Dragon King Order

Chapter 702 Bee Venom

"Long Wu, you are so stubborn. The current Long family has changed a long time ago. It is still the Long family that you were loyal to before. I heard that a young master suddenly appeared in your Long family. Now the Long family has issued a chasing order. The reward for the killing order is three crystal stones. If I hadn’t had some friendship with you, Long Wu, I would have fucking wanted to take over the mission, and your eldest lady..."

"Okay, I'm calling you because I have something to ask you. Don't nag me. Don't interfere in the Long family's affairs..."

Seeing that Ding Busan was chatting endlessly, Long Wu hurriedly interrupted him and glanced at Chen Ping secretly. It was obvious that there were some things he didn't want Chen Ping to know yet, but the Long family's grand gesture also frightened Long Wu. Suddenly, in order to catch Chen Ping, the Long family was willing to take out three crystals.

You must know that crystals are a must-use cultivation resource for immortal cultivators. They are hundreds of times more advanced than spirit stones. One crystal is enough for a monk like Chen Ping to practice for a year or more.

However, when Chen Ping listened to Ding Busan's words, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't fully understand it. There were still many mysteries in his heart. Now he could only wait until July 15th to talk about it.

"If you have any questions, just ask, I will tell you everything I know..."

Ding Busan said. ??

"Do you still remember Wu Mei'er?" Long Wu asked.

"Wu Mei'er?" Ding Busan hesitated, but didn't say anything, obviously he didn't remember.

"It's the baby girl you picked up twenty years ago and gave it to me to raise..."

Long Wu said.

"Oh, I remember, why did you think of asking her? Did something happen?"

Ding Busan said with an oh.

"Where were you when you picked up Mei'er? Was Mei'er alone on the roadside at that time? Did you see her parents? Do you know where her home is?"

Long Wu said hello in one breath

Some Problems.

Ding Busan thought for a while and said: "When I picked up this baby girl, her parents were still holding her. Her parents gave her to me. I didn't want to come, but her parents knelt down and begged me to give the baby away. The baby was taken away..."

When Long Wu heard this, he became anxious and asked loudly: "Didn't you fucking say she was an orphan? Why did her parents give it to you?"

At that time, Ding Busan said that Wu Meier was an orphan, so Long Wu agreed to adopt him. If he knew that Wu Meier had parents, Long Wu would have returned Wu Meier to her parents. After all, the child is so young, and it is best to be with her parents. Long Wu is a big man and it is not convenient to take care of him.

"Look, why are you so anxious? She was an orphan. After her parents gave me their children, they all died..."

Ding Busan explained.

"Dead? How did you die? Aren't you the so-called miraculous doctor? How can you watch two people die if you can't save them?"

Long Wu said with a confused look.

"When I saw the girl's parents, her parents had been deeply poisoned. Even if Daluo Jinxian came, they couldn't be saved. What's more, her parents were poisoned with bee venom from Miao Village. How could I save them?"

Ding Busan said very unhappy.

"Bee venom from the Miao Village? Did the people from the Miao Village kill Meier's parents?"

Long Wu frowned slightly.

"Then I don't know. I saw that the girl's parents were dead, so I buried them and gave the girl to you!" Ding Busan said, suddenly yawned and said, "I haven't slept yet. Wake up, I’m too sleepy, I’m going to go back to sleep…”

With that said, Ding Busan hung up the phone.

Long Wu held his cell phone and was stunned for a moment. Since Wu Meier's parents were poisoned by the bee venom of the Miao Village, it must be someone from the Miao Village who killed her parents, and everyone knew that the venomous bees of the Miao Village were extremely powerful. , extremely toxic, but raising these poisonous bees is very troublesome, so Miao villages rarely use poisonous bees. "Long Wu, you are so stubborn. The current Long family has changed a long time ago. It is still the Long family that you were loyal to before. I heard that a young master suddenly appeared in your Long family. Now the Long family has issued a chasing order. The reward for the killing order is three crystal stones. If I hadn’t had some friendship with you, Long Wu, I would have fucking wanted to take over the mission, and your eldest lady..."

"Okay, I'm calling you because I have something to ask you. Don't nag me. Don't interfere in the Long family's affairs..."

Seeing that Ding Busan was chatting endlessly, Long Wu hurriedly interrupted him and glanced at Chen Ping secretly. It was obvious that there were some things he didn't want Chen Ping to know yet, but the Long family's grand gesture also frightened Long Wu. Suddenly, in order to catch Chen Ping, the Long family was willing to take out three crystal stones.

You must know that crystals are a must-use cultivation resource for immortal cultivators. They are hundreds of times more advanced than spirit stones. One crystal is enough for a monk like Chen Ping to practice for a year or more.

However, when Chen Ping listened to Ding Busan's words, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't fully understand it. There were still many mysteries in his heart. Now he could only wait until July 15th to talk about it. ??

"If you have any questions, just ask, I will tell you everything I know..."

Ding Busan said.

"Do you still remember Wu Mei'er?" Long Wu asked.

"Wu Mei'er?" Ding Busan hesitated, but didn't say anything, obviously he didn't remember.

"It's the baby girl you picked up twenty years ago and gave it to me to raise..."

Long Wu said.

"Oh, I remember, why did you think of asking her? Did something happen?"

Ding Busan said with an oh.

"Where were you when you picked up Mei'er? Was Mei'er alone on the roadside at that time? Did you see her parents? Do you know where her home is?"

Long Wu said hello in one breath

Some Problems.

Ding Busan thought for a while and said: "When I picked up this girl, her parents were still holding her. Her parents gave her to me. I didn't want to come at that time, but her parents knelt down and begged me to take the baby away. The baby was taken away..."

When Long Wu heard this, he became anxious and asked loudly: "Didn't you fucking say she was an orphan? Why did her parents give it to you?"

At that time, Ding Busan said that Wu Meier was an orphan, so Long Wu agreed to adopt him. If he knew that Wu Meier had parents, Long Wu would have returned Wu Meier to her parents. After all, the child is so young, and it is best to be with her parents. Long Wu is a big man and it is not convenient to take care of him.

"Look, why are you so anxious? She was an orphan. After her parents gave me their children, they all died..."

Ding Busan explained.

"Dead? How did you die? Aren't you the so-called miraculous doctor? How can you watch two people die if you can't save them?"

Long Wu said with a confused look.

"When I saw the girl's parents, her parents had already been deeply poisoned. Even if Daluo Jinxian came, they couldn't be saved. What's more, her parents were poisoned with bee venom from Miao Village. How could I save them?"

Ding Busan said very displeasedly.

"Bee venom from the Miao Village? Did the people from the Miao Village kill Meier's parents?"

Long Wu frowned slightly.

"Then I don't know. I saw that the girl's parents were dead, so I buried them and gave the girl to you!" Ding Busan said, suddenly yawned and said, "I haven't slept yet. Wake up, I’m too sleepy, I’m going to go back to sleep…”

With that said, Ding Busan hung up the phone.

Long Wu held his cell phone and was stunned for a moment. Since Wu Meier's parents were poisoned by the bee venom of the Miao Village, it must be someone from the Miao Village who killed her parents, and everyone knew that the venomous bees of the Miao Village were extremely powerful. , extremely toxic, but raising these poisonous bees is very troublesome, so poisonous bees are rarely used in Miao villages.

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