Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1050: First person in the sacred continent

Jiang Chen’s movements were too fast. Some of his ancestors were slow to respond. Jiang Chen had already appeared in the four ancestors, but the other three felt that there was no chance of rescue.

"The old four is careful."

A singer exclaimed, and a reminder.


However, this kind of reminder could not achieve the slightest effect and effect. The Tiansheng sword made a sharp whistling, and in the blink of an eye, it was near the four ancestors. The horrible sword light was intertwined into a sword net, and the four ancestors were blocked in an instant. , caught in the cage of the evolution of the Tiansheng sword.


The four ancestors of Xiao Dian sang a big singer. After all, he was the master of the early celestial beings. He had extremely strong self-confidence. He was not afraid of being rebelled by a ninth-level sage. He instilled all the energy in his hands into the soldiers in his hands. Among them, the Tiansheng sword against Jiang Chen crashed away.


Two horrible super warriors collided with each other, and instantly wiped out a large spark. The void was crushed and crushed, and it instantly became a chaos.


The four ancestors made a scream, and the soldiers in their hands flew away. One arm was directly shattered, and it became a blood fog. The combat power was sharply reduced. The four ancestors were frightened on the spot. It can be said that it was a frightening battle, and it was not with Jiang Chen. In the real battle, it is never possible to understand his horror. At this moment, he finally understands how the Five ancestors died, and he has a strong sense of fear in his heart. It is the breath of death, the breath that has never been felt before.

"Hey! You are going to die together."

Jiang Chen snorted and did not give any response time to the four ancestors. The Tiansheng sword once again sharply smashed out. In addition to the dust of Jiang Chen, the four ancestors did not even have the chance to escape, and they were defeated by Jiang Chen. Two halves, completely tragic death, even the Faerie did not escape the fate, was collected by Jiang Chen.

In the blink of an eye, the four ancestors also died. This scene is too shocking. All the people watching the battle below are frightened. For them, such a battle, such a killing is like dreaming, not dreaming. The imaginary scene, that is, the high-ranking people, the real immortal existence, in many people's minds, that is a god-like existence, but now Jiang Chen is as easy as a slaughter dog to kill.

"He has completely surpassed his previous life, and the five ancestors of Xiao Dian will die today."

Qinglian's ancestors have a smile on his mouth. He knows Jiang Chen very well. Jiang Chen, a former life, is already a dazzling star. It is the world's first holy. It is the general existence of the world. Now, Jiang Chen It has completely surpassed the previous life and reached a new peak. With the cultivation of the 9th-level Grand St., you can kill the immortals at will. These characters are all the same.

After killing the five ancestors and the four ancestors, the remaining three ancestors of Xiao Dian were completely frightened. Even the ancestor of the peak of the early age of the immortal was frightened.

"This person is already irresistible. We immediately fled, and we will leave the Shengyuan Hall. Beyond the cover of the fairy mark, we will fly directly."

When the ancestors made a decisive decision, they spoke to the two ancestors and the three ancestors. From the point of Jiang Chen’s means of killing the four ancestors and the five ancestors, this person is far from being able to compete, unless he himself is promoted to the middle of the immortal. Killing Jiang Chen, but wanting to rely on the heaven and earth vitality of the Shengyuan continent to hit the middle of the immortal, is undoubtedly a fantasy, completely impossible.

So at this time, only life is saved. For them, the best way to save lives is to fly up the fairy world. Now the entire Shengyuan Temple has been affected by the fairy marks, blinding the heavens, they can not feel the laws of the fairy world, flying up Going up, only to get rid of the small world of the Holy Yuan Temple, can you sense the traction of the fairy world.


The sound of a ancestral voice has not completely fallen. The dust of the five elements of Jiang Chen has been spread out and turned into an invisible big net. The three ancestors of Xiao Dian have been shrouded and joked. At this time, he will meet. Give the three people a chance to escape.

"You have listened to me. If you choose to escape, I will not leave the film that Xiao Dang up and down to kill, and destroy you Xiaotang Manchu, and, in the hands of my Jiang Chen, you can't run." ”

Jiang Chen’s momentum is soaring, and the words he spoke are extremely fierce. He did not dare to move the three ancestors directly.

Let's not say whether they can escape from Jiang Chen's hands. Jiang Chen's kind of killing all the momentum makes them afraid to regenerate the idea of ​​escape. As the ancestors of Xiao Dian, it is enough to throw away the tribes to escape alone. Qu Yuan, if they escaped because of their escape, even if they escaped, they will live in the shadows and be unable to extricate themselves.

"Jiang Chen, you are too embarrassed, and we can't surrender our Xiao Dian. You let us go today, let us fly to the fairyland. From then on, the Shengyuan Continent is completely under your control. Don't be too excessive. ”

One ancestor said, in his capacity, this time to say such a thing, God knows how uncomfortable his heart is, the three ancestors may be depressed at this time to vomit blood, Xiao Dian century, and finally destroyed in the hands of a person On the other hand, the blow can no longer be described as heavy.

