Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1015: Xiao Dian Thirteen Taibao

Nalan Yunhe was able to take charge of Noda's Nalan Temple. What a savvy figure, the appearance of Xiao Changyun, like a thorn stuck in his heart, made him feel uncomfortable.


The three ancestors of Nalan also frowned at the same time.

"Three ancestors think about it. Over the years, Xiao Dian's exhibition has been very strong, and it has become the first place in the Eight Great Halls. Xiao Dian must be a conspiracy. This can be seen from the hidden genius. I can conclude that Xiao Changyun had never appeared before. It is impossible to be a genius who has recently been promoted to the seventh-level grand priest. Even if it is, it is impossible to directly promote the seventh-level sacred peak, and when dealing with the samba before. Xiao Dian did not release it. It can be seen that Xiao Tianwang realized the harm of Jiang Chen, and let the hidden genius shot, but unfortunately it was killed by Jiang Chen."

Nalan Yunhe paused and continued: "So I have reason to speculate that the hidden genius of Xiao Dian is likely to be more than Xiao Changyun. There may be more powerful genius figures. Xiao Dian is ambitious, plotting bigger, secretly still I don't know how much strength I have hidden, so I will tell the three ancestors about this, and see if Nalan Hall is going to prepare in advance?"

Nalan Sanzu suddenly fell into meditation and was able to cultivate to them. It must not be an ordinary person. They listened very clearly to Nalan Yunhe’s words. They are also very clear about the situation of the Shengyuan Temple. The six halls stand together. The six halls are still in their own affairs. There is competition between them. If there is a chance, Xiao Dian will never miss the opportunity to annex other halls. This is very clear, not to mention Xiao Dian. Even if it is the Nalan Hall, if there is an opportunity to dominate the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it will not be let go.

"One ancestor, Yunhe's words are not unreasonable. Xiao Dian hides the genius characters, maybe there is even greater hiding. Over the years, Xiao Dian has grown very fast, has been in charge of the law enforcement hall, and has won a lot for Xiao Dian. To cultivate resources, it is impossible to say that Xiao Dian has no ambition. Xiao Dian’s strength on the surface alone has already overwhelmed the other seven halls. Now it has revealed hidden strength. We must make preparations as soon as possible. ""

The second ancestor said.

"You are right, no matter whether there is ambition in Xiao Dian, we have to do some preparation."

One ancestors nodded, no matter what, it would not be wrong to make some preparations in advance.

The same scene was born in the ancient temple, the demon hall, the stone hall, the Dan hall, the martial temple, the fire hall, the top of the eight halls are not fools, the appearance of Xiao Changyun, let them have a guarding heart for Xiao Dian, no matter what, Be prepared in advance, in case the Xiao Temple is really difficult, it will not be too busy.

Xiao Dian!

In the same deep space, but this space can be much more powerful than the deep space of Nalan Temple. The vain air is full of scent. Standing here, breathing alone can make people grow. This is an excellent place. The place of cultivation.

In front of the space, there is a red gold throne, sitting on top of a 50-year-old old man, the old man is a little thin, his chin has a beard, and he is full of energy. He sits there, but gives a feeling of emptiness. If you use the gods to sweep, but now it is empty, nothing can be removed.

Under the old man, there are dozens of powerful masters, each of which is a powerful nine-level grand priest. There are four and a half steps, and Xiao Tianwang is also among them, but even Xiao Tianwang, even a half-step person The supreme master of the immortal, in front of the old man, still wants to kneel, kneeling on the ground, even breathing does not dare to loud, because it is disrespect to the old man above.

Because this old man is no longer a mortal, completely out of the mortal category, is the real human being, high above, mortal can only look up to exist.

"Please ask the ancestors to figure out where Jiang Chen is."

Xiao Tianwang raised his head and said, holding a fist.

"I already know the news of this person you said, that Jiang Chen, now in the devil."

Xiao Dianren Xianzuzu said.

"What? Devils, impossible, the gateway to the devil has been completely closed, and a strong seal has been laid, and the Nine-level Grand Saint can't easily enter it."

Xiao Tianwang couldn't believe it.

"Heaven, are you questioning me?"

The old ancestors looked at Xiao Tianwang casually, and Xiao Tianwang suddenly shuddered. It seemed that the soul had to be stripped. The fairy was too horrible. Xiao Tianwang had a feeling that although he was a powerful nine-level grand priest, But if the ancestors want to kill themselves, I am afraid that one eye will be enough.

"Don't dare."

Xiao Tian Wang Cheng was so frightful that he did not think that Jiang Chen had entered the devil's secluded world. What made him even more puzzled was what Jiang Chen used to enter the devil's secluded world. Moreover, Jiang Chen entered the devil's secluded world and they completely lost their killing. Jiang Chen's method, the devil's secluded world is now in a closed stage, obviously there are big things, even if they sent a nine-level sacred to enter the magic secluded, I am afraid that have not seen Jiang Chen, was besieged by the Mozu's level demon.

