Dragon King Order

Chapter 1870 Not worth it


Before Deacon Lu could react, he found that his right arm holding the long sword fell directly to the ground. Because the speed was so fast that the blood didn't have time to flow out. All he could see was that the broken arm was covered in white and very oozing. people!

A second later, the blood from the severed arm spattered out, and the severe pain made Deacon Nalu scream!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. Even Zhou Jie felt a little incredible!

Chen Ping raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Deacon Nalu's eyebrows!

As long as Chen Ping stabbed him hard at this time, Deacon Na Lu would definitely die suddenly on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the people around him stood up instantly, each one exuding murderous intent, covering Chen Ping! ??

Zhou Jie was startled, and quickly stepped forward and said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, you have to calm down. If you kill Deacon Lu now, then there will be no room for cooperation with our Demon Spirit Sect. Don't even think about rescuing your girlfriend..."

When Chen Ping heard Zhou Jie mention Su Yuqi, he slowly put away the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

Deacon Nalu glared at Chen Ping, sat down on the chair, and was bandaged!

At this moment, Song Qingping came out, and beside Song Qingping, there was a man wearing a mask!

The mask on the man's face is bronze and decorated with rings around it, which looks a bit funny!

Chen Ping didn't understand why the leader of the Demon Spirit Sect still wore a mask?

Is it because you are afraid that people will not see you?

"Mr. Chen, our sect leader was injured on his face many years ago, so he always wears a mask."

Zhou Jie followed Chen Ping in a low voice and explained.

"How is this going?"

Song Qingping looked at the blood on the ground and Deacon Lu's broken arm, his face turned cold, and he asked.

"Deputy Sect Master, it was Deacon Lu who wanted to compete with Mr. Chen in swordsmanship and was accidentally injured."

Zhou Jie stepped forward and replied.

r\u003e "Nonsense, Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest invited by the sect master. Is this how you treat guests?"

"You bunch of trash, get out of here..."

"In addition, use bone-setting powder to reattach the broken arm..."

Song Qingping scolded him sternly.

None of those people dared to speak, nodded and retreated. Deacon Nalu also picked up his severed arm and left the hall!

"Zhou Jie, please go out too..."

Song Qingping waved his hand.

"Yes." Zhou Jie nodded and left.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down..."

Song Qingping put on a smile and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Ping sat in the first place, very close to the master of the Demon Spirit Sect, but Chen Ping could not feel the aura of the master of the Demon Spirit Sect.

Could it be that the leader of the Demon Spirit Sect is too powerful and has hidden his aura so that he cannot detect it?

Chen Ping was very puzzled!

"Mr. Chen, I invite you here this time because I want to cooperate with you. As long as you give us the body of the Blood Demon, our Demon Spirit Sect can help you and rescue your girlfriend..."

The leader of the Demon Spirit Sect spoke, but his voice was a bit hoarse, as if he had squeezed out his voice.

"I can give you the blood demon's body, but how do you make me believe that you can help me rescue my girlfriend?"

Chen Ping asked calmly.

"Your girlfriend is locked up in a secret realm right now. I believe you already know that behind the martial arts alliance is the Demonic Heart Sect. Our two sects were originally from the same lineage, but later they parted ways due to different philosophies..."

"So I know how to open the secret realm of Demon Heart Sect, but you need to find the location of the secret realm yourself."

The leader of the Demon Spirit Sect said.

After hearing this, Chen Ping smiled coldly and said, "Is the only way you can help me to open the secret realm? This doesn't seem to be a good deal for me?" Brush...

Before Deacon Lu could react, he found that his right arm holding the long sword fell directly to the ground. Because the speed was so fast that the blood didn't have time to flow out. All he could see was that the broken arm was covered in white and very oozing. people!

A second later, the blood from the severed arm spattered out, and the severe pain made Deacon Nalu scream!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. Even Zhou Jie felt a little incredible!

Chen Ping raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Deacon Nalu's eyebrows!

As long as Chen Ping stabbed him hard at this time, Deacon Na Lu would definitely die suddenly on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the people around him stood up instantly, each one exuding murderous intent, covering Chen Ping!

Zhou Jie was startled, and quickly stepped forward and said to Chen Ping, "Mr. Chen, you have to calm down. If you kill Deacon Lu now, then there will be no room for cooperation with our Demon Spirit Sect. Don't even think about rescuing your girlfriend..."

When Chen Ping heard Zhou Jie mention Su Yuqi, he slowly put away the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

Deacon Nalu glared at Chen Ping, sat down on the chair, and was bandaged!

At this moment, Song Qingping came out, and beside Song Qingping, there was a man wearing a mask!

The mask on the man's face is bronze and decorated with rings around it, which looks a bit funny!

Chen Ping didn't understand why the leader of the Demon Spirit Sect still wore a mask?

Is it because you are afraid that people will not see you?

"Mr. Chen, our sect leader was injured on his face many years ago, so he always wears a mask."

Zhou Jie followed Chen Ping in a low voice and explained.

"How is this going?"

Song Qingping looked at the blood on the ground and Deacon Lu's broken arm, his face turned cold, and he asked.

"Deputy Sect Master, it was Deacon Lu who wanted to compete with Mr. Chen in swordsmanship and was accidentally injured."

Zhou Jie stepped forward and replied.

r\u003e "Nonsense, Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest invited by the sect master. Is this how you treat guests?"

"You bunch of trash, get out of here..."

"In addition, use bone-setting powder to reattach the broken arm..."

Song Qingping scolded him sternly.

None of those people dared to speak, nodded and retreated. Deacon Nalu also picked up his severed arm and left the hall!

"Zhou Jie, please go out too..."

Song Qingping waved his hand.

"Yes." Zhou Jie nodded and left.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down..."

Song Qingping put on a smile and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Ping sat in the first place, very close to the master of the Demon Spirit Sect, but Chen Ping could not feel the aura of the master of the Demon Spirit Sect.

Could it be that the leader of the Demon Spirit Sect is too powerful and has hidden his aura so that he cannot detect it?

Chen Ping was very puzzled!

"Mr. Chen, I invite you here this time because I want to cooperate with you. As long as you give us the body of the Blood Demon, our Demon Spirit Sect can help you and rescue your girlfriend..."

The leader of the Demon Spirit Sect spoke, but his voice was a bit hoarse, as if he had squeezed out his voice.

"I can give you the blood demon's body, but how do you make me believe that you can help me rescue my girlfriend?"

Chen Ping asked calmly.

"Your girlfriend is locked up in a secret realm right now. I believe you already know that behind the martial arts alliance is the Demonic Heart Sect. Our two sects were originally from the same lineage, but later they parted ways due to different philosophies..."

"So I know how to open the secret realm of Demon Heart Sect, but you need to find the location of the secret realm yourself."

The leader of the Demon Spirit Sect said.

After hearing this, Chen Ping smiled coldly and said, "Is the only way you can help me to open the secret realm? This doesn't seem to be a good deal for me?"

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