Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1079: Killing the late stage

The battle power of the late Xianxian is indeed not to be underestimated. In the current state of Jiang Chen, it is not the opponent of the late Xianxian. However, due to the belligerent heart, Jiang Chen still does not retreat a little. He puts up the Tiansheng sword and plays the truth. The dragon's handprint, the huge dragon claws were evolved, and they collided with each other's attacks. A reading book, 1ka, n book shu·cc


This fierce confrontation, the earth has trembled, and the waves in the air, can imagine the energy generated by the collision of the two.


Jiang Chen repeatedly stepped back a dozen steps. He only felt that his chest was stuffy and his blood was not smooth. However, he had a dragon and a wooden spirit, and his efforts in the blink of an eye were completely restored.

"Grand Brother, nothing."

Han Cong was shocked and quickly came to Jiang Chen's side and saw Jiang Chen being shaken off. His heart was about to mention the eyes of the blind. If Jiang Chen was defeated, the fate of Han Jiacun was almost imaginable.

"A good boy, a person in the late stage, can actually fight against the old man without hurting."

The old man was amazed. In his opinion, the blow he had just made, even if he couldn’t kill Jiang Chen, at least he had to hurt Jiang Chen, but he didn’t expect the other party to be like the rest of the people after the earthquake. Surprising.

But the surprise was shocked. The Huang family’s hearts were relieved. At least the previous battle proved that Jiang Chen was not the opponent of the late Xianxian. It must be known that Jiang Chen had already killed the early stage of the immortals and the middle of the immortals. They can't take his words in the later period, that is what they really can't accept.

In the rear, Yan Jiangcheng is worried about Jiang Chen, but he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if Jiang Chen is too aggressive, even the genius of her city government may not accept it.

"It seems that Jiang Da Ge is not the opponent of the late Xianxian. Now the other side has three masters of the late Xianxian. When I am shot, I am not in a hurry. I have to wait until Jiang Dage can really resist it and let Jiang Dage Moved."

Yan’s mouth overflowed with a smile, and she was ready to shoot at any time. With her strength, it’s hard to find an opponent in this Yancheng. Even Huang Xiong is not an opponent of Yan’s city. This is The gap between genius and ordinary people.壹Reading··cc

"Oh, Jiang Chen, how? You just said that as long as we have defeated you in the Huang family, you will return to our Huang family. Now that you have lost, my six grandfather has always been a large number of adults. If you are now returning to the Huang family, the previous Things can go awry, and if you continue to be obsessed, you will completely lose your chance to live."

Huang Xiong smiled and said to Jiang Chen, in the eyes of outsiders, such conditions are already quite good. After all, Jiang Chen has killed the Huang family.

"Unfortunately, I am still standing here intact, and your Huang family has not beaten me yet."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and still looked confident.

"Six Ye, don't talk nonsense with this kid. Since he is so unrecognizable, the old man will personally ask for his life today."

The old man’s face is murderous, and it seems that it is necessary to kill Jiang Chen.

"Grand Brother, what should I do?"

Han Cong’s face is full of worry.

"A Cong, you step back and watch the show."

Jiang Chen swayed his body casually, and the bones on his body squeaked. Just now, he had a clear understanding of his own strength. He has already had a clear understanding of his own strength. With his current cultivation, he wants to deal with the immortals. In the later period, it is necessary to cast a dragon.

In this case, there is nothing polite.

"Kid, what other means do you have?"

The old man said coldly.

"To deal with you, you don't need too many means at all."

Jiang Chen said that an incomparably tyrannical force sprang from the body like a tide. At the same time, his body changed greatly and became a half-dragon and a half-man. His current dragon change can be directly changed. It is a true dragon, but Jiang Chen does not want to be too arrogant, so he still maintains the state of the former half-dragon and half-man, and does not affect the ten-fold force anyway. To read the book · 1ka book nshu·cc

Moreover, Jiang Chenlian's Dragon Wings have all been collected. Now, the cards can be used less and less. Anyway, in the immediate state, it is enough to deal with the Huang family.


The sudden change of Jiang Chen once again caused an uproar. Whether it was the Huang family or the Hanjia village, or the Yan dynasty in the rear, all of them were shocked. This is an unprecedented horror. The horror of the middle of the killing fairy is still coming.

"What kind of skill is this? It is possible to raise the combat power to such an extent in an instant. It seems to have improved the combat power by at least ten times. How many cards does Jiang Dage have? What kind of person is he? How can Yancheng appear so powerful? Demon genius, even the big forces of the first-line days, there is no such genius."

