Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1095: Desperate Allure [Second]

"It’s really ridiculous that your Huang family is doing this."

Yan Qingcheng said coldly, the other people’s faces also showed the color of anger. It seems that Yuan Hong has the foresight. Otherwise, this scene is really difficult to deal with.

"Since ancient times, it has been a defeat of the king. As long as you can destroy your city, then this Yancheng is our Huang family. Who cares about this process."

Huang Yinghe smiled and said nothing about his behavior. Anyway, as long as he is finished, as long as he can succeed, all means are available. In this extremely brutal fairyland, there is no reason. If you lose the king, people will only respect it. By.

"Hey! Huang Ying, don't think that our city government is a good bully, even if you have a master of Huang family, how come? I will come soon."

Yan Qingcheng snorted, she is not afraid of the Huang family, after all, Yuan Hong is still standing here, this is a real master of heaven, enough to stand alone.

"Uncle Yuan, you immediately sent a letter to me, let him bring people over, since the Huang family wants to go to war, let us go to the end of the city."

Yan Qingcheng’s eyes looked at Yuan Hong.

"I have already written a letter, I believe that the city owner will soon come over, but Missy, I am a bit uncomfortable."

Yuan Hong suddenly said.

Yan Yicheng a glimpse, for a time did not understand Yuan Hong's words, now the enemy is currently, Yuan Hong said that he can not help himself mean? She suddenly looked up and saw Yuan Hong’s **** eyes.

"Uncle Yuan, you."

Yancheng City exclaimed.


Yuan Hong’s quick shot, shot an energy seal, and shrouded toward Yan’s city. Yan’s face changed greatly. In any case, she couldn’t think of Yuan Hong’s shot at this critical time. She could only resist it in a hurry, but she and she The gap between Yuan Hong is so big that he can't resist it.


Yan Yancheng wowed a blood, pale face, and then the energy played by Yuan Hong was completely controlled, and the bomb could not move.

"Yuan Hong, what are you doing?"

"Damn, what's going on? How can Yuan Hong shoot Missy?"

"Elder Yuan, what are you doing, why do you want to shoot Miss?"


The per capita capital of the city government is shocked. No one will think of such a scene. In their hearts, Yuan Hong is their greatest reliance. As long as Yuan Hongcai can deal with the Huang family, it will delay the arrival of the city owner, but now how is it going back? thing?

"Yanchengcheng, do you think that there is still a chance for your city government?"

Huang Ying, who is opposite, said very proudly.

This sudden change, even the people of the Yuanyuan Chamber of Commerce were shocked. Even now, even a fool can see that Yuan Hong has already united with the Huang family, so Huang Jiacai is so convinced.

Yuan Hong’s betrayal was unimaginable to everyone. After all, Yuan Hong and Yan Dongliu were years of temperament. Whoever betrayed him could not betray him. However, this is impossible, and it has appeared, and people are caught off guard.

"Uncle Yuan, you..."

Yan Qingcheng looked at Yuan Hong’s helpless shaking her head. She didn’t believe it was true. It’s sad, that kind of disappointment. Nothing is more distressing than this. It’s betrayed by the most trusted people. .

"Allure, this is what your father and daughter are looking for. Since Jiang Chen came, all of you have been on Jiang Chen. Our father and son made great contributions to the city government. In the end, nothing was obtained, but it was ignored. In this way, we naturally find another way out, and when Yandong dies, the city government is ours, and the city, as long as you are from me, I will treat you well in the future."

Yuan Chengjun said with a smile, the fox tail finally came out completely.

"Shameless, Yuan Chengjun, I am really wrong to see you."

Yan Chengcheng looked at Yuan Chengjun. She always treated Yuan Chengjun as her brother. They grew up together and grew up together. The feelings between them can be said that they are not comparable to ordinary people. But at this moment, Yan Chengcheng looks at Yuan Chengjun’s eyes, but it is Full of a kind of disgust.

Yuan Chengjun betrayed the city's main government and united with the enemy. Compared with Jiang Chen, the gap is almost 100,000 miles. In the face of Huang Xiong's key points, Jiang Chen did not have any intention to move, but went alone to Hanjia Village to save people. This is the real man.

"Mom, Yuan Hong, Yuan Chengjun, Lao Tzu, you are awkward, your father and son are just a little bit ugly, and the Lord of the City is so trusting to you, but you have done something like this."

An old man's eyes are red, screaming, and his emotions are extremely exciting. Others are also like this. They are excited to come to mine Xianyuanshi, thinking that there is a master sitting around to ensure that nothing is lost, but he did not expect this to be a wolf. Bone stuff for bones.


The voice of the old man also fell, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of him, smashed into his heart, shot Yuan Chengjun, the heart of the old man is Yuan Chengjun's sword.


The old man wowed out a blood, his body was constantly shaking and twisting, and his **** eyes stared at Yuan Chengjun, the kind of resentment and despair that made him die.

"Insulting me, that's the end."

Yuan Chengjun suddenly pulled out the long sword, and the old man fell to the ground. The old man himself was also a half-step celestial cultivation. He really wouldn’t lose to Yuan Chengjun, but he was just emotionally irritated and confused. He did not expect Yuan Chengjun to really be himself. The next killer, coupled with Yuan Chengjun's rapid shot, did not have a slight omen, so even the master of the half-step fairy, also made a road, was killed on the spot.

"Yuan Chengjun, you are a beast."

Yan’s mood is also very excited. I watched the elders of the city’s main house die in the hands of Yuan Chengjun. What kind of taste is in her heart? If the old man is killed in the battle with Huang’s family, Yan’s city may not be so excited. I know that this kind of death law is a kind of humiliation for the old man, and it is destined to die.

The people of the One Chamber of Commerce quietly looked at all of this. No one spoke. The situation like today has nothing to do with them.

The people of the Huang family are also happy to see the battle of the city's main house. This scene is more enjoyable than the ones they saw.

"Hey! The people who are stubborn and stubborn, this is the end of the game, a few of you, now give you the opportunity to rely on us, otherwise, the same is the end."

Yuan Chengjun’s sharp eyes looked at several other high-level officials in the city’s main government.

Yan Yancheng on the side has been desperate, and she has left tears of despair in her eyes. She looks at the two people who make me feel familiar and strange. This moment makes her completely understand what is unpredictable.

Yan Qingcheng knows that the city government has finished its work and is completely finished. Yuan Hong has invested in the Huang family. Now Huang Jiayi has three masters of Tianxian, and the city government has only one Yandongliu. How can it be an opponent? She is now I am very eager for Yan Dongliu and Jiang Chen not to appear, because there is no difference between sending and death.

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