Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1038: Strong big Taibao

Everyone is obsessed with watching the chaotic battlefield in the sky. It seems like an illusory landscape. No one wants to believe it all, or can't believe it. Even the three halls that should be excited can't believe it. It all seems to be the same in a dream. One

The fate that had already been destined was reversed by Jiang Chen. One person forcedly reversed the Qiankun. The means were too shocking. So many masters fell, and those who were on the battlefield pulled out one by one, they were not able to fight. However, it is such a peerless master. The existence of the top of these pyramids has no resistance in the hands of Jiang Chen. The whole scene is as easy as a dog.

"Day of the sky, Jiang Chen is really a variable. It is a very wise choice for us to make a difference with the three halls. Otherwise, if we fight against him at the moment on the battlefield, it is likely to have us."

"There are many things that cannot be understood between this world. Some people are even less able to use common sense to judge. The existence of Jiang Chen is destined to be a miracle."

"Nalan Temple, they suffered such a huge loss, it is already in name only, even if it is Xiao Dian, it is completely hurtful, but we are not too happy too early, Jiang Chen's repair is only a seven-level grand priest. There is a strong master of talents behind Xiao Dian, and that level has already come out of our imagination. Once it is shot, it is hard to imagine how strong it will be."

The per capita of the three halls is awkward, especially the military temple. They all look down on the captain’s smile. It is a grateful gaze. If it wasn’t for the captain’s smile, he chose to join the ancient temple. The ending must be exactly the same as those of Nalan Temple. Once they stand on the opposite side of Jiang Chen, the consequences cannot be imagined.

At this time, a golden figure rushed out from the interior of the ancient temple. It was the rhubarb dog. When Jiang Chen left, the rhubarb dog was still retreating and refining energy. At this moment, the refining and chemicalization was over. The first time he rushed over, he watched. When I arrived at the battlefield, I immediately became very excited.

"Haha, this guy is really abnormal. It seems that Xiao Dian is going to be finished. Those Taibao should have been killed by Xiao Chenzi."

The big yellow dog laughed.

Many people have fallen on the rhubarb dog. When they saw the repair of the rhubarb dog, they couldn’t help but turn their eyes. This world is too much and too much. Jiang Chen will not have to say, rhubarb. The dog is sharper, and it is only a day to go out and repair it to directly hit the eighth-level sacred, and it is the extent of the eighth-level sacred peak.

"Mother's, you have a dead dog to take medicine, how is the promotion so fierce?"

The monk is extremely depressed.

"You are right, the dog, I did take the medicine, and I ate a lot, envy? Do you want the dog to pull you out, but it has not been digested yet."

The rhubarb dog said to the monk without knowing shame.

"I am going to your uncle."

The monk did not say anything. He shot the dog's head in the past. The rhubarb dog is guilty of this, and no matter how good the cultivation is to be suffocated, let alone the monk's cultivation is not good.


On the screams, it was once again uploaded from the battlefield. It was completely tyrannical. After Jiang Chen’s brief pause, he launched the crazy killing mode again. He specifically aimed at those half-steps, and the last few steps began. Constantly degraded, they can not open the five elements of the field, there is no way to rush out of it, can only hardly smash the river dust, but unfortunately the result of the hard battle with Jiang Chen is only a dead end.

Soon, the last few half-steps were also killed in the hands of Jiang Chen. On the entire battlefield, only a few nine-level grand priests and eight-level sacred geniuses were struggling to resist the eternal fairy wind. The gray ash stood opposite Jiang Chen and could not accept everything in front of him.

When it’s over, everything is over, everyone is dead, all the half-steps of the five halls, including eleven Taibao, none of them survive, all died in the hands of Jiang Chen, and the top of the pyramid seems to have been forcibly exploited. Similarly, Jiang Chen is destined to be famous in the war, and this battle will be permanently recorded in the annals of the Shengyuan 6.

ruthless! Too bad! There is not much room for death, and there are too many people who die. The high-rises of the five halls are almost completely slaughtered. This is an unimaginable heavy blow to the five halls.

"Two Taibao, what do you have to say now?"

Jiang Chen looked at the second Taibao.

"Jiang Chen, you will die very badly. You can't live in the three halls. Your disaster will soon come down completely. You will make such a heartbreaking thing, your destiny will never again." There is a little room for it."

The second Taibao gnawed his teeth and said that he knew that he must die today. There will be no accidents. His current heart has already reached the bottom of the valley. The murder of Jiang Chen is his only life.

