Dragon King Order

Chapter 3645 Gritting Teeth

Although Zheng Jian didn't say anything along the way, he already hated Zhe Yan in his heart!

Originally, he was going to take down his junior sister, but now Zhe Yan, a body reshaped by a residual soul, followed Jiang Yulian and kissed me!

Zheng Jian followed Chen Ping and the others quietly to the vicinity of the Demon Swallowing Cave!

"Mr. Chen, as you move forward, you will reach the Demon-Devouring Cave area, so keep your spirits up, because you don't know when a strange suction force will suddenly appear, and then your whole person will be sucked into the Demon-Devouring Cave. Inside the cave!”

Jiang Yulian pointed to the front and warned Chen Ping!

"Well, I understand!" Chen Ping nodded, and then slowly walked forward!

Zhe Yan followed Chen Ping, but was pulled back by Jiang Yulian: "You have just reshaped your body, and your level is too low, so don't go in. Let's follow Mr. Chen..."

Jiang Yulian looked worried, worried that Zhe Yan's level was too low and she would be in danger!

"I'm fine. With Mr. Chen here, you can all rest assured!"

Zhe Yan comforted!

After following Chen Ping for a while, he knew that Chen Ping was the chosen one. No matter what kind of danger he encountered, he would be able to avert the danger in the end!

Seeing that Zhe Yan insisted on following, Jiang Yulian took off the jade stone from her chest and put it on Zhe Yan!

"Put this on, and you'll be able to resist attacks from the divine soul when the time comes!"

Jiang Yulian said with concern!

Zhe Yan nodded, then took Jiang Yulian's hand and slowly followed Chen Ping!

Zheng Jian in the back was so angry that he wanted to break his teeth!

Chen Ping didn't know that Zhe Yan followed Jiang Yulian to show off his love. He only focused on the Demon Swallowing Cave!

As they got closer and closer to the Demon Swallowing Cave, a strange force suddenly filled the air around Chen Ping and the others!

Then this force turned into a huge suction force!

Everyone felt their bodies light up, and then quickly headed towards the Demon Swallowing Cave!

This sudden change caused Jiang Yulian and the others to quickly use their spiritual power to resist, and each of them hugged the big tree tightly to prevent the suction force from sucking them into the Demon Swallowing Cave!

But Chen Ping did not resist the suction force. He completely dispersed his breath and looked like an ordinary person!

Just as Chen Ping dispersed the breath in his body, the huge suction force magically disappeared!

When Chen Ping looked at Jiang Yulian and the others, they were all resisting desperately, hugging the tree tightly!

But even so, their bodies are still suspended in mid-air, and they are about to be unable to hold on!

"Give up resistance, restrain all your aura, and regard yourself as an ordinary person, an ordinary person without any spiritual power..."

Chen Ping said loudly to the three of them!

Hearing Chen Ping's shout, the three of them quickly put away their spiritual power, and then restrained their breath.

The strange suction gradually disappeared, and finally all three of them landed firmly on the ground!

"Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

Zhe Yan asked Chen Ping in disbelief!

When they restrain their breath, they can no longer feel the suction. This is amazing!

"There must be a magic circle set up at the entrance of the Demon Swallowing Cave, and the condition for the activation of this magic circle is that if there is a monk's aura permeating the air at a certain distance nearby, the magic circle will activate, and then generate a huge suction force!"

"If you condense your breath and become an ordinary person, then this formation will lose its activation conditions, so the huge suction power will disappear."

Chen Ping explained!

When Jiang Yulian and Zheng Jian heard this, they immediately regretted it. If they had taken Chen Ping with them from the beginning, maybe their fellow apprentices would not have been sucked into the Demon Swallowing Cave and their lives and deaths are unknown!

As a monk, everyone who comes near the Demon-Swallowing Cave will unconsciously circulate their aura, keeping vigilant and alert to dangers that may come at any time!

How could anyone restrain their aura and become an ordinary person, wandering around the Demon Swallowing Cave!

It is precisely because of this that the Demon-Swallowing Cave has been successful many times, and it has swallowed many monks!

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