A pair of beautiful eyes of Yan Qingcheng flashed a strange brilliance, and Jiang Chen’s endless endless cards really scared her.

“This is a powerful transformation skill that can boost your combat power in an instant.”

The old man opposite can't keep calm.

"How can there be such a terrible transformation skills between heaven and earth? I have seen some powerful taboo techniques. After the exhibition, you can instantly increase the combat power by two or three times. This guy has at least a tenfold increase. It’s too far off the mark.”

"This kid is only a late stage of the immortal. I didn't expect to have such a strong card. Can he deal with the immortality in the current state?"

"Don't be afraid, such a terrible taboo technique is also a great counter-attack against him. In this state, he will not be able to maintain a long time. Once in the past, it is a powerful tree."


The masters of the Huang family gnaw their teeth and never dare to scorn the Jiang Chen. However, they all agree that Jiang Chen’s practice of this taboo cannot last long, and he will certainly pay a heavy price.

If you let them know that this is just a normal state after the transformation of the dragon, I don't know how much it will be shocked.

"Get it."

Jiang Chen looked at the opposite old man, Tianshengjian once again appeared in his hands.

"Hey! The old man has to look at it, how powerful you can be like this."

The old man snorted, this time is definitely not able to back down, and he is a good master of the late immortals, even if Jiang Chen exerts the taboo technique, he does not believe that he will lose to a person in the late hands.


However, the old man did not dare to neglect. He immediately took out his own warrior. It was a golden sledgehammer. The horrible sledgehammer and the wind blew out the infinite power. This is a prefecture-level fairy, but if it is If you are level, you may not be stronger than Tianshengjian.

"Meteor hammer."

The old man screamed, and the sledgehammer was suddenly shot like a meteor. For a time, the whole sky was full of shadows of sledgehammers, but from the surface, it was impossible to tell which one was the body of the sledgehammer.

Even if it evolved, the lethality is extremely amazing and it is very difficult to resist. This is an overwhelming attack. There is no gap in the direction, and the degree is fast to the extreme. It locks all the opportunities of Jiang Chen and does not give Jiang Chen a chance.

"Glyphs are small."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness, and he did not put the other’s attack in his eyes. In his opinion, this tricky meteor hammer was so good that it seemed to be imposing, but as long as the sledgehammer body was found, Can be broken.

It may be difficult for others to find out the body from the shadow of so many sledgehammers, but it is too simple for Jiang Chen, who has cultivated the great refining spirit.


The celestial sword swayed out, and the degree was almost at its best. The sharp sword tip carried an invincible momentum and stabbed it against one of the sledgehammers.


Tianshengjian stabbed on the golden sledgehammer and wiped out a large spark. However, the power after Jiang Chenlong's transformation was too strong, and the golden sledgehammer could not resist it. Immediately, it was bombed out. Then, Tianshengjian burst Out of the layer of Jianlang, the rest of the golden sledgehammer remains completely destroyed.


The old man was strongly countered, and he stepped back two steps, his face pale.

He couldn't help him to be shocked. Jiang Chen moved again. Under the condition of the dragon, his original degree was extremely sharp. Now he cooperates with the space of horror. It is even lightning-fast. In the blink of an eye, he is in the vicinity of the old man. The sword carries the strength of pulling the mountain and heads down.

The old man was helpless and could only lift the gold sledgehammer in his hand to resist.


However, the shock he had suffered before has not subsided. Now he is resisting the more violent attack of Jiang Chen. How to resist the living, under the sword of Jiang Chen, is again retreated by the earthquake, and the golden sledgehammer in his hand. They almost flew away.


The old man was continually shocked and finally could not bear it. Wow spewed out a blood.

"Ha ha..."

Jiang Chen laughed, he was black and open, and his heart was aroused. This is the first time he killed after he came to the fairyland. It is necessary to kill him.

Not waiting for the old man to react, Jiang Chen’s sword will once again arrive, just like the lightning and lightning, the sharp and rapid, this time, the old man can no longer resist, was pierced by Jiang Chen, and died on the spot.


Jiang Chen ruthlessly draws a sword. The old man fell to the ground, his eyes were round and round, and he could be said to be dead. As a master of the late immortal, Huang’s high-level figure, he probably dreamed that he would die in one day. In the hands of the late fairy, this is a great irony.


Many people took a breath of cold air, and the scene became very quiet at a time. Even the masters of the late immortals died. Jiang Chen once again subverted their cognition, and suddenly they felt that their worldview had collapsed. The existence of Jiang Chen is destined to leave a shadow that is difficult to erase in their hearts.

"No, this is impossible, it is impossible."

Huang Xiong has big eyes and can't believe it.

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