Dragon King Order

Chapter 4184: Discuss

There are also a few who have reached the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm!

There is even a Mahayana master, and this Mahayana master is Diao Changmin!

The head of the Diao family in Yongle City!

"Master Diao?" Chen Ping looked a little confused when he saw Diao Changmin: "Aren't you with President Su and the others?"

"I started to follow them, but now they are separated. I just want to see the ancient medicine cauldron of Fellow Daoist Chen."

"I don't think Daoyou Chen would be so disrespectful and wouldn't show it to me, right?"

Diao Changmin asked!

It turns out that this guy has been thinking about Chen Ping's Shennong Cauldron, secretly followed Su Tianshuo and others, and led the Diao family to find Chen Ping!

He wanted to get the Shennong Cauldron. If he did it together with Su Tianshuo and others, it would be uncertain who the Shennong Cauldron would fall into!

"Oh, it turns out you just want to take a look at the medicine cauldron. Isn't this simple?"

When Chen Ping heard this, he showed no concern and was about to take out the medicine cauldron!

When Diao Changmin saw this, his eyes lit up, full of greed!

As long as Chen Ping takes out the Shennong Ding, he will not hesitate to attack Chen Ping. After killing Chen Ping, the Shennong Ding will be his, and the hundred-year enshrinement of the Demon Sealing Alliance will also be his!

After all, a young monk at the sixth level of the Tribulation Realm, with the elites of the Diao family, would definitely be able to kill him easily!

Moreover, he is still a master in the Mahayana realm, so there is no way he would be afraid of Chen Ping!

I saw Chen Ping flipping through it casually, and what he took out was not a medicine cauldron, but a dragon-slaying sword!

Senhan's sword light shot out in an instant!

When Diao Changmin saw this, he retreated suddenly, barely dodging Chen Ping's sword!

But the two people behind Diao Changmin were not so lucky. They were directly hit by the sword light and their bodies were cut into two pieces!


When Diao Changmin saw that one of his people was killed, he immediately glared at Chen Ping.

"Hmph, if you want to spy on my medicine cauldron, just go ahead and dream about it. You guys still want to lie to me!"

r\u003e Chen Ping sneered, suddenly jumped up, and ran quickly to the side!

"Damn it, you want to run away, I have to kill you today!"

When Diao Changmin saw that he was being played by Chen Ping, he became furious. With a murderous look in his eyes, he led his men to chase after Chen Ping!

Chen Ping was in front and Diao Changmin led others behind, constantly shuttling through the mist!

Although Chen Ping's body was not infested by toxins much, he kept traveling in the mist, which still made Chen Ping feel that the spiritual energy in his body was not flowing smoothly!

Chen Ping actually didn't take these people seriously. The reason why he didn't take action against them was because of the fog around him!

If a fight really breaks out, the poisonous gas will invade the body faster!

Even if Chen Ping killed people like Diao Changmin, he must have been poisoned a lot. If he encountered the situation again, he would be in trouble!

Diao Changmin and others were chasing after him, and they kept throwing pills in their mouths!

This is a detoxifying pill. Although there is no way to completely eliminate the toxins in the mist, it can also slow down the speed of the poisonous gas invading the body!

Not long after entering the mist, they noticed something strange in the mist, so they started taking antidote pills!

As a family of medicine, detoxifying pills are a long-term necessity!

"Master, we don't have much antidote pills left. If we continue to use them like this, we will be in trouble!"

At this time, a middle-aged pharmacist beside Diao Changmin reminded him!

Diao Changmin frowned slightly, looked at Chen Ping not far in front, and said with some confusion: "Damn, why hasn't this kid gotten poisoned yet? I really don't think I saw him taking the antidote pill along the way!"

"Master, isn't this guy invulnerable to all poisons?" said the middle-aged pharmacist!

"Fart, the toxins in this mist are not ordinary toxins. Even if he is immune to all poisons, he can't resist the toxins in this mist at all!"

"Our detoxifying pill can also detoxify hundreds of poisons, but in the face of this kind of toxin, it can only delay it, but there is no way to prevent the toxin from entering the body!"

Diao Changmin cursed!

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