"My destiny, you said no, but your destiny, but in my control, I let you die now, you will die immediately."

Jiang Chen’s tone is extremely cold.


Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a tyrannical momentum suddenly exploded from the direction of Xiao Dian, just like the nine-day Thunder, tearing the void into a moment, exploding a big hole, and then wearing a black robe The young man came to this side with infinite waves, and in the blink of an eye he went to the battlefield.

It is a very majestic man. It looks like he is in his thirties. He is not handsome, but he is definitely not bad. He is very majestic and has a fight with Tianpeng Wang, but it is not a day. Peng Wang can compare, his eyes, with a strange brilliance, and his body is full of strong breath. He looks so young, but he has reached the half-step horror level, which is impossible for ordinary people. In comparison, this is the real genius, the real master.

The moment when the black man appeared, he attracted all eyes, and everyone’s heart immediately gave birth to three words: Tai Tai Bao!

"Big brother, save me."

When the two Taibao saw the man in black, he immediately shouted, as if he had caught the straw, especially when he saw that Tai Tai Bao had successfully promoted half a step.

That's right, the black man who appeared is the big Taibao, Xiao Dian hides the most horrible characters, and the facts seem to be too horrible. Jiang Chen saw the big Taibao, his eyes became dignified, look Come to your final ultimate plan and start to realize it.

"This person is extremely strong, unless I am promoted to the Eighth Grand Master, otherwise it is definitely not his opponent. His combat power is far more than half of the half-step, just second to the real human being, but compared with the real human fairy. There is still a certain gap. Even so, I am not able to deal with it."

In the heart of Jiang Chen’s heart, Da Tai Bao is indeed very strong. He is strong enough to compete with the immortals. However, after all, the immortals are human beings, and they are the real immortals. The great Taibao is forced to use the resources to forcibly upgrade. Although it is very strong, there is still a certain gap compared with the real people.

However, even such a big Taibao is no longer able to be dealt with by Jiang Chen. If it can't hit the 8th level, or even the level of the 8th level, it is impossible to be the opponent of the big Taibao.

Da Taibao saw the battlefield, felt the **** atmosphere on the battlefield, and the remnant soul that had just fallen, and the anger rose in an instant.

"What is it?"

Da Tai Bao shouted.

"Big brother, everyone is dead, the Thirteen Taibao will leave you and me, and the high-level of Xiao Dian will have these few, and they will all be killed by Jiang Chen."

The second Taibao shouted at the bottom of his heart, and he still shuddered at the thought of the battle.

As soon as this was said, a violent violent wave suddenly sprang from the body of the Great Taibao. His gaze was like a viper, which locked Jiang Chen. In addition to anger, there was a deep shock, because Jiang Chen’s repair was There is only a seven-level grand priest. He can't imagine a seven-level great sacred can do all this, but everything in front of him is reality. He has never seen Jiang Chen, and he did not even think that there will be such a tyrannical on Shengyuanda 6. The enchanting genius, the enchanting enough to compare yourself.

"What to do? This person is very good, Jiang Chen is probably not an opponent."

"Hey! The foundation of Xiao Dian is too strong. It is a matter of Arabian Nights to pull down Xiao Dian. Unfortunately, in the face of such a powerful person as Tai Tai Bao, we can't help at all, everything. I have to rely on Jiang Chen alone."

"I don't know if Jiang Chen can continue to create miracles."

The people on the side of the Three Halls are once again worried. The masters of Xiao Dian are getting more and more powerful and more and more horrible. No one can rely on Jiang Chen, but they can only rely on Jiang Chen to continue to turn the tide. At this time of the battle, everyone has an inexplicable confidence in Jiang Chen. That kind of confidence is like no matter how powerful opponents appear in Xiao Dian, Jiang Chen can finally cope with it and can create miracles.

"The **** beast, even dare to kill me so many people in Xiao Dian, this Taibao will surely catch the animals, let you suffer endless pain and then die."

The great Taibao was furious, and without saying anything, he immediately found a big hand and grabbed the past in the five elements of Jiang Chen.

Suddenly, a pressure like a mountain came, so that Jiang Chen had some breathing difficulties, the five elements of the field creaked, and there was a crack, Jiang Chen did not dare to neglect, immediately put the five elements in the field, if the field If it is broken, the impact on him will be great.


The remaining nine-level sacred priests and eight-level sacred geniuses, in the moment when Jiang Chen removed the field, he was also freed and had a life, but he was also madly spurting blood and suffered serious trauma, but Ertaibao Not so lucky.

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