At the moment, the three old ancestors, the biggest idea in their hearts is to regret, regret not killing Jiang Chen earlier. When Jiang Chen has not grown up, he will be killed in the cradle, there will be no disaster today. .

Even if Jiang Chen is not killed in the cradle, they just need to let Jiang Chen go to Qinglian ancestors and kill them directly. There will not be so many things. Xiao Dian can still rule the entire Shengyuan continent, at best. It takes another hundred years to build the foundation of Xiao Dian. For the master of the fairy, it is not a hundred years.

It's a pity that everything is late. There are a lot of medicines in the world, all kinds of magical medicines, and even the elixir that comes back to life, but there is no regret medicine, a medicine that can't be obtained no matter how much it costs.

"Do not talk nonsense, die."

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk to the three ancestors and use the Tiansheng sword to kill the past directly to the three ancestors.

The blazing flames and the space 遁 create the most perfect body in the world, the most horrible speed, coupled with the fact that Jiang Chen’s own cultivation is now extremely horrible, and the five ancestors of Xiao Dian can’t be him. Opponent.

Originally, there was already a flustered ancestor where there was still fighting yuwang. In this case, it was even more impossible for Jiang Chen’s opponent. Jiang Chen’s sword directly penetrated the head of the three ancestors, and the three ancestors did not have time to resist. Made, died on the spot, Xianling and the soldiers were snatched away by Jiang Chen.


After killing the three ancestors, there was almost no pause. Jiang Chen appeared like a ghost in the vicinity of the second ancestor. The horrible Tiansheng sword flashed out countless swords and awns, just like the sly sea of ​​swords. Among them, the second ancestor itself has already fallen into the field of the five elements, and only the part that Jiang Chen slaughtered.


The Tiansheng sword is invincible, too sharp, and the sword divides the two ancestors into two halves, and accepts the fairy spirit and the soldiers.

Even the three ancestors and the second ancestor, the most horrible ancestors of the entire five elements, of course, this horror is relative to other people, in the face of Jiang Chen, this horror immediately became fragile and Unbearable.

Looking at Jiang Chen appeared in front of himself, the face of a ancestors was completely pale, and Jiang Chen, who had a feeling of facing death, watched the four ancestors die in the hands of Jiang Chen, the heart of the ancestors. Repentance is like a sea of ​​oceans. If the five ancestors are not dead at the moment, he will definitely scream.

Because everything in Xiao Dian was managed by the Five ancestors, the Five ancestors also knew the existence of Jiang Chen as a enchanting person in advance, but did not put it in the eyes and gave the other party the opportunity to grow up. This is nothing, I want Exploring the secrets of Jiang Chen, and proposing Jiang Chen to see the Qinglian ancestors, is also the five ancestors. If it is not the five ancestors, Jiang Chen at the moment is probably dead.

Unfortunately, everything is late, Jiang Chen has grown up completely, and has grown to the point where they can't compete, only to look up.

"Haha Jiang Chen, I didn't think that there will be such a enchanting sorrow in the Shengyuan Continental. We have a hundred years of glory in the house of mourning, sorrow, sadness."

A singer laughed, and the laughter revealed the bleakness.

"There are still many things that you didn't think of. You Xiaotang could have been good, but he wanted to mess with me."

Jiang Chen said that it is not salty or light.

"Jiang Chen, I know that I will die today. You will not let go of the old man. Before I die, I beg you to do something."

A ancestors said, it seems that he has completely abandoned the resistance. He is a smart person. He knows that resistance has been useless at this time. The left and right are all dead. In front of Jiang Chen, even if he escapes, there is no chance.

"Although I can't promise you, I still give you the opportunity to say it."

Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I know that although you are ruthless, but it is not a bloodthirsty madman, I hope that after I die, you can let the Xiao people."

One ancestor said that the tone has become a kind of pleading. He is destined to be unable to change. As the ancestor of the Xiao people, he needs to fight for his future generations. Otherwise, he will not be blind.

"How to deal with Xiao Dian, I am free to measure, what I want to do with Jiang Chen, and no one else can help."

Jiang Chen said, the murderous abrupt shock, the long sword smashed out, fell to the top of a ancestors, a sword killed him.

"Old ancestors."

The five ancestors of Xiao Dian all died, and they fell under the sword of Jiang Chen. The halls of Xiao Dang were screaming and sorrowful, and the sad mood spread rapidly.

After the end, the Xiao people are completely finished. After this battle, the Xiao people who dominated the Shengyuan continent for a long time will disappear completely. Even if Jiang Chen does not kill them, the Xiao people will not continue to spread. From now on, Jiang Dust is the first person in the Shengyuan continent.

[Today is even more, the piece of the Holy Yuan continent is going to end, I have to think about the settings behind, some cards. 】

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