Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1008: Identity exposure

"The current enemy, the imperial genius of Xiao Dian, do not kill the devil, but come to deal with me, your Xiao Dian's acting style is really not flattering. Read a book · 1ka to n book shu · cc"

Jiang Chen’s words are sarcasm.

"I Xiao Changyun wants to kill whoever kills, the world is not related to me, the ancient dust, you killed my brother, that is, I have hatred with me, today I personally kill you, can die in my hands You can also be proud of yourself."

Xiao Changyun said arrogantly, although Jiang Chen made him very surprised, but because of the absolute suppression of cultivation, he also did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. In his eyes, Jiang Chen was already a dead man, he Xiao Changyun To be born, it is necessary to kill the enemy and to play the momentum of Xiao Dian's genius.

"There have been many people like you, and they are just like you, but they are all dead, so your ending is the same. Your brother is your foresight."

Jiang Chen casually moved his body. The vibration just did not have a slight impact on him. After clarifying the identity of the other party, Jiang Chen also understood that this battle will be inevitable today. Xiao Changyun is Xiao’s brother. There is hardly anything to say about revenge for his brother.

If this is the case, then simply let go of a battle, Jiang Chen just wants to hide the genius of the imperial genius.

"The arrogant generation."

Xiao Changyun raised his arm and gently stroked the void, directly separating the empty space of hundreds of miles into a separate battlefield. The battlefield and the outside were completely separated, and even the magical spirit floating outside. Can't penetrate it.壹Reading book·1kanshu·cc

This is a closed battlefield. At the same time, Xiao Changyun also controlled the void here, completely controlled this space, completely locked the atmosphere of Jiang Chen, and did not give Jiang Chen a chance to escape.

"Old dust, I was just a tentative attack. You are not my opponent at all. If you are shackled now, I may be very compassionate and let you die."

Xiao Changyun’s body is full of transpiration, shouting at Jiang Chen.

"Reassured, I will make you die very happy."

Jiang Chen also released his tyrannical momentum, and immediately became a dragon-changing state. At this time, he felt that there was no need to hide. Even if he revealed his identity, he could still get a good job on this battlefield.

More importantly, he has already sensed Xiao Changyun's strength. Without the use of the dragon-changing state, he is not an opponent of Xiao Changyun, so Jiang Chen is not in ink, and directly uses the dragon to destroy Xiao Changyun.

“Is there such a transformation skill between heaven and earth?”

Xiao Changyun's face changed obviously. He can clearly feel the improvement of the combat power under the state of Jiang Chenlong. Compared with before, he has increased ten times. In this case, the gap between him and Jiang Chen, It was made up by the birth. To read the book · 1ka book nshu·cc


After Jiang Chen turned into a body, he immediately attacked. He came up to display the tyrannical real dragon handprint. Now he is no longer holding hands and playing, and he has a good time. The huge blood-colored dragon claws are dozens of feet in size and shrouded toward Xiao Changyun. The past.

"It's so strong."

Xiao Changyun was shocked, the masters were confronted, and one move was able to see the other party’s true ability. Just like now, Jiang Chen’s display of the real dragon handprint in the state of the dragon has made Xiao Changyun feel a little pressure, which is hard to imagine. Xiao Changyun never thought that he would feel the pressure from a five-level grand priest.

"Cracking the gods claws."

Xiao Changyun screamed and cracked the claws of the gods. This is the unique skill of the Xiao people. Many people in the Xiao people will perform, but the people who display them are different, and the power and destructive power are different. The collision between Jiang Chen and the Xiao people's splitting gods is not twice, but the cracked gods in Xiao Changyun's hands are undoubtedly the most powerful one he has ever encountered in all the hands of the Xiao.


The real dragon handprint and the cracked gods clawed together and violently collided together, without a fancy collision, immediately set off a thousand waves, a battlefield of hundreds of miles, filled with devastating energy light waves everywhere, a large piece of empty space was beaten thoroughly Sinking.

Although this battlefield was isolated, the powerful waves that were scattered still spread out, and many people noticed it.

"There is a lot of powerful energy fluctuations over there, at least the eight-level Grand St. is in a fierce battle, but how it feels like two people are fighting."

"That is, now that the demons fight, what do they call?"


Many people have noticed the situation here. The magic here is extremely rare. There is no smell of the Mozu from the battlefield. It is obvious that the two Terrans are fighting in the battlefield. On the battlefield in the Western Region, the Terran fights themselves. This is really not supposed to be, so many people feel doubts.

Another battlefield. Xiao Wuling is confronting the masters of the Mozu. After feeling the strong fluctuations, there is a hint of joy on his face: "Hit up, look at the past."

Xiao Wuling immediately smashed the master of the Mozu and flew toward the battlefield of Jiang Chen and Xiao Changyun.

When Xiao Wuling arrived, he saw Xiao Changyun and Jiang Chen fighting in a fierce battle. When he saw the state of Jiang Chenlong, he immediately became excited.

"Sure enough, I really didn't expect it. The ancient dust is Jiang Chen. This is a person. It should have killed this little beast and let him grow to this point."

Xiao Wulian has a red eyes. He has long suspected the identity of Jiang Chen. There has been no evidence. In order to find evidence, he has also caught up with Xiao’s life. Now he has finally confirmed the identity of Jiang Chen. I really want to rush to go to Jiang Chen. Shredded.

At this time, many masters of the Shengyuan Hall also noticed here, and seeing Jiang Chen in the state of dragon change, many people could not help but exclaimed.

"That is Jiang Chen, this guy has finally appeared, who is playing against him?"

"It seems to be the genius character of Xiao Dian. Xiao Dian has hidden such a genius against the sky. The two of them actually fought."

"That is the ancient dust. The original ancient dust is Jiang Chen. The two of them are one person. God, this is a big secret. Jiang Chen killed so many masters of the six nationalities, and even changed what went to the Shengyuan Hall. I have passed everyone."


Jiang Chen’s identity was exposed. Some people recognized that the ancient dust was Jiang Chen. The news will soon be spread. After the masters of the Six Great Halls learned that they were all gnashing at Jiang Chen’s hate, they have no way. Going to Jiang Chen to avenge, the battle with the Mozu is now extremely fierce, no one can free up his hand to deal with Jiang Chen, and this time the Terran should not be civil strife.

As for Jiang Chen’s affairs, I can only wait until after the end of the battle with the Mozu. Then, Jiang Chen has grown up now. Even if they want revenge, they are not opponents at all. So, Jiang Chen and Xiao Changyun The battle has become the focus. The people in the six halls naturally hope that Xiao Changyun will kill Jiang Chen. After all, the hatred between them and Jiang Chen is too deep.

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