Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1060: Yancheng

The ascendant is a special existence group in the fairyland. The fairy world is too large. Although there are many ascendants, compared with the huge group of the fairy world, the ascendant is really a drop in the ocean. It is extremely small, but the ascendant is in people's In the heart, that represents a kind of respect.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there any problem with the ascendant?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"It seems that Jiang Chen brothers still don't know that the ascendant has a very good position in the fairyland. Like you, a young ascendant, even if you arrive in Yancheng, you can also find a big force in Yancheng or a city government. Good position, get a lot of cultivation resources."

Han Changling said.

"What is this?"

Jiang Chen asked inexplicably.

"The cultivation environment of your lower bounds can be described as lacking. In those environments, you can become immortals, and the characters that fly up, each with a great perseverance, also have great potential. Such characters, go Wherever you go, you will be respected. Jiang Chen’s brothers will rise to a fairy at a young age, which is enough to show that you are arrogant. In the lower bounds, you are a first-class talent. If you follow us to Yancheng, you will be announced as a soaring person. The big forces of Yancheng will immediately throw an olive branch to you."

Han Changling said.

"It turned out to be."

Jiang Chen is awkward. It seems that the ascendant is not in a difficult position in the fairy world. It seems that it is better than many indigenous peoples to fly up from the lower bounds. However, his identity is absolutely unacceptable to outsiders.

"Chairman, brothers and sisters, you have to promise Jiang Chen one thing. Never tell anyone that I am a soaring person. From now on, you should not mention it yourself. Except for a few of you, I don't want to let Others know that I am the ascendant."

Jiang Chen’s tone suddenly became dignified. If there was no previous brilliance attack, he might take advantage of his ascendant’s identity, but now, it’s impossible to say. Someone in the fairy world wants to put him to death. Now, in the body, the brand of the other party is not refining. If you want to kill yourself, you must know that you are the ascendant, so this identity may be beneficial to others, and it is definitely a disadvantage for him.

"Jiang Da Ge, why is this? It is a pity that such a good identity is not used."

Han Cong did not understand the look at Jiang Chen.

"Yeah Jiang Chen brothers, this is a good thing."

Others followed.

"This involves my personal secrets, and I hope that you will help me keep my mouth shut."

Jiang Chen’s tone has been replaced by the kind of unquestionable.

"Well, Jiang Chen brothers, you are a soaring person. We will never say it. If the non-Jiang brothers help each other today, I am afraid that I will be terrible in the hand of the Nether Poison. This is a big day. Kindness, after the Jiang brothers have access to our Hanjia Village, Hanjiacun will be up and down."

Han Chang led his chest and said, how dangerous the previous situation was. His heart was the clearest. When he encountered the rare Nether Poison, it could be said that it was a bad mold. If it wasn’t Jiang Chen, Han Jiacun didn’t know what to suffer. If you die, Han Jiacun will soon be attacked by other villages.

"The village head, I can say that I don't know about the fairyland. I also ask the village chief to give me some doubts."

Jiang Chen asked, he is now recovering from the injury, and he can not delay chatting while recovering his injuries.

"Jiang Da Ge, let me tell you about the fairy world. I have seen a rough map of the fairy world. It is called a huge one. It is too big to be imagined. I am afraid that I have no chance to put this in my life. Going through the fairy world."

Han Cong is not awkward.

"A Cong, don't be too embarrassed, don't talk about the whole fairyland. It's not bad when you can mix some famous days on this line."

Han Lao Er tweeted.

"Don't mess around, tell the Jiang brothers about the fairyland, but Jiang brothers, these fairyland profiles, we only see on the map of the fairyland."

Han Changling said.

"Jiangda brother, 茫茫仙界, is divided into nine celestial fields, respectively, Linglong Xianyu, Luoluo Xianyu, Fengchi Xianyu, Huangquan Xianyu, Qixianyu, Wuji Xianyu, Guangming Xianyu, Wuliangxian, Ruyi Xianyu, the nine great immortals are each a whole. The place where we are now is the Xianxian domain. How big is the fairyland, we don’t know, it’s a big deal.

Han Cong said that the division of the nine major fairy tales, he also saw from the map of the fairyland, for Han Cong himself, even if it is in this sacred field, it is a lifetime dream, in the They are deep in the mountains and want to go out. It is too difficult.

