Dragon King Order

Chapter 1841 Think twice

Chen Ping took the mobile phone. The picture above showed Su Yuqi being tied up. A man in black robe was beating Su Yuqi continuously with a whip.

And while fighting, he also provoked Chen Ping!

"Chen Ping, I know you will definitely be able to see this video. You can't even protect your girlfriend, and you dare to challenge our martial arts alliance."

"Bah, don't look at your own virtues. Any one of us can kill you."

"Now let me show the people in the martial arts world that you brag all day long, but you can't even protect your girlfriend."

As he said that, the whip hit Su Yuqi hard again.

Su Yuqi gritted her teeth tightly without making any sound, her eyes were full of anger!

After seeing this scene, Chen Ping's body was trembling and his teeth were clenching.

Terrifying murderous intent instantly burst out from Chen Ping.

"Martial Arts Alliance, I want to kill all of you..."

Chen Ping suddenly crushed the phone in his hand, his eyes turned scarlet red!

The power in Chen Ping's body was constantly flowing around, and he seemed to be going crazy. His anger had made Chen Ping lose his mind.

Feeling the aura on Chen Ping's body, Long Xingxu was trembling all over!

Chen Ping stood up and said to Long Xingxu, "Gather everyone in Longmen, I will make sure that there is no living person in the martial arts alliance..."

"Brother Chen Ping, tomorrow we will officially compete with the Martial Arts Alliance. The battle invitations have been sent out. If we take action now, I am afraid that in the martial arts world..."

"Shut up, I will let everyone in the martial arts alliance die now." Before Long Xingxu could finish speaking, Chen Ping roared angrily, "In addition, I would like to inform all the families in the martial arts world that anyone who joins the martial arts alliance is my enemy of Longmen. You will be retaliated against by my dragon gate."

Seeing this, Long Xingxu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

After Long Xingxu left, Chen Ping walked out of the room, raised his head and roared!


The huge roar spread across a dozen miles in an instant, and the golden light on Chen Ping's body kept flashing, and the terrifying aura swept over him like a tsunami.

The indestructible golden body was activated, and golden scales covered Chen Ping's body, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword also appeared in Chen Ping's hand!

Chen Ping can't stand it anymore. He wants to kill all the guys in the Martial Arts Alliance right now, leaving no one behind...

"If the Martial Arts Alliance is not destroyed, I, Chen Ping, swear that I will not be a human..."

Chen Ping roared!

The bright golden light made many people look around.

Hu Mazi, Gu Ling'er, Long Wu and the others also felt Chen Ping's anger, and they all came running over!

They all also saw the video on the martial arts forum, and everyone was filled with indignation!

Looking at Chen Ping's eyes that were scarlet because of anger, everyone showed distress.

They knew how uncomfortable Chen Ping would be at this moment!

"Mr. Chen, if you lose your mind at this time, it will be exactly what the Martial Arts Alliance wants, so you should think twice."

Zhou Jie came and persuaded Chen Ping.

"Yes, Chen Ping, you need to calm down. The Martial Arts Alliance released this video at this time, obviously to stimulate you. As long as you are angry, your mind will definitely be messed up."

Long Wu also persuaded Chen Ping.

"I've said it before, it's just an image, not your real girlfriend, so if you think about it, your girlfriend didn't suffer a severe beating."

Zhou Jie was still persuading Chen Ping.

At this moment, Chen Ping's violent aura was slowly calming down, and he was silently reciting the Qingxin Mantra in his heart!

"I know, I won't lose my mind." Chen Ping nodded, "But I won't give up if I can't destroy the Martial Arts Alliance this time."

Although Chen Ping did not go to the Martial Arts Alliance to cause trouble, the families who joined the Martial Arts Alliance were all in bad luck!

In just one night, Longmen went out and wiped out more than a dozen aristocratic sects! Chen Ping took the mobile phone. The picture above showed Su Yuqi being tied up. A man in black robe was beating Su Yuqi continuously with a whip.

And while fighting, he also provoked Chen Ping!

"Chen Ping, I know you will definitely be able to see this video. You can't even protect your girlfriend, and you dare to challenge our martial arts alliance."

"Bah, don't look at your own virtues. Any one of us can kill you."

"Now let me show the people in the martial arts world that you brag all day long, but you can't even protect your girlfriend."

As he said that, the whip hit Su Yuqi hard again. .??.

Su Yuqi gritted her teeth tightly without making any sound, her eyes were full of anger!

After seeing this scene, Chen Ping's body was trembling and his teeth were clenching.

Terrifying murderous intent instantly burst out from Chen Ping.

"Martial Arts Alliance, I want to kill all of you..."

Chen Ping suddenly crushed the phone in his hand, his eyes turned scarlet red!

The power in Chen Ping's body was constantly flowing around, and he seemed to be going crazy. His anger had made Chen Ping lose his mind.

Feeling the aura on Chen Ping's body, Long Xingxu was trembling all over!

Chen Ping stood up and said to Long Xingxu, "Gather everyone in Longmen, I will make sure that there is no living person in the martial arts alliance..."

"Brother Chen Ping, tomorrow we will officially compete with the Martial Arts Alliance. The battle invitations have been sent out. If we take action now, I am afraid that in the martial arts world..."

"Shut up, I will let everyone in the martial arts alliance die now." Before Long Xingxu could finish speaking, Chen Ping roared angrily, "In addition, I would like to inform all the families in the martial arts world that anyone who joins the martial arts alliance is my enemy of Longmen. You will be retaliated by my dragon gate."

Seeing this, Long Xingxu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

After Long Xingxu left, Chen Ping walked out of the room, raised his head and roared!


The huge roar spread across a dozen miles in an instant, and the golden light on Chen Ping's body kept flashing, and the terrifying aura swept over him like a tsunami.

The indestructible golden body was activated, and golden scales covered Chen Ping's body, and the Dragon-Slaying Sword also appeared in Chen Ping's hand!

Chen Ping can't stand it anymore. He wants to kill all the guys in the Martial Arts Alliance right now, leaving no one behind...

"If the Martial Arts Alliance is not destroyed, I, Chen Ping, swear that I will not be a human..."

Chen Ping roared!

The bright golden light made many people look around.

Hu Mazi, Gu Ling'er, Long Wu and the others also felt Chen Ping's anger, and they all came running over!

They all also saw the video on the martial arts forum, and everyone was filled with indignation!

Looking at Chen Ping's eyes that were scarlet because of anger, everyone showed distress.

They knew how uncomfortable Chen Ping would be at this moment!

"Mr. Chen, if you lose your mind at this time, it will be exactly what the Martial Arts Alliance wants, so you should think twice."

Zhou Jie came and persuaded Chen Ping.

"Yes, Chen Ping, you need to calm down. The Martial Arts Alliance released this video at this time, obviously to stimulate you. As long as you are angry, your mind will definitely be messed up."

Long Wu also persuaded Chen Ping.

"I've said it before, it's just an image, not your real girlfriend, so if you think about it, your girlfriend didn't suffer a severe beating."

Zhou Jie was still persuading Chen Ping.

At this moment, Chen Ping's violent aura was slowly calming down, and he was silently reciting the Qingxin Mantra in his heart!

"I know, I won't lose my mind." Chen Ping nodded, "But I won't give up if I can't destroy the Martial Arts Alliance this time."

Although Chen Ping did not go to the Martial Arts Alliance to cause trouble, the families who joined the Martial Arts Alliance were all in bad luck!

In just one night, Longmen went out and wiped out more than a dozen aristocratic sects!

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