the thick fog. It was obvious that the fog was not naturally formed. Chen Ping took the opportunity and shouted for everyone to go back to the hotel!

Anna took Andrew along with her. After knowing that Chen Ping was Dawuhou, Anna was about to hug Chen Ping's thighs.

Chen Ping was worried at first that Anna would start a conflict with these girls!

But Chen Ping underestimated the communication skills of girls!

Soon Anna became involved with a group of girls and became sisters.

And when they learned what happened to Anna, they were all filled with indignation and wanted to help Anna find the King of Medicine, and also help Anna teach her brother a lesson.

the next day.

Tang Dali came to the hotel early to wait for Chen Ping! ??

Waiting to take Chen Ping around to see if he can find the ruins!

Originally, Chen Ping didn't plan to let the girls follow him, but Anna was going to find the Medicine King. If Anna was the only one to follow, the other girls would definitely not be happy, so they just took them with them!

"Where's Master Hu?"

Chen Ping saw that everyone had gathered, but Hu Mazi was nowhere to be seen!

"Master Hu has not left the room since he came. Who knows what he is doing in there..."

Zhao Chuang said.

Chen Ping knew immediately what this guy was doing.

However, Hu Mazi is an expert in finding holes and tombs, so he must take action!

So Chen Ping walked to Hu Mazi's room and knocked hard on the door!

Soon, the door opened, and Hu Mazi yawned, his eyes were dull and the circles under his eyes were dark.

And on the hotel bed, two blond girls were lying down!

"Master Hu, we are going to find the ruins today."

Chen Ping said to Hu Mazi.

"Ah, so fast?"

Hu Mazi was stunned.

"If you don't hurry up, you will probably become a human and die in this place in two days."

Chen Ping rolled his eyes at the flax!

Hu Mazi chuckled, "This foreign girl is amazing, wait for me and I'll put on my clothes."

r\u003e Soon, Hu Mazi got dressed and came out. Seeing Hu Mazi’s appearance, everyone knew what this guy was doing after not going out for two days.

"Damn it, Chen Ping, you are so awesome, you managed to get a foreign girl in two days?"

After Hu Mazi saw Anna, he immediately admired Chen Ping!

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's go quickly..."

Chen Ping was afraid that Hu Mazi would be talking nonsense, so he quickly urged everyone to set off!

With Tang Dali leading the way, a minibus pulled everyone towards the foot of the snow-capped mountain!

When we were still more than ten kilometers away from the snow-capped mountains, the car stopped because there was no road ahead and we needed to walk!

Tang Dali took some daily necessities and a simple tent from the car, and then said, "Mr. Chen, because the weather here changes quickly, we need to bring some supplies. Maybe we will have to spend the night here."


Chen Ping nodded, looked at the supplies, and then waved, putting them all into the storage ring!

This time, Tang Dali looked envious.

The group of people stepped on the snow and kept approaching the snow-capped mountains. They were originally going for adventure, but they were turned into a game by these girls!

These girls were all playing around, throwing snowballs, and having snowball fights...

Chen Ping was also speechless for a while!

Tang Dali was speechless because he found that each of these girls looked fragile, but they were much stronger than him.

Along the way, Chen Ping and the others could also encounter groups of people, hurriedly heading towards the snow-capped mountains. Everyone's aura was strong, and they were obviously there to explore the ruins.

However, these people didn't pay attention to Chen Ping and the others. After all, they were traveling with so many girls and they were having fun, so they didn't take it to heart!

As we got closer and closer to the snow-capped mountains, the weather became worse and worse. Streams of fog rose up, spreading from the foot of the mountain, and soon covered the surrounding areas, as if they were isolated.

Chen Ping emitted his spiritual consciousness, but was surprised to find that he couldn't even penetrate the thick fog. It was obvious that the fog was not naturally formed.

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