Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1093: City government crisis

“Hey? What is this?”

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a move, and noticed a dim crystal in the corner of a corner of the Qiankun ring. He had a fist size and exudes a silky demon.

"It turned out to be a demon spirit at the early stage of the fairy. It was really a windfall. This stuff is not visible to the eyes of Ouyang He. I don’t know when I will throw it here, but the demon spirit of the fairy level, to me. In other words, the use is big, and I have enough resources now, so that I can use this demon to take it to the next level, and there is no problem in the early stage of the immortal."

Jiang Chen was pleasantly surprised. A fairy spirit of the fairy level is a **** for Ouyang He, but for Jiang Chen, it is really precious. This single demon spirit, after Jiang Chen refining, is enough to shock The real land fairy goes, not the half step.

Nothing hesitated, Jiang Chen immediately took the demon spirit out of the Qiang Kun ring, and then entered the room to start refining. Ouyang He left him so many good things, only the most inconspicuous demon spirit is What he needs most now, once he is promoted to the early stage of the immortals, the fighting power will be even more terrifying.

Under the operation of the dragon, the demon spirit is quickly refining. For Jiang Chen, the refining demon spirit has always been a very simple and easy thing. The demon spirit of the fairy level is not the general fairy demon. Compared with it, it contains enormous energy. This kind of energy is nothing for the Ouyang crane of the Jinxian level, but for the current Jiang Chen, it is as strong as the ocean.

People must do what they can, and at a certain stage, they need something at a certain stage. Jiang Chen’s current state, even if he is given a golden fairy or a fairy-level demon spirit, he may not dare to refine, the demon of the early fairy The spirit is just right.

After the promotion of the dragons, each level has to be condensed with 50,000 dragons. His current number of dragons is 250,000. In order to advance to the early days of the immortals, it is necessary to gather 300,000 dragons.

With the operation of the dragon, the demon spirit is constantly refining, and the number of dragons in the river dust space is also rising sharply, one thousand, two thousand...

Jiang Chen’s promotion method has always been extremely horrible, and the horror is unacceptable. Jiang Chen spent only an hour, and completely refining the demon spirit, condensing 70,000 dragon patterns. His current number of dragons is 320,000. The repairs have completely reached the beginning of the immortals, and there are more than 20,000 dragon patterns. The combat power is more terrible than 300,000. From the middle of the immortals, it is only 30,000. Dragon pattern.


An incomparably violent wave of violent waves came out from the body of Jiang Dust. At this moment, he did not know how many times stronger than before.

"My current cultivation is completely stable in the early days of the immortals. It is easy to kill the late immortals. Under the full force, you can kill half a step of the fairy. If you use the dragon to change, it is not impossible to kill the first fairy. If the family continues to provoke me, don't blame me."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile. In the fairyland of Nuo Da, his current cultivation is nothing, but in this small Yancheng, no one can deal with him anymore. Huang Jia always regards him. For the thorns in the eyes, but after the promotion to the early days of the immortals, the Huang family has no qualifications for him.

The next morning.

The parliament hall of the city's main government was already full of people in the early morning. The high-ranking figures of the city's main government were present. The battle of the city's main government was a big battle yesterday. It can be said that it is the top priority of the city government. People went to the mine to mine Xianyuanshi. Such a big thing, it must be found out of a responsible person.

In the hall, Yan Dongliu and Yuan Hong sat on the top, Yan Qingcheng and Yuan Chengjun sat down, and the other high-rises sat in two rows.

Yan Dongliu glanced around and did not see Jiang Chen, so he asked: "Why didn't Jiang Master come?"

"Hey, my daughter has already seen it in the morning, and Jiang Dage has retired, so I have no trouble."

Yan Qingcheng said.

"Well, well, this time Master Jiang made great contributions to the city's government. As for the mining of Xianyuanshi, he did not need to personally come forward. He promised to give him 30%. Naturally, there will be no less. Yuan Shi is the top priority of the current city government. Who do you think is appropriate?"

Yan Dongliu said.

"That is still used to say, of course, Miss Allure. The size of the city government over the years has basically been handled by Missy."

"Yes, such a big thing, it is not a Missy, the old man is willing to follow the Missy, there is a need to help, Missy, although she spoke."


The reputation of Yanchengcheng is extremely high. Most of the people present are in favor of letting her be responsible for mining Xianyuanshi. Only Yanchengcheng personally went to it, and everyone was more assured.

"In this case, the city, Chengjun, you two go together, this time mining Xianyuanshi, you two are responsible at the same time."

Yan Dongliu looked at Yan Qingcheng and Yuan Chengjun.