Unless the ancestors of the immortal level are shot, it is said that killing a Jiang Chen, even the entire Mozu, is also clean and clean in minutes, but this is obviously unrealistic. The characters like the ancestors are disdainful. For the small people to shoot, and then, Xiao Dian has something strange, has always been a secret.

"A small person, no need to put it in the heart, and that Jiang Chen has entered the devil's secluded world, and it is also a life of nine deaths."

Xiao Dian's ancestors said.

"That is, in order to escape the pursuit of the six halls, this person will not hesitate to enter the devil's secluded world, but I do not know that the current devil's secluded world is the most dangerous. Once it is discovered, it is also a must die, but it saves us hands-on."

Xiao Tianwang nodded.

"The little person of Jiang Chen will not say it. The exposure of Xiao Changyun has already made the other seven halls suspicious. However, after so many years of hard work by Xiao Dian, the genius characters secretly cultivated have already formed, no need to delay time, Xiao Dian It’s time to go to the exhibition plan."

Xiao Dian's ancestors flashed.

It is said that Xiao Tianwang and other people’s eyes are also bright. On this day, they have waited for too long. Over the years, they have dreamed that Xiao Dian will dominate the world and completely control the Shengyuan Hall.

"Old ancestors, we have been waiting for this for a long time, but the seven halls are not easy to deal with. They add up a lot of half-steps, and they really fight, and our losses may not be small."

Xiao Tianwang said.

"What is that, do you think that in the past few years, have we been eating dry rice? We chose the Wizards and secretly cultivated a large number of tyrannical characters for Xiao Dian. Now come out."

The old ancestor’s mouth overflowed with a smile, and he waved his hand, and the void was caught in a gap. Then, more than twenty powerful breaths were released, and more than twenty young people appeared at the same time. Each of these faces They all have arrogance, and their cultivation is all seven levels of saints and eight levels of saints.

"These people, each of them can fight in level, and the eight-level sage can be used as a ninth-level sacred sacred. Of course, this is only the worst part. It is really strong."

The old ancestors grabbed the void again, and a group of people landed down. There were twelve people, ten men, and two women. They were hidden for many years and finally reappeared today.

The sudden appearance of these twelve people made the air in the entire space directly solidified. The breath of each person’s body arbitrarily gave people a sense of horror. Xiao Tianwang is a powerful nine-level sacred peak. The characters, at the moment facing the twelve people, also felt great pressure.

"All are nine grand priests."

Xiao Tianwang was shocked, and other high-level executives were shocked. The few half-steps of the immortals also grew up in surprise. They only knew that the ancestors in the past years secretly cultivated the genius for Xiao Dian in the dark, but did not expect to be strong. To a certain extent, a large number of nine-level sacred priests have been cultivated. If this is passed on, who can believe that any one is released is enough to be shocked. If it was not Xiao Changyun, it was the 12 people. One of them, Jiang Chen may have turned into gray.

"This is what we have cultivated in these years. It is really a genius. They have no original name. They are now the Thirteen Taibao. Any one of them can stand up and fight against half a step. The most powerful two Taibao, half. Steps are not opponents."

The ancestors said very proudly.

All the high-rises of Xiao Dian all took a breath of cold, too horrible. Xiao Dian suddenly appeared so many half-step people, once released, want to kill any of the other seven halls, it is easy, not at all It’s a waste of effort.

"Old ancestor, Thirteen Taibao, how are there only twelve?"

Xiao Tianwang asked.

"Because the big Taibao is striking the realm of half-step people, you may wish to tell you that once the Taibaobao is promoted to half a step, it will be equivalent to the talent of the early stage of the immortal, and the world will not be free from the fairy world. The impact of the law, it will not take long, he will hit a half-step success."

The old ancestors said that the arrogance on his face was more intense when it was mentioned. It was the real killer that they secretly cultivated. Once released, the entire Shengyuan 6 will be unrivaled and sweeping everything.

"Haha, well, it's too good. With the current content of our Xiao Dian, it is enough to easily kill any big force. The day when Xiao Dian ruled the Shengyuan Temple, finally arrived."

"Yes, the Thirteen Taibao out, the whole Shengyuan University 6 who fights with each other, this is the real peerless genius, only our Xiao Dian can be cultivated, what Jiang Chen is, compared with the Thirteen Taibao, it is simply ants ""

"Get started, start with which family, I can't wait."

The high-level of Xiao Dian was excited. It seems that Xiao Dian has ruled the whole world.

Basically, the state of the year has been restored. Every day, the bottom of the two guarantees, the reward and the more, the Shengyuan 6 has come to an end, you need to design the outline of the fairy world, the explosion can only see the opportunity.

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