"The fairyland is really huge, not the Sanyuan Continent can compare with it, right, what is the first-line sky that you said before?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"Jiang Brothers, where we are currently located, it belongs to the first-line region. The first-line region is the most remote place in the Xianxian domain. It has a radius of several billions, thousands of mountains, rolling up and down, not seeing the edge. Into this line of heaven, there are hundreds of thousands of fairy tales and families in large and small areas. Our Hanjia Village is just a small village in the first-line area. It is not worth mentioning at all. Jiang brothers joke, I have always lived for so long, the biggest place I have ever been Yancheng, and a small city like Yancheng, in the first-line days, I don’t know how many, I can say that there are countless, my life is It’s impossible, but A Cong still has hope. A Cong is talented and talented. If one day he can enter the first line of a certain Xiandao martial art and become a disciple of the Xianmen, our Hanjia Village is also a glory. ""

Han Chang said with a smile.

After listening to Han Chang’s introduction to the first-line days, Jiang Chen is also a horrified grown-up mouth. Now it seems that this fairyland is far bigger than what I think, and there are dozens of first-line areas in the district. Billion miles, what is that concept, almost half the size of the Sacred Continent, if you let a person who can't fly, Xian and Dixian go, you can't walk out of the sky for a lifetime, let alone enter the Xianxian domain. The center is gone.

In the whole area of ​​the fairyland, like the first-line days, I don’t know how many, and the Xianxian domain is one of the nine major sections of the fairyland. This is really terrible.

However, the hugeness of the fairy world has also inspired Jiang Chen’s fighting spirit. Such a vast area, such a huge stage, if you can’t leave something here, it’s not white.

Next, the Hanjia Village people screamed, but they gave a lot of information about the fairyland, but they also said that they were all recorded. No one experienced it. The people present did not even go out in the first line. After that, being able to know so much is already very good.

However, for Yancheng’s generation, they know very well. There are many villages like Hanjia Village. There are many in this generation. They also practice hunting and hunting on a daily basis. They depend on this for a living. The immortal cultivation is indispensable to Xianyuan Stone, but even The lowest grade Xianyuan stone of the fairyland is also extremely precious. Many villages get the Xianyuan stone by going to Yancheng, taking valuable things to exchange, smelting herbs, refining the materials of the fairy, and some different things. Levels of demon spirits, you can go to Yancheng to exchange Xianyuan Stone.

In this generation, Yancheng is not a small city. In addition to the city government, Yancheng has other forces. The general villages have their own exchange objects, such as Hanjia Village. Their things are given. In the city's main government, when the city's main government will be dedicated to measuring the value of the items they send, give the corresponding fairy stone.

Two days later, the group of people finally came to Yancheng in the mountains and wading. From the place where Jiang Chen was rescued to Yancheng, the distance was not far. If it was in the Shengyuan continent, Jiang Chen could achieve a thought, but unfortunately Here is the fairyland, the world law here is unusually horrible, the space structure is exceptionally strong, and the human beings have no ability to fly here. They can only rely on their feet to hurry.

Looking at the distance, Yancheng is also magnificent, with hundreds of miles. The outer walls are made of rock. The size of this city is only the most common city in the Shengyuan continent. It is almost the same as the original Chicheng. However, this Yancheng invisibly carries a unique and noble atmosphere of the immortal world, which is incomparable to all the cities of the Sanyuan continent.

"Haha, Yancheng really is a big place. This time I will go to Yancheng, I must play tricks."

Han Cong was extremely excited and strode to the direction of Yancheng City Gate.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile. This Han Cong is really a young man who has just stepped out of the mountain. He has never seen it in the market, and he has a good heart. Such a person is the most vulnerable to a big place.

"Jiang Brothers, we went to Yancheng. You just went to the fairyland. There is no place to go anyway. Let's go to Yancheng."

Han Changling said.


Jiang Chen nodded. At this moment, his injury has completely recovered. He has been walking down the carriage for a long time. His current repairs have been restored to the peak, and the cultivation of the late immortals can easily kill half a step. In the early days of the Earth and the Immortals, even if you are a master in the middle of the Earth, you can still fight against it.

After the injury is restored, the next step is to find ways to refine and remove the residual marks in the body. Someone in the fairyland has to deal with himself, and will definitely spare no effort to find himself. This is why he does not let Hanjiacun people say that he is a soaring person. For the giant of the fairy world, Jiang Chen has already had speculation.

Although it is said that the fairy mark can cover up the branding atmosphere, so that the other party can not sense it, but this kind of thing remains in the body. After all, it is not a good thing. If it is not removed as soon as possible, Jiang Chen will not sleep well.

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