"Yan brother, yesterday Huang family fiasco, I am worried that Huang Ying would not stop here. If you secretly play any means, the city and Chengjun two people may not be able to cope with it. After all, this mine is not a trivial matter, I guess Huang Ying does not It will be easy to let go. Let me go with them. If Huang Jiazhen has any means, I can handle one or two."

Yuan Hong suddenly said.

"The city owner, Yuan Elder said that he is the master of the Tianxian level, let him follow, you can protect the mine."

"Yes, the Huang family will definitely not be willing to give up. It is important to know that this mine is involved. It may be the key to the two major forces of the concept city. If the Huang family secretly has any action, it will not be regrettable. If Yuan Elder follows it, Then there is more insurance."

"The factors of the Huang family really have to be taken into consideration. To be on the safe side, it is best for Yuan Chang to travel together."


I heard that Yuan Hong wanted to be personally obedient. The people present felt very reliable and agreed. In the eyes of many people, Yan Dongliu and Yuan Hongna are old friends for many years. It can be said that they are life-long friendships, so including No one in Yan Dongliu and Yan Qingcheng doubted Yuan Hong.

"Well, if that's the case, then there is Lao Yuanxiong."

Yan Dongliu held a fist against Yuan Hong. After all, many years old friends, he had long regarded Yuan Hong as his brother, so Yuan Hong did not have to be polite. In his opinion, Yuan Chengjun lost this time. To Huang Haofei, Yuan Hong and his son felt embarrassed. It is normal to have more strength when mining Xianyuan Stone, and Yandongliu has no reason to refuse.

Yan Dongliu couldn’t think of it, because the decision he made himself almost put the city’s government in a land of eternal annihilation.

Yuan Hong and Yuan Chengjun looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile. The progress of the matter was exactly the same as they expected, and everything was under control.

Without delay, the people of the city's main government team set off directly. Under the leadership of Yuan Hong, Yan Qingcheng and Yuan Chengjun, they set off toward the mine. When the people of the city's main government arrived, the people of the one-yuan chamber of commerce had arrived.

The leader of the dollar chamber of commerce is a veteran in his fifties. It is not weak, and he has reached the level of half-step fairy. He has brought in not many people, only five or six. Originally, it was the case of the city government. The dollar chamber was just to collect a number and play a supervisory role. After all, they also had 20%. They had to know the total amount of the sacred stone.

"I didn't expect the city's capital to come to the team by Yuan Chang, personally. It seems that the city government still pays more attention to the mine."

The leader of the One-Yuan Chamber of Commerce saw Yuan Hong, and immediately gave a fist. In any case, Yuan Hong is a true master of heaven. In this Yancheng, Tianxian is a supreme master. Whenever he goes, he must be respected. People dare to disrespect a master of heaven.

"Wu elders please."

Yuan Hong said with a smile.

"Yuan Chang Lao first."

Yuan Chang, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, made a gesture of asking for help. He called Wu Taste. The one-yuan chamber of commerce also had a weak position and won the trust of Nie Yiyuan. Otherwise, he would not be sent out.

In addition to the vast mines, several tents have been set up. For the immortal masters, it is extremely easy to take a few tents. After the mine is dug, the mining work is carried out directly. Yan Qingcheng and Wu taste personally. When people entered the mine to check the situation, Yuan Hong and Yuan Chengjun did not enter the tent.

"Cheng Jun, are you sure you want to do this?"

Yuan Hong still hesitated. He can feel that Yan Dongliu is still more trusting to him. Now he has made such a thing, and he always has some trouble in his heart.

"Hey, it’s all time to hesitate at this time. We have already had to send the arrow on the string. I have reached an agreement with Huang Jia. The master of the Huang family will come out tonight. When we first control the people here, we will do it. It is."

Yuan Chengjun said inconspicuously.

"Well, in this case, the father will not consider it anymore."

Yuan Hong bit his teeth, his thoughts are no longer shaken, and some things, since they have been done, cannot be turned back.


The night is high and the wind is high. Even the moon disappears tonight. The rain begins at the beginning of the sky. This kind of night always makes people feel a little uncomfortable. It is full of dullness and depression. The interior of the mine is still like white. There is no need for lights inside, and the radiance of the sage stone alone is enough to illuminate everything.

The people in the city's main government are in full swing, and they are constantly mining out the crystal-clear celestial stones. They laugh and laugh, and they are not affected by the weather.

Yan Yancheng suddenly became a little annoyed. This kind of irritability is inexplicable. I don’t know why, she always thinks that something will happen.

However, Yan Qingcheng did not care, because no matter what happened, Yuan Hong was here to be able to cope with everything, but she could not think of it. Her uncle Yuan Shushu is the real hidden danger.

[This section has been nursed back to the body, the update is indeed unable to keep up, tomorrow will break out, the bottom of the six more, one hundred red envelope plus one more, the upper limit ten. 】

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