Dragon King Order

Chapter 784 A magical place

"What's going on? Is it going to rain? It's flashing and thundering..."

"Is there an earthquake? The house is about to collapse..."

"It rained stones and hit my head..."

Everyone in Medicine God Valley got up one after another and gathered together to discuss.

"This..." Chen Ping was shocked when he looked at his fist: "The power of a small level of improvement has increased so much? It's incredible..."

Chen Ping didn't expect that his strength would increase a lot after he improved a small level.

Today, when Chen Ping encounters Xiahou Dun, he can almost kill him with one sword.

With a wave of his hand, the Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared in Chen Ping's hand. The Dragon-Slaying Sword buzzed as if to congratulate Chen Ping.

Dong Dong Dong... .??.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Ping hurriedly put away the Dragon-Slaying Sword and the Shennong Cauldron.

Chen Ping opened the door and found Yu Dong standing at the door.

"Mr. Chen, you have been here for two days, are you too bored? I will take you out for a walk..."

Yu Dong said to Chen Ping.

"Didn't Elder Xu say that I am an outsider and cannot walk around in Medicine God Valley, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble..."

Chen Ping is here as a guest. Since Xu Changsheng said so, Chen Ping will not break other people's rules.

After all, Xu Changsheng treats Chen Ping well.

"Don't worry, no one will recognize you..."

As he spoke, Yu Dong took out a hat and sunglasses: "Mr. Chen, put these on so no one can recognize them. I just happened to show Mr. Chen the magic of my Medicine God Valley..."

After hearing what Yu Dong said, Chen Ping was also curious about the magic that Yu Dong said, so he put on his hat and sunglasses and followed Yu Dong out of the room.

The two of them had breakfast. Many people greeted Yu Dong while walking on the road, but no one paid special attention to Chen Ping.


Yu Dong led Chen Ping towards the depths of the Medicine God Valley. As they went deeper, there were fewer and fewer ordinary people. Behind them were warriors with auras emanating from their bodies, with varying degrees of strength.

These warriors were all polite when they saw Yu Dong, which shows that Yu Dong's status in Medicine God Valley is not low.

After walking for a while, it was hard to see anyone anymore. At this time, the valley had not yet reached the end. At a glance, it seemed that there were endless roads behind, but the peaks on both sides seemed to be exactly the same. Like a reflection in a mirror.

"Mr. Chen, no one has ever reached the end of this road, and no one knows where the end is. I once walked out of curiosity for a day and a night, but I found that the road ahead is still endless..."

Yu Dong pointed to the road ahead and said.

"No end? How can there be a place like this?"

Chen Ping felt a little incredible.

"Mr. Chen, if you don't believe me, I'll take you a little further to see..."

As he spoke, Yu Dong concentrated his energy at his feet, and his speed instantly increased.

When Chen Ping saw this, he immediately cheered up and followed him.

At this time, the speed of the two was extremely fast. If ordinary people saw this on a crowded road, they would probably be shocked.

In this way, the two of them ran for an hour. Yu Dong stopped, his forehead was covered with sweat and he was out of breath.

Chen Ping didn't blush, and his heart didn't beat. He looked at the road in front of him strangely.

It stands to reason that at this speed, they have now traveled nearly a hundred miles, but Chen Ping found that the scene in front of him seemed to have not changed.

But he clearly felt that he was moving forward and not standing still.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't lie to you, did I? See if it's not the end yet..."

Yu Dong panted and followed Chen Ping.

Chen Ping did not speak, but frowned slightly and slowly closed his eyes. "What's going on? Is it going to rain? It's flashing and thundering..."

"Is there an earthquake? The house is about to collapse..."

"It rained stones and hit my head..."

Everyone in Medicine God Valley got up one after another and gathered together to discuss.

"This..." Chen Ping was shocked when he looked at his fist: "The power of a small level of improvement has increased so much? It's incredible..."

Chen Ping didn't expect that his strength would increase a lot after he improved a small level.

Today, when Chen Ping encounters Xiahou Dun, he can almost kill him with one sword.

With a wave of his hand, the Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared in Chen Ping's hand. The Dragon-Slaying Sword buzzed as if to congratulate Chen Ping.

Dong dong dong...

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Ping hurriedly put away the Dragon-Slaying Sword and the Shennong Cauldron.

Chen Ping opened the door and found Yu Dong standing at the door.

"Mr. Chen, you have been here for two days, are you too bored? I will take you out for a walk..."

Yu Dong said to Chen Ping.

"Didn't Elder Xu say that I am an outsider and cannot walk around in Medicine God Valley, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble..."

Chen Ping was a guest. Since Xu Changsheng said so, Chen Ping would not break other people's rules.

After all, Xu Changsheng treats Chen Ping well.

"Don't worry, no one will recognize you..."

As he said that, Yu Dong took out a hat and sunglasses: "Mr. Chen, put these on so no one can recognize them. I just happened to show Mr. Chen the magic of my Medicine God Valley..."

After hearing what Yu Dong said, Chen Ping was also curious about the magic Yu Dong said, so he put on his hat and sunglasses and followed Yu Dong out of the room.

The two of them had breakfast. Many people greeted Yu Dong while walking on the road, but no one paid special attention to Chen Ping.


Yu Dong led Chen Ping towards the depths of the Medicine God Valley. As they went deeper, there were fewer and fewer ordinary people. Behind them were warriors with auras emanating from their bodies, with varying degrees of strength.

These warriors were all polite to Yu Dong when they saw him, which shows that Yu Dong's status in Medicine God Valley is not low.

After walking for a while, it was hard to see anyone anymore. At this time, the valley had not yet reached the end. At a glance, it seemed that there were endless roads behind, but the peaks on both sides seemed to be exactly the same. Like a reflection in a mirror.

"Mr. Chen, no one has ever reached the end of this road, and no one knows where the end is. I once walked out of curiosity for a day and a night, but I found that the road ahead is still endless..."

Yu Dong pointed to the road ahead and said.

"No end? How can there be a place like this?"

Chen Ping felt a little incredible.

"Mr. Chen, if you don't believe me, I'll take you a little further to see..."

As he spoke, Yu Dong concentrated his energy at his feet, and his speed instantly increased.

When Chen Ping saw this, he immediately cheered up and followed him.

At this time, the speed of the two was extremely fast. If ordinary people saw this on a crowded road, they would probably be stunned.

In this way, the two of them ran for an hour. Yu Dong stopped, his forehead was covered with sweat and he was out of breath.

Chen Ping didn't blush, and his heart didn't beat. He looked at the road in front of him strangely.

It stands to reason that at this speed, they have now traveled nearly a hundred miles, but Chen Ping found that the scene in front of him seemed to have not changed.

But he clearly felt that he was moving forward and not standing still.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't lie to you, did I? See if it's not the end yet..."

Yu Dong panted and followed Chen Ping.

Chen Ping did not speak, but frowned slightly and slowly closed his eyes.

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